From Nativity to Triumph

From Nativity to Triumph

TODAY AS WE MEDITATE AND WORSHIP, there is one very unique situation that envelops all of Christendom twice a year. That it that on the Sunday before Christmas and around Christmas, all the churches from one end of the earth to the other, in all its denominations and all its institutions, are united in all their thinking. For they are thinking of the event they celebrate at Christmas time — ‘The Nativity of Jesus Christ.’ The other great day of course, is ‘Resurrection Sunday,’ or Easter, as it is called today. Here again, all Christendom thinks about the same thing form one end of the earth to the other which is ‘THE MIGHTY POWER OF CHRIST’S RESURRECTION.’

The unique thing is that even clergymen have in many instances, been brainwashed and negated by the patterns of bad teaching and yet have within their churches, the voice of their choir singing a message and a testimony which cannot be denied. And there are very few clergy today who will not recognize that Christ was born. And in the declaration of that message, identify HIS of course, with all that is said about HIM in the scriptures. So under this instance, there are two triumphant days in the church which we celebrate. One is the Birth of Christ and the other is the mighty power of HIS Resurrection.

From Judgment to Creation

From Judgment to Creation

WE TURN THIS AFTERNOON TO DISCUSS THE FACTORS OF ‘FROM JUDGMENT to a new Creation,’ and to point out to you that this has been quite an historic week that we have been passing through. We continue to be amazed sometimes with the speed which some things happen. We are unable to comprehend the person that says that nothing ever takes place — there is nothing happening. But a lot of things are happening, and they relate to this subject that we are discussing this afternoon.

When we are talking about judgment, we are talking about the tremendous impact that is the result of events set in motion by the violation of Divine Law on the principals of how things have been formed. Judgment is one factor which is irreversible when we set things in motion that cannot be stopped. Judgments are constant and continual — but the great judgments after the build up of power and energy reach the point where things are set in motion and cannot be held back. We are on the edge of a great cycle of judgment as it relates to the earth. These are all the result of the violations of Divine Law. And these laws work, whether people understand them or not. These laws are the laws of organization, even to those who serve the darkness and ignorance. We point out to you that today we have just laid the foundation for a terrific chastisement in this very week.

From Mystery to Revelation

From Mystery to Revelation

COL. GREER: GREETINGS from the tape ministry of Dr. W. A. Swift. Everyday like a great whirlpool the events of life go ever faster as we approach the inevitable end of the course our country is taking. As your dollar shrinks in value day by day and your enemies grow ever stronger, then weak leadership flounders like a lost ship in a storm. If it were not for the eternal promises of our heavenly Father we would be without hope. The Bible says that God will be inquired of by us to come to our aide. How far down the tube we go depends on how far we must be chastised before calling upon God for delivery. God is not mocked, nor is He defeated. He is on a victory course to defeat the evil enemy, who plans to side track the on coming Kingdom of God.

Today’s talk from the library of the late Dr. Wesley A. Swift should be heard by every white person on earth. It is a thrilling disclosure of the challenge to our race. Now, sit back and enjoy the talk entitled: “From Mystery to Revelation” ‑‑‑ Dr. Swift:‑

From Horizons Beyond

From Horizons Beyond

We are speaking tonight on the subject of ‘Horizons Beyond,’ realising as we are discussing this subject that there is no scriptural or concrete evidence, as to the complete identification of whence it comes as to what we are beholding. We are living in one of the most unusual periods in the history of the earth, especially as to the things which are happening round about, in relationship to the earth and to the people upon it. Never have we had a period with more forces, their vibratory fields in direct opposition and at work in earth and among its societies and its races and peoples. The powers of the earth are divided into two equal spheres of resistance although the great majority of people and their great land masses are behind the ‘Iron Curtain.’ And Communist countries may be greater in number than the White race, which is one-sixth of the worlds population. It is this race and this people that has the technological leadership, the spiritual vision and the creative abilities of earth.

From Outer Space

From Outer Space

We have been told that pilots on our airliners have to turn in reports as to what they have seen. They have to report very carefully to government officers. After the reports are all taken down very carefully, in a few days they are told to forget it, because it was just the stress of their night flying or something else that bothered them, but actually it was nothing which can’t be explained away. But Government officers have viewed each and every one of the sightings of these strange flying craft, and interviewed those who sighted them. Over Michigan less than a month ago four great saucers came down over a Michigan city then went out over the country side. And Police officers on patrol saw the objects, one of them had come down on a hill, the officers came as close as they could by car, and they say the ship take off, flew over them making very little noise, but it was a huge metallic ship. In fact about five months ago an office fired at one of them as it took off over him verily missing his head so he thought, he fired at it with his pistol and he heard the bullet hit the bottom of the ship, and the ship paid no attention to it. Of course he did take quite a chance shooting at something smart enough to get here because anything smart enough to get here would be smart enough to out guess him as well. But the intense sightings have occurred over the last four or five months. The last two months we have had very intensive sightings. In fact one of the most amazing things is that when John Glenn returned to earth he talked about how in his satellite trip he saw hundreds of unidentified flying objects flying to one side of his ship. He talked about this quite extensively, but when the government got through brain-washing him then he said: I was only mistaken I didn’t see them. But he did at first say that he saw these tremendous unidentified flying objects.

Foretold Destiny of America

Foretold Destiny of America

Greetings fellow Americans from the Church of Jesus Christ Christian in Kernville, California. One does not look far today to know that we are in trying times. The White Christian is being pushed from one place after another, as the White man and his Bible law leaves comes chaos and trouble and the so called freed nations come crying for food and all types of aide. The need today is for Christians of America to realize that 70% of the Bible is national, not personal. That the great White Christian nations are fulfilling every promise given to Israel. That the signs of trouble are all around us and that they are the signs prophesied for the ending of the age. God is not mocked, nor is He dead. Nor have His plans gone amiss. Man had done the very thing that God foresaw. So we must learn the hard way, by inflation, pollution, starvation, sickness, war. All these things are the result of refusing to follow the Divine laws of God. America must awaken to her heritage and her Destiny.

False Economy

False Economy

Tonight we turn to a subject of the restoration of the Kingdom economy. How it could be accomplished. We are faced with one of the most crucial hours in history. The one thing that you can be sure, we will continue to do is that we will continue to tell you what transpires, as we see it, regardless of the circumstances that are involved and who is effects.

There is no doubt that this is the most crucial hour in the history of this great nation of God’s Kingdom. Among all the nations of the Kingdom of God, America stands out foremost both by designation prophetically from the lips of the prophets and the identification given unto it by Christ in the book of Revelation when He spoke to John. It is the only great nation, today in Christendom whose emblem is the outstretched wings of an Eagle. It is the leadership of such a nation that the nations of Christian civilization were told they must flock. And under the protective wings of the Great Eagle, the great resistance was to be made in this climatic hour of time against the forces of Communism and the great patterns of evil and corruption that would come like a flood out of the dragon’s mouth, and to move against Christian civilisation out of the areas of Asia and down out of the north. And strangely enough, that is in the fulfilment of the prophecies of the 18th chapter of Isaiah, a clear identification of this nation as the great nation of the ‘Outstretched Wings of the Eagle.’ The nation of which something great and new was developed as it related to all the people that had descended out of the strains of the household of Abraham and the Aryan race line, and produced the civilisation whose destiny had declared to accept Messiahship, would be identified with the person of Christ in whose civilisation would be inspired by the vision and spirit that would emerge from the ministry of the Messiah.

Faith to Move Mountains

Faith to Move Mountains

Things are moving very fast around the world, and things are moving toward fulfilment as events take place. We look out over some of the decisions made and there are signs of degeneracy, and they move with mental depravity if nothing else. Then as we look out over the construction of society then we point out to you that Mystery Babylon is still coming to its fullness. For we find that Mystery Babylon may have gained control over your industry and over your money, it has not gained control over the handling of its own affairs. But without a doubt the crash of Babylon is very close. I talked to business men this week and the banks are out of money and they are trying to get money from the government. The government is trying to borrow money from the banks for they don’t have it. The Federal Reserve can’t print it without permission.

Evidence of Divine Assistance

Evidence of Divine Assistance

As we open this service tonight, the federal government is moving. And on orders from the Kennedy Administration, they started flying in troops into McClelland field next to Montgomery, Alabama. So the troops are on the way before they think the patriotic groups could coordinate in defence of the State. More than that, they announced over the air just a few minutes ago that the papers were being prepared to graft into the Federal service, the national guard of the State, their State Militia, so that they cannot be used in the defence of the State. Showing that they do intend and that they have reciprocated for the seizure of another State. I consider that the President of these United States, at the present time, with his present advisors, and the Attorney General of these United States, are the greatest danger for the destruction of our society as anyone on Mr. Khrushev’s general staff, or Mr. Castro’s chiefs. I think it a matter of interest to note that for several weeks or months, but definitely for the past few weeks, a strategy which was made known to Conservatives, for it was being discussed openly in the areas of Communism and Left Wing; agitation, and discussed among the Negro groups who were precipitating the crisis at this time these meetings have been penetrated and covered. And even in these meetings, they have been listened to while they held their meetings and planned their strategy. So it is a bad system if it cannot be used both ways. And if technology is going to be used in the fight then you can be sure you have the most of it. And you do. As a matter of fact, there is very little lately that has been planned by the Negroes wherein we do not have the knowledge of what those plans were before they were ever put into practice. Among these plans has been the strife around the city of Montgomery. And the design to bring this pattern to a held, was one in which not only Martin Luther King was involved in. Someone said what do you think of Martin Luther King? I think we have a fat headed demagogue of the Negroes, who likes the attention, and the prestige. And he likes the press, and he will go along with the Communists. He will go along with anyone. He actually has the same attitude as those whose ultimate achievement is Black Supremacy such as the Muslim X movement. The willingness of the NAACP and King’s movement that is being organised among the churches, and the Muslim movement shows that they have coordination and that they have a design for the overthrow of White Christian civilization, and the establishing permanently and firmly a Black supremacy in America. This will not take place if every Negro has to die before it is over. I can assure you that the Whites in America are not going to let the Negroes take over America by force and violence. There are not enough of them to win by election. And their attainment by force and violence is clearly impossible unless it were done by revolution.

Every Tongue Shall Confess

Every Tongue Shall Confess

Let us turn back to the Book of Philippians and here we find that the Apostle Paul has had a vast area of experiences far beyond that of many Christians because he was called as an Apostle to the nations of Israel and to the Church. His area of responsibility was to make known unto them the things God had delivered unto him. That he might make known unto those of HIS Household the great Mysteries of his race. The Apostle Paul you will remember was stopped on the road to Damascus as God put his hand on him, and took him out of the control and propaganda of the Jews. Although the Apostle was not a Jew he had been taken in by their influence and by their control of the Temple. Yet he was well prepared for his ministry. He spoke fluently and could speak many languages, and local languages of his day and time were known to him as well. He was without question one of the most astute philosophers of his day, but at the same time he was very active and militant. But when God called him, and awakened him to the fact that The Eternal Christ was the fulfilment of God, THE MESSIAH embodied, he also took him into a dimension of great significance.