To be Taught of God

To be Taught of God

WE ARE LIVING IN A PERIOD OF HISTORY WHERE ONE OF THE THINGS THAT YOU SHOULD KNOW is the capacity which belongs to you as a people, and which God placed in you from the very beginning. It has often been suggested that it is important for us to know who we are. And it is essential then that you know where you came from Because if you do not know where you came from you will never discover where you are going. There are a good many people today who do not know who they are or where they are going and they are following a path today that is must destructive.

There is a special capacity which your race possesses. There are many who are not aware of that which you possess. They are sound asleep and not aware of the program of God, or the mighty dangers which beset the world and their nation. And because they are not aware of the purposes of God or who they are, then they are not aware of their destiny. They do not know how God is going to deliver them from these problems. And many do not know that the problem besets the land. However that does not eliminate the fact or change the things that God is going to do.

There is a capacity that your race possesses. A capacity that belongs to white men and no other people on the face of the earth. That capacity is not only to think the thoughts of God, but to face them in the spirit in the wavelength of spirit in which the mind of God exists. For as the spirit of the Eternal and the living God From which comes all of the great flowing power and force of creation. The essence and the spirit in you is one and the same as the spirit of the father. For that spirit in you was begotten of the Father before the world was framed. It existed before the Father before the creations of the earth. It was the very essence of his own light which HE had begotten by his own purpose. For you were born of the spirit by the will of God, and that, my friends, in the endless ages of yesterday.