Lightening, Thundering and Voices

Lightening, Thundering and Voices

WE ARE SPEAKING TONIGHT ON THE SUBJECT OF VOICES, THUNDERING, AND GREAT EARTHQUAKES. The declaration here in the scriptures as to the period in which we live has been quite clear. As we have mentioned to you, the hindering influences that have held back the full operation of the Luciferian kingdom is lifted now by God to bring things to fruition. Thus the declaration of Paul, in II Thessalonians: “He who hindereth until taken out of the way”, this hindering influence so also we have arrived at the time of the trouble for our race. This is the time of Jacob’s trouble. And the influences which God has utilized to hinder the operation of Satan on the earth, has now been turned loose.

Now understand, if God will now permit Lucifer and all of his forces of darkness to be turned loose, then the time has also arrived when God intends to empower HIS many sons and daughters for a great victory. For God knows what it takes and will not let anything transpire by the strategy of the enemy that will defeat the areas of HIS kingdom. Thus we have arrived at a great historic period and we find that all situations have come to their fullness. Through out all of the periods of the Luciferian attack against the kingdom of God, there has been great upheaval and great distress. There has been during this period of time, martyrdom’s and catastrophes. There has been great struggles and mighty prayers of the Saints, or believing offspring. And their prayers have ascended into the heavens, unto the MOST HIGH GOD.