From Nativity to Triumph

From Nativity to Triumph

TODAY AS WE MEDITATE AND WORSHIP, there is one very unique situation that envelops all of Christendom twice a year. That it that on the Sunday before Christmas and around Christmas, all the churches from one end of the earth to the other, in all its denominations and all its institutions, are united in all their thinking. For they are thinking of the event they celebrate at Christmas time — ‘The Nativity of Jesus Christ.’ The other great day of course, is ‘Resurrection Sunday,’ or Easter, as it is called today. Here again, all Christendom thinks about the same thing form one end of the earth to the other which is ‘THE MIGHTY POWER OF CHRIST’S RESURRECTION.’

The unique thing is that even clergymen have in many instances, been brainwashed and negated by the patterns of bad teaching and yet have within their churches, the voice of their choir singing a message and a testimony which cannot be denied. And there are very few clergy today who will not recognize that Christ was born. And in the declaration of that message, identify HIS of course, with all that is said about HIM in the scriptures. So under this instance, there are two triumphant days in the church which we celebrate. One is the Birth of Christ and the other is the mighty power of HIS Resurrection.