Key to The Knowledge of All Truth

Key to The Knowledge of All Truth

WE TURN THIS AFTERNOON TO THE SUBJECT ‘KEY TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF ALL TRUTH,’ and we point out that never has it been so important to those who constitute the children of the kingdom who understand the difference between them and they who do not make up that kingdom.  To think sometimes, upon things that they give little reflection to, and wherein they operate in the capacities of the things they feel.  And they understand without thinking sometimes, as to all that relates to it.

There is no doubt about the fact that there is a struggle on for the earth.  There is a struggle going on in these United States and even in this city.  And the influences that direct this struggle are divided into only two camps.  There is no other area than this.  There are those whom you might think are in middle ground.  But really, they are not in middle ground.  And it depends upon where their energies are applied as to where their strength lies.  There are only two forces struggling for the earth, only two beings involved directly.  And all those that are offspring are participators and either find their positions in it on one side or the other.  So I make it clear this afternoon, that the struggle for the earth is between God Almighty, YAHSHUA incarnate, Jesus the Christ, and the powers of darkness, the Luciferian order, the children of Antichrist and all of their captives.