Truth – The Key to Victory

Truth – The Key to Victory

WE TURN TONIGHT TO OUR SUBJECT, THE KEY TO VICTORY. There can be no doubt tonight that one of the most important areas of your responsible contribution to the salvaging of God’s kingdom is the spreading of truth. There is no doubt that knowledge is the most essential area tonight for the overthrowing of the powers of darkness, and the defeating of the depth of their conspiracy. That is one of the reasons why, as we discuss tonight the areas of such knowledge, that it is important that we continually tie and continually expose by tying it to the scriptures, the areas of Satanic opposition. Your familiarity with the program of the kingdom is not in any way to eliminate its use, even though to you it might seem repetitious. Because across the nation there are millions and millions of people that are asleep. They know that there are problems, and they know that there are problems which affect your Christian civilization. But they do not know why they have troubles. They do not know what is the source of the great depth of the conspiracy.

Today we discover that there are whole areas of Government influence attempting to negate what was previously anti-Communist struggle between the powers of righteousness and the powers of darkness.

Treasures in Earthen Vessels

Treasures in Earthen Vessels

DO WE HAVE TREASURES IN EARTHEN VESSELS? II CORINTHIANS 4:7. ‘And God who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts to give the light of knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God, and not of us.’ This means that the Eternal YAHWEH hath shined in your heart, and places upon your countenance an area of aura. God has ordained and predestined that you are going to conform to his own image, that the Light and the Glory of the MOST HIGH GOD is going to be seen upon your race, and upon your household. And we have this treasure in earthen vessels, which makes it a most unique situation because when we talk about this Light we are talking about the Light of Life. We are talking about the vitality of God’s own Light and His own Life, as he transfers it into the household of his own sons and daughters. The Apostle Paul tells us that his spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of God.

Now: there is no question about the pattern of God’s Household and his children. There is no question about the fact that the Adamic race is the household of the MOST HIGH GOD. But when God begat Adam in his own image, and separated Eve from Adam so that they might be of one flesh, they were still HIS offspring, and this was his household, spirit of His spirit, and life of his life. They were different from the Enosh, or the other people of the earth, for they were Adamites, they were the children of the MOST HIGH.

Transforming Power

Transforming Power

AS WE TURN TO THE SUBJECT THIS AFTERNOON, TRANSFORMING POWER, but first we analyse the verse that relates to it so as to understand what our inheritance is, in this great and mighty purpose of God. We go thru a lot of strange situations in our environment and never have we gone thru a more turbulent period. Never has there been a period classified as the household of God, the sons of God, as this period known as ‘Jacob’s trouble. And because this is a time of Jacob’s troubles and as a race and a nation, we go through these things, there are many people who find that the turbulence and the pressure around are ones that startle them.

And some even wonder if there is going to be a possibility of victory. Every once in a while I listen to the voice of someone who is wishing for better things for their nation and would like to see the powers of darkness defeated. And they think they are beholding the increase of the tempo of these periods of darkness. Some of them are about to surrender in their thinking to the idea that they must get out of this world, for it is developing everything in its own order. For instance, I listened to one person saying that we are just fighting a resistance battle and we are in a long route of retreat, and God is going to have to get us out of here in a hurry. So with this anticipation, they are not working as hard as they might, thinking they are going to win.



THIS AFTERNOON OUR SUBJECT IS TRANSFIGURATION. BEFORE WE GET INTO THIS SUBJECT, we want to bring some things to your mind, and then we will have more to say this evening. Never in the history of the Kingdom have we ever been in more of a struggle for the preservation and survival of every phase of the Kingdom of God in earth. We are also aware that we shall triumph because God has ordained victory for that Kingdom.

And the Divine outpouring of Divine energy and power is not only coming from the a in His own hand and his own voice, but many of these things are going to come from the axe in your hand, your voice as His Family and His Children. But at this very moment, the major strategy of the anti-Christ are showing up. We will soon be dealing with this subject in a special message of its own. But we want you to know that the great Communist conspiracy which is the political economy and political philosophy of the anti-Christ today, which has been drawn up, sparked and financed and spread by the enemies of Jesus Christ, they have created this ‘Machiavellian’ scheme to hold the hands of all Christian nations in slavery and to make it impossible for them to carry out their personal objectives. And in this way they hope to put all mankind under their control for economic and political manoeuvres.

To do this, they infiltrated our schools and colleges and started brainwashing whole groups of youth which they intended to use. And then with the tremendous power of their international purse and the institution they created, they were able to secure such a group of pseudo-revolutionists and surround them with an order of power, until they could select candidates and then appoint them to positions of power. Then they started to pass more and more of the political power of the nation into the hands of those they educated for the job and a few of their instruments were put into operation.

Transference of Power

Transference of Power

WE ARE DISCUSSING THIS AFTERNOON, the transference of power. There are certain important things for us to consider in the midst of the passage of certain events. If it were not for the things we know, and the things we perceive, we might be a very discouraged people when we behold some of the turn of events and the conditions which take place in the environment in which we live.

We cannot say as we look out upon our nation as to the positions our administration is associated with and the environment we now live in as we look upon the nation as to which we are joined we cannot but feel ashamed for these courses. We may be very happy and proud that we are Americans and that we are a part of a great nation of God’s Kingdom. But we are utterly ashamed of the direction the leadership of our nation has been taking us. We would be cast down because we would be sharing a guilt complex of the catastrophe of this time if we did not know who we are and the part we are destined to play in the program of God’s Kingdom. For there exists in this nation a great majority of people who are the sons and daughters of the MOST HIGH.

The highest possible estate in this and in all the Universe. But these individuals are not directing the nation in the course these United States should be taking even though this is the nation of their heritage. An unseemly minority which moved in, has taken a power of authority and a position within the structure of our nation by which they have selected and appointed men in the great majority to destroy the destiny of our nation and to also direct our Presidents. This course has been taking us for the last thirty to forty years on the path to destruction of our nation, for the utter destruction of White Christian civilization and its destiny as the Western world, have been leading in the progress which bow seems to be going exactly in reverse of the one of the Western World embarked on years ago.

To Preserve our Freedom

To Preserve our Freedom

IN THIS GREAT NATION OF GOD’S KINGDOM THERE CAN BE NO QUESTION IN THE MIND OF THE BIBLE STUDENT, nor to the student of History, that this is one of the great nations of God’s Kingdom. That this is a land which in the foreknowledge of God has been promised to us as a race, a people to whom God had not only promised to guide and protect as well as bless, but also a people whom he had called to carry out the standards and to lift up his programs for His Kingdom, on earth as it is in heaven. A land where he told his race, of their responsibilities, and had spoken to us before our entry into this physical world, and then had recorded the things which he had said to bring back to remembrance, by His Spirit.

I want you to clearly understand tonight that when we talk about your race, when we talk about the Adamic household, we are talking about the white race in its special relationship to the purposes of God, and to its origin, and to its destiny, and to the things which have developed. And these purposes and plans, and things which God shall bring to pass, shall be brought to pass because of his ability to stimulate you as a people. To keep before you a vision, and to challenge you, and to awaken you out of your sleep, less you surrender to the policies and philosophies of destruction that swept this world into innumerable chaos’s before the arrival of your own society, civilisation, culture, and race.

To be Taught of God

To be Taught of God

WE ARE LIVING IN A PERIOD OF HISTORY WHERE ONE OF THE THINGS THAT YOU SHOULD KNOW is the capacity which belongs to you as a people, and which God placed in you from the very beginning. It has often been suggested that it is important for us to know who we are. And it is essential then that you know where you came from Because if you do not know where you came from you will never discover where you are going. There are a good many people today who do not know who they are or where they are going and they are following a path today that is must destructive.

There is a special capacity which your race possesses. There are many who are not aware of that which you possess. They are sound asleep and not aware of the program of God, or the mighty dangers which beset the world and their nation. And because they are not aware of the purposes of God or who they are, then they are not aware of their destiny. They do not know how God is going to deliver them from these problems. And many do not know that the problem besets the land. However that does not eliminate the fact or change the things that God is going to do.

There is a capacity that your race possesses. A capacity that belongs to white men and no other people on the face of the earth. That capacity is not only to think the thoughts of God, but to face them in the spirit in the wavelength of spirit in which the mind of God exists. For as the spirit of the Eternal and the living God From which comes all of the great flowing power and force of creation. The essence and the spirit in you is one and the same as the spirit of the father. For that spirit in you was begotten of the Father before the world was framed. It existed before the Father before the creations of the earth. It was the very essence of his own light which HE had begotten by his own purpose. For you were born of the spirit by the will of God, and that, my friends, in the endless ages of yesterday.

To be Free Again

To be Free Again

THERE HAS NEVER BEEN ANOTHER TIME IN OUR HISTORY WITH SO MANY WORLD SHAKING EVENTS, than in this period in which we live. For this is the great and tremendous climax coming to its full, with the design upon the part of the powers of darkness to try to take over and totally suppress the children of God. It is the design of our enemies upon the part of our western civilization to steam roll over that civilization with all of the hoards of Africa and Asia. And to bring about the total suppression of our white western civilization and culture.

It is also the time when God Almighty established his household in the earth, and from one man’s family multiplied it until it is one sixth of the worlds population. Has ordained that the time of the transgressor has come to its fullness. Therefore the powers of darkness and the forces of evil who have ruled this continent, and this planet for many ages are going to meet their greatest defeat. We are to understand that with all of the tensions of the powers of darkness, hurled toward world suppression of everything righteous. And with all of the determination of God that righteousness shall overthrow the darkness, this will then by necessity be a very intense time. For the forces of heaven and the powers of darkness are engaged in a struggle for the earth. You and I happen to be dwelling here at this time and we have a responsibility to our family and a responsibility toward our Eternal Father, and to our nation to accomplish a very definite, determined victory in our own land at this time.

To be Called Great in The Kingdom

To be Called Great in The Kingdom

AS WE TURN TO THIS SUBJECT THIS AFTERNOON, none of us understand what is taking place in the World Council of Churches and the National Council of Churches. God says this is just fulfilling the pattern of the church age of Laodiceans. This is not the true church. That does not mean that all churches may not be involved in it and have numbers in the True Church. This may not mean that a denominational church is not part of the True Church. Just that it has joined itself to the Laodicean Church. But I would like for you to know that the religious organizations that support the World Council of Churches are not the True Church, because the World Council of Churches does not recognize that the Jesus Christ is the ‘Son of God,’ the embodiment of God, and that he is divine. The World Council of Churches do not require that its ministers believe in the ministry of Jesus the Christ, the ‘great atonement,’ or the great basic patterns of the Christian Faith. They do not believe in the Resurrection, although they sing all of the hymns at Easter time and they give lip praise to it. But they do not even want to believe in the Resurrection either.

Now they also do not want to abide by the laws of God. They say that these were just a bunch of opinions put together by a bunch of Jews in the Old Testament. And they say that in that case, these laws are not necessarily acceptable in our time. They say that many of these laws would not be acceptable to our young people, such as the laws pertaining to sex, or the laws of conduct, or the laws of things that they should eat. Saying that these laws are not necessary. God just happens to be some substance that activates in the laws of nature.

Thou Shalt Have No Other God Before Me

Thou Shalt Have No Other God Before Me

WE TURN THIS AFTERNOON TO THE DISCUSSION THAT IS MOST VITAL, especially in the discussion of the Beatitudes and to the enemies of our faith, our nation and of our race. It is not possible today to discuss the problems that beset our nation until we have looked into the areas of fine points. The problems that beset our nation are caused by design and by plan, because there is something about this nation and all other Christian nations that is very disturbing to our enemies.

This nation has been known historically from its colonial beginnings as a by-product of God gathering out and inspiring and moving out and transferring from one part of the earth to the other HIS people. Today we are a great nation because of the inspiration and construction. We are a nation made up of the people of Western Europe. It is from the nations of Western Europe that the majority of our people came. And as we look over this nation, we notice that it is Scandinavian, Basque, Nordic, Anglo-Saxon and Germanic that covers your nation. There is only one way to discover a nationality.

This is a necessary pattern of thinking that must be restored to our youth. And that is to realize that there is a difference between races and nationalities. It is possible to immaculate the people of the same race when they have the same spiritual, theological, ethnic background. But it is impossible to integrate into this race a people who do not have any of these same qualities; and it is a violation of divine law to try to accomplish it.