The Word Became Flesh

The Word Became Flesh

YOU, ISRAEL, HAVE BEEN GIVEN COVENANTS BY THE MOST HIGH GOD. And more than that, you have been given assurances of survival, more than that the Household of God is a part of something which is Eternal which can never be destroyed.

To start our message, we turn back to the Gospel of John which opens with these words: ‘In the beginning was the WORD, and the WORD was with God, and the WORD was YAHWEH (God).’

The mighty super intelligence of the Spirit of the MOST HIGH YAHWEH, is the Eternal Father (Creator). This brilliant intelligent wisdom was ‘the WORD’ of all the words ever spoken, of all the words which would ever be spoken. And it emerged forth from HIM. ‘THE WORD became flesh and dwelt among us.’ This is talking about the fact that the man CHRIST JESUS was the fulfilment of YAHWEH (God) dwelling in the flesh. HE is the Life which is the Light of men, and is also the Light which is the life of men.

As we read this again, we understand the fact of the Majesty, and the greatness of the MOST HIGH GOD, who became embodied as MESSIAH in the heart of HIS Kingdom. And assured the nations of the world that HE came for a definite and complete purpose. HE came in to bring power and light unto HIS many sons, who had the capacity to believe on HIM because they were born sons of the MOST HIGH.

The Woman Clothed With The Sun

The Woman Clothed With The Sun

IN THE COURSE OF THE PATTERNS OF TIME YAHWEH SET THE CONSTELLATIONS IN THEIR POSITIONS, and at that time established the Majesty of the messages they would speak, day by day, and night by night. In fact this great potential environment was made for His, Israel. When we look for Israel we find her in HIS Scriptures in the Book of Revelations, Chapter 12 and verse 1 & 2. ‘And there appeared a great wonder (sign) in the heavens: a woman clothed with the sun and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of 12 stars: And she being with child, cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered.’

The twelve stars identify the Woman of Israel. This woman is the Bride of Christ, this woman is the one for whom Yahweh made the world. In fact in the course of human events the development of this great potential environment was for this woman who is a symbol of HIS people. In the beginning she was in the heavens with the sun and moon under her feet. The child she is to produce out of her race is to be Yahshua‑Jesus, The MESSIAH.

As we continue reading the twelfth chapter of Revelations we find there is another wonder in the heavens and this is a great Red Dragon, and then there is war in the heavens and what a Majesty of performance, for there is war in the heavens as Michael and his Angels fought with the Dragon and his Angels, and the Dragon prevailed not. There was found no place for the Dragon in the heavens and he was cast out, and this old Serpent, called the Devil, Satan, and the Dragon is now to deceive the whole world.

The Wave of The Future

The Wave of The Future

Tonight as we speak on the subject ‘The wave of the future,’ we are looking forward to some inevitable facts, that will soon be made manifest as patterns of history. We are also consciously aware that there are things which we must think and which we must recognize. And that is you cannot ever return to yesterday. Therefore with this inability to return to yesterday we must shape tomorrow better than yesterday. And not permit tomorrow to run into a pattern which may have brought on yesterdays destruction.

I find a certain design upon the part of many good people to think about the good things of yesterday. And as they think upon it, they tell us how wonderful it was before the subversion. How wonderful it was before the powers of darkness made their way in. And they wonder how we can return to those good days. But I am going to tell you that you have been in a conflict ever since your race has been upon the earth. This is a conflict upon the earth for you who have emerged from one man’s family into a great company of nations, tonight. This company of nations is made up out of your race. And through the course of history and the patterns of destiny, have formulated their patterns of development into the great nations of the Western World. The forces they have faced and the struggles which they have passed through has helped today to form the society and civilization which we call Western Culture. And it is important that we bear in mind, this realism that we are a part of a living force and a Stream of Light. That this living stream is a racial stream and a family stream. And the most important pattern of its retention is this spiritual force within it to carry out its destiny is a spiritually designated racial, self-respect.

The Voice of The False Prophet

The Voice of The False Prophet

IN THIS SUBJECT WE CALL ATTENTION TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE FULFILMENT IN THE SCRIPTURES, IN THE PATTERNS OF PROPHECY, when the disciples ask Jesus concerning the signs of the Latter Days. They ask what would be the sign of His coming? One of the things which Christ brought out was that false prophets would arise. Now; there has been false prophets at all times battling God’s Kingdom since its beginning. But they were at this time to move out in a definite area of activity at the end of the age. These false prophets would be well identified and the scriptures tell us how they may be identified when they show up, 1 John 4:

“Beloved try the spirits when they come along as to whether they be of God or are false prophets who have gone out into the world. Here by know ye the Spirit of God, every Spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh, IS OF GOD. Every spirit that confesses NOT that Jesus the Christ has come in the flesh is not of God, BUT IS OF ANTI-CHRIST, whereas ye have heard that is to come, and even now is already in the world. Ye are God’s little children, and have overcome them, because greater is HE that is in you than he that is in the world.”

Here we have a last declaration concerning the standards of false prophets. We have of course the programs through which false prophets emerge, for false prophets want to gainsay the program off God’s Kingdom, and thus by doing the most important areas of denunciation, that of the embodiment of God. So they carry on their peculiar and strange processes.

The Venom of The Asp Versus The Water of Life

The Venom of The Asp Versus The Water of Life

WE TURN TONIGHT TO SURVEY THE SITUATIONS IN WHICH WE LIVE, and we find in this picture the backdrop of identity and the position which God has unveiled in the Scripture which makes the conditions we see in the earth. This afternoon we discussed some of the issues around the Sovereignty of God and the realization that belongs to every child of God the ultimate and absolute triumph. Because He is God and never will be less than God. And with all the things He has purposed and all the things He has planned we find that the ultimate purpose of God for the Universe and all that is in it is for good. There is no purpose upon His part for destroying or crushing or removing from existence, anywhere in His Universe, that which He has purposed, and that which He has created.

However there are situations which take place in the earth in which there are conditions of change in that the powers of darkness in this hour who are in revolt against God and must be crushed and suppressed. In this situation the Kingdom of God in all Majesty must come in, to bring about the evidence of His Sovereignty, and develop His purposes in earth. The greatness of God’s purposes and His Mercy reaches out to the very ends of the earth. Reaches out to all the creatures He has created, and to all the species that exist upon it. But in the magnitude of His great purposes we look out today on this turbulent world, and see it torn with the forces of Darkness and with evil.

The United States, Great Britain and Germany

The United States, Great Britain and Germany

AS WE TURN TONIGHT IN A GREAT HISTORIC PERIOD OF MEASURE, FOR WE ARE IN A VERY EVENTFUL WEEK. There are some things which are eventful whether people know it or not. And of course we are only two days from one of the major configurations of this year. This will be on the 30th of May, and we find the transiting Uranus in the American house and also in Virgo, in opposition to a Mars and Saturn conjunction, and also in the sighting is Jupiter. This has a number of planets in one position very closely combined, and the earthquake pattern is strongly possible. In fact if it were not for the displacement of the other planetary values we would say that it would be one of the heaviest earthquake cycles, but it will be and can be an earthquake cycle. There have been some small ones in the last few days. They have not only been here, but as far away as 1200 miles from here. So you can watch for kind of a cycle of about 1200 miles apart.

However the most important things involved in this patter of measure and we will mention it before we go into the general measure of our subject.
Now; when we gave you the preview of 1965 we told you of the economic plight of our society and that we were moving into economic measures as we moved into February and March of this year. And also that as we moved into the climax of that in this month of May. Not only economic measures are indicated but always so when Uranus is involved. The reason why I point this out is because, every great economic every great depression every economic depression has been marked by certain factors.

The Trial of Christ

The Trial of Christ

TURNING TONIGHT IN OUR SUBJECT TO THE REOPENING OF THE TRIAL OF CHRIST to those days which succeeded the passion of our Lord, we recognize that unless one knows what was existing in Palestine at that time, you might find it hard to explain all that was happening in those days. Therefore we will give you a few of the facts of background, although Christ was on trial all thru HIS ministry and the forces of darkness were seeking HIS destruction from the first time HE challenged their pagan concept.

We want you to know this about the land of Palestine in the days of Jesus, while it was under the Roman Empire and ruled over by a governor name Pontius Pilate, the son-in-law of Caesar. Pontius Pilate was actually a Basque, born in Spain, and a student of the great universities in London, England. And he was married to Caesar’s daughter. And thus, had received this appointment in the land of Palestine. He was not too happy with this stubborn province, but also was satisfied with the authority that he possessed. But Palestine, like other provinces of Rome, were permitted certain amounts of self-government. Actually Palestine was a problem to Rome because the people of Judah and Benjamin who resided there not only had a Messianic background, and they recognized their government virtually as a theocracy, for even their ancient king lines had received their authority from God. They were to hold that power until manifestations would come in which God would be with them and ruling. And they understood this to some extent.

The Trees and The Vine

The Trees and The Vine

TODAY WE ARE TURNING TO A SUBJECT WHICH AGAIN, DEALS WITH THE MATTERS OF TIME. We are today, in one of the most unique periods in the history of God’s Kingdom, because we have arrived at the end of an age. This is pretty universally understood by those who constitute the Household of God. For in the various texts of Christianity, inside of the scriptures, there is a blueprint of God’s purposes and plans as it relates to HIS Kingdom. We have talked to you about the end of time, citing that it was the desire of most people to live to the end of time, and you have just about made it. That this end of time was relative to that period when the forces of darkness, this power of evil which wages war against God’s Kingdom, would be permitted to fulfil the course of their design and their destiny, up to a limitation, and from this time on the end of their time for oppression and for the carrying out of their objectives would be ended and the blueprint of God’s purposes and prophecies would be fulfilled. This would be the coming in of HIS Kingdom with power, and the overthrow of darkness, this subordination of evil, and the forces of all of these powers arrayed against God’s Kingdom in the earth. This is the end of the age, and the end of time for these forces of darkness.

This new time which men move into is this ‘Day of the LORD’, the time of God’s victories and achievements with HIS Kingdom and HIS many sons. Thus, this is a new period and a new day and a new order. Thus it is that the book of Revelation talks to us about a new day and a new order. Some people refer to it as a new heaven and a new earth, but it means a new spiritual order in the midst of the earth. Because God has finally achieved by HIS design and measure, the developments which will then take place.

The Time of Reconciliation

The Time of Reconciliation

TODAY WE ARE TURNING TO A SUBJECT WHICH AGAIN, DEALS WITH THE MATTERS OF TIME. We are today, in one of the most unique periods in the history of God’s Kingdom, because we have arrived at the end of an age. This is pretty universally understood by those who constitute the Household of God. For in the various texts of Christianity, inside of the scriptures, there is a blueprint of God’s purposes and plans as it relates to HIS Kingdom. We have talked to you about the end of time, citing that it was the desire of most people to live to the end of time, and you have just about made it. That this end of time was relative to that period when the forces of darkness, this power of evil which wages war against God’s Kingdom, would be permitted to fulfil the course of their design and their destiny, up to a limitation, and from this time on the end of their time for oppression and for the carrying out of their objectives would be ended and the blueprint of God’s purposes and prophecies would be fulfilled. This would be the coming in of HIS Kingdom with power, and the overthrow of darkness, this subordination of evil, and the forces of all of these powers arrayed against God’s Kingdom in the earth. This is the end of the age, and the end of time for these forces of darkness.

This new time which men move into is this ‘Day of the LORD’, the time of God’s victories and achievements with HIS Kingdom and HIS many sons. Thus, this is a new period and a new day and a new order. Thus it is that the book of Revelation talks to us about a new day and a new order. Some people refer to it as a new heaven and a new earth, but it means a new spiritual order in the midst of the earth. Because God has finally achieved by HIS design and measure, the developments which will then take place.

The Times, The Measures, and The Climax of This Age

The Times, The Measures, and The Climax of This Age


We tell you that you cannot understand the scriptures if you do not know the actors, and if you do not know who God is speaking, or whom HE is speaking about. So, you must know God and you must know the people. And you must know the program of HIS KINGDOM.

A lot of people are perplexed today because the enemy is seeking to perplex them. One of the functions of the enemy today is to deceive them, and in the midst of that deception, to seek to take over the Nations of God’s Kingdom. But there are no people more deceived in the nation tonight, than Satan’s children. There is no one in the Universe that has more successfully deceived himself than Satan, or Lucifer. And I tell you tonight, that out of these measures of deception, they deceive themselves and they work for their own doom.

Every once in a while, we hear people trying to establish a Chronology. (The science of arranging dates and events in proper sequence). And the Chronology they try to establish, they think, will give them a knowledge of all events. Then by areas of that process, they think they will come up with the time marked as the year of the end of all things, or the year of the end of certain events.