The Revival of The Elijah Ministry

The Revival of The Elijah Ministry


TONIGHT WE ARE TALKING ABOUT THE RETURN OF THE ELIJAH MINISTRY AS BEING A VERY SPECIFIC PURPOSE IN GOD’S PLAN. I think it is essential tonight that you realize and know that you have reached one of the most significant periods in human history. In other words, some of the great problems that we face today are also prophetic, for there is a famine in the land. Not a famine of food, but a famine of the hearing of the word of God. Someone then will say, ‘but how can we have a famine of the word of God when we have so many churches in the land?’ More than we have ever had before. And we are building churches at great length.

There are churches all over these United States and over the Christian nations of the world. So how can there be a famine for the hearing of the Word of God? Well you would be surprised at how many texts are quoted and then they depart straight away from the divine revelation. And there is a cunning strategy as we have cited before, that had been devised by the enemies of Christian civilization and by the opponents of God’s Kingdom in the earth, to penetrate the areas of communication where it would be most effective, to think to influence the thinking of the people of your race. Probably, there is no more important battlefield than the battlefield for the mind. Probably, there is nothing that you can see and all that you can look upon outside of your own physical being and your own creation from the Most High, such as the birds and the flowers.

The Racial River of God

The Racial River of God


IN THE MIDST OF THE COURSE OF EVENTS THROUGH WHICH WE ARE PASSING, and in which we are also participants, there is nothing more important in the seat of your consciousness and mine, than to know both our relationship to our Father and His plan for the Universe.

We have discussed this from many angles, and it cannot be over emphasized as to the majesty of God’s sovereignty and the greatness of HIS purpose, nor of HIS intent to establish HIS Kingdom in the earth forever. Nor that this Kingdom is HIS purpose, HIS blueprint and HIS outline. And that we are a part of that Kingdom as HIS children and HIS heirs. As such this is our Kingdom by inheritance as the Apostle Paul tells us in the book of Ephesians chapter 1. ‘Which by the very acts of God, in His own nature, He has insured unto us that this inheritance shall be preserved. We are not heirs of the Kingdom of God as strangers to whom it has been willed, but heirs to this Kingdom as His sons by whom we are the rightful heirs, because we are His offspring.

There is nothing so important for us to realize than that the critical periods thru which we are passing, this great challenge unto our nation and to each one of us as individuals, is that the actual time and prophecy has arrived, and thus we are participants. We are not merely bystanders watching a great tableau, nor are we looking at the painting of a picture. We are looking at the scene of such events in which each one of us are not merely observers, but participants.

The Races of The Earth and Their Differences

The Races of The Earth and Their Differences

WE ARE AGAIN SPEAKING ON THIS SUBJECT WHICH RELATES TO RACES OF MEN, and their relationship to the earth. We spoke last Sunday night on ‘The Racial streams and their Biblical Destinies’, and we would make this quick synopsis for those who were not there.

The concept that Adam was the first man to walk upon the earth, and which some believe to be Biblically supported requires the knowledge of who Adam was, and what the word Adam means. for in the Hebrew foundation from which our Old Testament is obtained, the language which refers to Adam points out that Adam is a white man, the first white man in earths history. The Enosh, or beings, or races make up the world orders and have nothing to do with Adam.

Although both words are translated man, in the King James Version, they are in other versions and manuscripts and by all Scholars known to be separated, and thus taught to those who are the students. We have stated to you before that the antiquity of man upon the earth far precedes the coming of the Adamic race. And that we have evidence from the Archaeological records, the Ancient King lists of the oldest of the Sumerian Dynasties.

The Race That Produces God’s Kingdom

The Race That Produces God’s Kingdom

THIS SUBJECT THE RACE THAT PRODUCES GODS KINGDOM, is an important and vital subject, and it should be taught and understood by Christians everywhere, through out the nations of Gods Kingdom.

There is no doubt that one of the most important issues in the nation tonight is the race issue. This is not only a vital issue, but this is very important for every white man on the face of the earth. Never has there been a period in the lifetime of your race, when there has been such a complete and desperate attempt by the forces of darkness and Anti-Christ, to subordinate every concept of racial self respect. Especially has this been directed at the nations of Gods Kingdom. You have never had a period in your own history when this has been occurred. You never thought 50 or 60 years ago that the day would come when, the attempt would be made and partially succeed to bring a guilt complex upon the white race because of their superiority, their intuitive, their colour.

Also never would you have dreamed that it would be possible to take a great nation like these United States and for them to be able to have the congress of the United States, pass laws that would start the processes to integrate our society. Had this plan been proposed to you 40 or 50 years ago the people would have said this thing cannot happen.

The Race of Destiny

The Race of Destiny

WE ARE SPEAKING TO YOU ON A SUBJECT WHICH IS VITALLY IMPORTANT TO EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU. It is important to everyone in the world, for there exists today a great breakdown in truthful teaching. This is to be found in many facets of influence upon public opinion. I might say that the heaviest responsibility lies at the door of the church, and is to be found entrenched deep in educational systems, and supported by all the enemies of your civilization, your society, and most directly by the enemies of your Faith. This is the attempt to destroy your Racial self‑respect.

The design is to wipe out, destroy the separateness of the white race from the other races of the world. The design is not one merely to bring about social progress, the design is one to destroy the nation and the race which today is the leading civilization. There can be no question of the fact that the white race, and the nations which make up the white race, today are without question as far as the accumulated masses of knowledge are concerned, masters of the intellectual field.

As we look out over the world today we hear much about the inferiority of the American, British, or German technique. We are told that science is making greater progress among our enemies. We are being told that we are on the way to the discard. And that there exists no greater properties among the white race than any other people on the face of the earth. And that Asia is equal in ability, and equal for obtaining Mastery in the earth. Or it might be evolving out of a quickening nationalising inside of Africa.

The Promise He Hath Promised Us

The Promise He Hath Promised Us

AS WE TURN INTO THE EPISTLES OF JOHN, I JOHN 2:25., we are reading concerning this area of Mystery and he says: ‘The promise HE hath promised us, even Eternal Life. Therefore that ye might be able to abide that ‘this’ is what ye heard from the beginning. If that which ye have heard from the beginning shall remain in you, ye also shall continue in embodiment as a son, and in the Father’. And this is the promise which He hath promised us, yes, even Eternal Life.

Alright: we have heard this since Ancient times, from the beginning, and HE wants us to understand this. Then it begins to dawn on us that as we are embodied sons of God, elect of the Most High, therefore it dawns on us in our embodiment, and it also unifies us again with the Mind or Will of the Father.

Now; perhaps we should go back into a quick review of what we had to say on this subject, ‘the Oracles of God’, so that you can catch the theme of the connection with this promise. The Oracles of God are the deep and abiding truths of God which are known only unto the race which is begotten of HIM, who are spirit of His Spirit and life of His Life. The Oracles of YAHWEH (God) are never perceived by anyone else.

The Prodigal Son

The Prodigal Son

THIS MESSAGE IS A PART OF THE SUBJECT WHICH DEALS WITH GREAT MYSTERIES, WITH THE MYSTERY, the secret of Sonship. There is nothing you may know this afternoon that is as vital and important to you, as to know who you are, and your relationship to the MOST HIGH GOD, and to know and to understand this not as a presumption but as a reality. To know and to understand it because it relates to your Destiny. The knowledge of the Will of God as it relates to you is one of the most important patterns of understanding which you can attain. There are a great number of creatures in God’s Universe, there are also many kinds of species in His creation, and there exists also many planes of existence in the Universe of the MOST HIGH.

But here today you find yourself in an earth body, dwelling in physical bodies. You see around you other races also dwelling in physical bodies. You find yourself not by a matter of chance, but by a matter of Ordained Destiny which you will sometime understand, dwelling in the bodies of the White Race, and here today in a Christian Church. These things are a part of your Destiny as well because there is a vast difference in you, and those with their Witch doctors and the Pagan Temples with their Evil Priesthoods, and strange backgrounds. They are where they are because of the patterns in their background and their environment. And you are where you are placed in your environment by your Father.

The Principal of Reversal

The Principal of Reversal

TONIGHT AS WE TALK ABOUT THE PRINCIPAL OF REVERSAL, this is one of the most unique strategies used against the kingdom of God. We can demonstrate very quickly that it is a reversal in policy and a reversal in history, and the reversal in action. But as you see the unprecedented amounts of these attacks, it becomes quite apparent that these attacks are the position which they support. Reversal is the major policy of organized Jewry. It has been all through the patterns of history and all down through history and is today in the Communist revolution. The communist revolution practiced this principal of reversal. And we can well see as we move into this period of time, because the Communist revolution was inspired, and carried out by the areas of Jewry itself. Of course in the earliest days of Communism with Kuhn Lobe and company, and Frankfurter, and Jacob Schiff of Kuhn Lobe and company who put up the millions of dollars to put over such a far reaching program, as the revolution that overthrew the Russian union.

I want you to think for a moment back in the days of that revolution. Suddenly in 1909 the Bolshevik forces grew into a rioting mass of forces, and they were rioting in the streets of Moscow and through out the smaller communities of the Soviet Union. And they brought over from the United States, six hundred of their player with their instruments, and they were to play before the Czar. And these Jews came over from New York City and most of them had been members of Rabbi Ben Jacob’s own Synagogue in New York. And when they arrived in Moscow.

The Pride of Race

The Pride of Race

WE TURN IN OUR SUBJECT TODAY TO ‘THE PRIDE OF RACE.’ We feel that there has been over the last 40 years a tremendous area of slippage in the area of the regard to race. Probably most of the problems that affect our nation today, and that is creating the critical conditions that effect our society, and the race war which is upon us would not exist if we had maintained the attitude toward race that our forefathers maintained. Or if we were to bring out from the pulpit and to the attention of the peoples of the land the relationship of our race and God. We might well say that those who have been working against the program of God, and the things that God has stated are proclaiming today that it makes no difference what race you are from, you are all the same under the skin.

We propose to show you that you are not all the same under the skin and that all of this is an area of deep fallacy. For instance, in the areas of the teaching of our youth today then they are told that there is no distinction between men and races, that they can participate in any area of inter-marrying and it is alright because all races are the same today. Then the areas of the church which did not believe in the Pentateuch or any of the things which were necessarily inspired of the Most High, now come out to try to use portions of the Pentateuch, and then they say that all men are created equal, all men came out of Adam, all men are of one blood, so all men can inter-marry.

This again moves out of the National Council of Churches and under these areas, but there is a vast difference between the men of race and the very distinct pattern of race. As we turn back into the Book of Genesis and we find here in a rather quick summary the patterns of God’s creation that covers millions and millions of years. In fact the difference between the first creations and the later creations are just passed over with words; ’The earth became without form and void.’

The Power and The Glory

The Power and The Glory

WE ARE SPEAKING OF THE POWER AND THE GLORY and we would like to centre your attention for a few minutes on the important processes of life. We have discussed with you before the necessity of Spiritual food, in that there is no way for the Celestial consciousness, the Spiritual knowledge, which is possessed by the Spirit, to be commuted by the process of understanding and cannot be brought to the soul consciousness of man unless the Spiritual contact point has been set by Spiritual food.

We are sure that you understand the necessity of physical food, and appreciate the necessity of it but you overlook the necessity of spiritual food, and spiritual bread and you overlook that Christ said: I am the bread of life, and as he was saying that he was speaking of spiritual bread. And he told us that man could not live by bread alone, but by every word out of the mouth of God. We spoke to you a few weeks ago about the necessity of communication, and that spiritual communication brings to you the things God would have you to know. So there is probably nothing more important than for you to have the knowledge of God and know how to attain that knowledge. Thus it is that knowledge form the mind of God gives you mastery and will provide two other factors for you as well. One factor is power for the accomplishments and the other is a field of energy and glory that will immunize and protect you so that no power on the face of the earth will be able to destroy or overthrow the children of the Kingdom.