THERE HAS NEVER BEEN ANOTHER TIME IN OUR HISTORY WITH SO MANY WORLD SHAKING EVENTS, than in this period in which we live. For this is the great and tremendous climax coming to its full, with the design upon the part of the powers of darkness to try to take over and totally suppress the children of God. It is the design of our enemies upon the part of our western civilization to steam roll over that civilization with all of the hoards of Africa and Asia. And to bring about the total suppression of our white western civilization and culture.
It is also the time when God Almighty established his household in the earth, and from one man’s family multiplied it until it is one sixth of the worlds population. Has ordained that the time of the transgressor has come to its fullness. Therefore the powers of darkness and the forces of evil who have ruled this continent, and this planet for many ages are going to meet their greatest defeat. We are to understand that with all of the tensions of the powers of darkness, hurled toward world suppression of everything righteous. And with all of the determination of God that righteousness shall overthrow the darkness, this will then by necessity be a very intense time. For the forces of heaven and the powers of darkness are engaged in a struggle for the earth. You and I happen to be dwelling here at this time and we have a responsibility to our family and a responsibility toward our Eternal Father, and to our nation to accomplish a very definite, determined victory in our own land at this time.