The Racial River of God

The Racial River of God


IN THE MIDST OF THE COURSE OF EVENTS THROUGH WHICH WE ARE PASSING, and in which we are also participants, there is nothing more important in the seat of your consciousness and mine, than to know both our relationship to our Father and His plan for the Universe.

We have discussed this from many angles, and it cannot be over emphasized as to the majesty of God’s sovereignty and the greatness of HIS purpose, nor of HIS intent to establish HIS Kingdom in the earth forever. Nor that this Kingdom is HIS purpose, HIS blueprint and HIS outline. And that we are a part of that Kingdom as HIS children and HIS heirs. As such this is our Kingdom by inheritance as the Apostle Paul tells us in the book of Ephesians chapter 1. ‘Which by the very acts of God, in His own nature, He has insured unto us that this inheritance shall be preserved. We are not heirs of the Kingdom of God as strangers to whom it has been willed, but heirs to this Kingdom as His sons by whom we are the rightful heirs, because we are His offspring.

There is nothing so important for us to realize than that the critical periods thru which we are passing, this great challenge unto our nation and to each one of us as individuals, is that the actual time and prophecy has arrived, and thus we are participants. We are not merely bystanders watching a great tableau, nor are we looking at the painting of a picture. We are looking at the scene of such events in which each one of us are not merely observers, but participants.