Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 60

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 60

WE HAVE SPOKEN EARLIER ABOUT THE TAROT CARDS, and now let us analyse those and see where our playing cards come from today. Those pictured here in the Old Big Book have this caption underneath: .This deck consists of 78 curiously embossed cards of uncertain origin and date. The picture consists of a deck of 78 cards, this first picture of a supposed Gypsy with a knapsack on his back and there are 21 cards in the framework of a triangle.

One card at the top, two cards in the next row, with three in the next row, four in the next, and five in the next with six on the bottom row. The deck is divided into two general sections, the larger has 56 cards of the minor trumps, and the smaller 32 cards termed the major trump. The minor trumps are further divided into 4 suits of 14 cards each somewhat similar to the modern playing cards. The top or ‘pip’ cards of each suit descend from the Ace to the ten, and their denominations are shown as their respective emblems portray as 6 rods, 4 cups, 9 coins, and 3 swords. The court cards of each suit are 4 in number, termed King, Queen, Knight and Page. The Kings are usually shown seated, the Knights on horseback, and the Pages standing, each holds the emblem of the suit.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 59

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 59

CAN THE MODERN WORLD AFFORD TO SCOFF AT THIS SO CALLED LEGEND THAT THE ALCHEMIST could by transmutation turn base metals into gold. We need to go back to Alchemy for more information on this subject. Since the time of the immortal Hermes (Enoch) there is ample evidence that brilliant philosophic and scientific minds over a period of 2000 years did actually prove this metallic transmutation and multiplication.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 58

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 58

IN THIS TAPE I DECIDED TO DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT. There are many more things I plan to tell you from the ‘Old Big Book,’ but we will take a break this month and go back to the Swift Tapes and my understanding and talk about events connected with Christmas.

We have talked much about the stars. And we believe there was a Star of Destiny. And that this star did signal the birth of our Redeemer and there will also be a ‘Star’ of the New Order which is the Kingdom Administration over the earth. We have been assured by the Apostle Paul, after his trip into the dimensions of spirit and back that we are kinsmen of this ONE who is the ‘Star of Destiny.’

We believe that HE came, took a physical body like we dwell in, so that He could be ‘One’ with His kinsmen family. Explaining this further, the Apostle Paul tells us in his Epistle to the Ephesians, that we are ‘flesh of His flesh, bone of His bone.’ Going further with this explanation, the Apostle Paul (Eph. 3) tells us that now Israel is called Gentile, or nations, and these Israel nations are now hidden, in dispersion, but still they are as well as those of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin who, remember, who they are, all Israel. And now these others are to hear these unsearchable truths spoken by YAHWEH who came as YAHSHUA Savior. The Apostle Paul thus reveals that he was the one chosen and prepared for the mission of taking these ancient truths hidden since the beginning of the Adamic race.

These great truths from the mind of YAHWEH are now to be revealed to the Kingdom people of the earth, today called the Church. Paul also worked hard to impress on you that this Great Spirit or Mind created all things. And the first thing He did was form a body for Himself. Thus He had a spirit body. And when He came into earth, He had both a physical and a spiritual body.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 57

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 57

WE HAVE TALKED MUCH ABOUT THE ZODIAC, and its signs, but I wanted you to know what the Old Big Book has to say before we go into Alchemy and its meanings. (quote) It would be difficult for this age to estimate correctly the profound effect produced upon the religions, philosophies, and sciences of antiquity by the study of the planets, luminaries and constellations. Not without adequate reason were the Magi of Persia called the Star Gazers. The Egyptians also were honoured because of their proficiency in computing the power and motion of the heavenly bodies and their effect upon the destinies of nations, and individuals. (unquote)

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 56

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 56

QUESTION: .What is the Philosophers Stone?

ANSWER: .This stone has many descriptions and it is shown in several different ways, but the Philosophers Stone represents Wisdom and Knowledge which is revealed in the Ancient Mysteries of Israel, and in Alchemy and Astronomy. It is called the Universal Medicine, also the emblem of completion, or the number 10., of the Ancient Israel Doctrines. One of its manifestations is the Emerald Tablet, and another is of a polished and cut diamond, and in the centre of this diamond is a double headed Phoenix Bird on its nest of fire. This picture then of the Philosophers Stone is an Ancient symbol for the perfected and re‑generated Adam‑man whose spiritual nature shines through as you are in this pattern of moving through physical earth that you go through as you are in this pattern of moving through physical existence. Dull and lifeless when first seen then as enlightenment comes, and after much polishing with wisdom the diamond comes forth out of that dull and lifeless stage, the same way the regenerated Adam‑spirit man comes out of that fallen stage, into the hands of Our Father, in His purpose.

We are the same as the diamond in the hands of a skilled lapidary, and this shapeless stone is transformed into a scintillating gem from whose facets pour streams of vari-coloured fire, so to upon the lathe of the Divine Lapidary the soul of Adam‑man is ground polished until it reflects the Glory of the Father in every atom. The perfecting of the Diamond soul of Adam‑man through the philosophical Alchemical art, was the concealed object of the Hermetic philosophers.

The Philosophers Stone and the Great Temple built by Solomon represents the regeneration and accomplishment of that Ideal. The diamond by polishing comes out of that dull and lifeless stage the same way the spirit rejuvenated Adam‑man comes forth, through the revealing of the mysteries, thus Adam‑man is able to reveal to his generation until they reflect the Glory of the Father, and the man himself is reflected. The Philosophical, Alchemical art then was in fact the concealed mystery of the perfecting of Adam‑man pointing toward what he once was. In this way the Philosophers Stone, and the Great Temple that Solomon built both represents the regeneration and the accomplishment of an ideal.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 55

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 55

WHEN THE PEOPLE PREPARING THIS OLD BIG BOOK CAME TO THE SUBJECT OF ‘THE ROSE CROSS’ they ran into this organization known as ‘The Rosicrucians’ going strong in the 18th., century. Thus who founded the beginning of this school formally called ‘The Rose Cross?’ Going further back they found that there was a mysterious man in Europe who went by the Initials of C.R.C. Some said this was the organization which was called the Christian Rose Cross which had carried through from the time of Enoch, so long before the birth of the Christ.

The picture here in the Old Big Book is of an old gentleman sitting at his desk patiently copying from a book. He has long white hair and beard, and there is a feathered pen in his hand, and he is copying from this book which is propped up by a skull, and doing his work by candlelight. On the table beside him is another book, and on the cover of that book is they symbol of that organization. This being a five petal Red rose with a white cross in the centre of the Rose. On a wall is another of these same symbols and beside the book is an hourglass said to suggest that in time all shall be revealed. Some of these writers thought this was just a painting, nothing more, while others thought they would disagree. Some tried to deny that there ever was such a man who tried to bring forth in Europe, the spiritual philosophy which the Ancients seemed to know and to practice.

About 1610‑1614 writings began to appear in Europe, the first book begins with the reminder to all the world of God’s goodness and mercy, and it warns the Intelligentsia that their egotism and covetousness caused them to follow after false prophets, and to ignore the knowledge God has revealed to them. Hence a reformation is necessary, and God has raised up philosophers and sages for this purpose. In order to bring about a reformation, a mysterious person came on the scene to assist in bringing it about. This person was called, ‘The highly illuminated Father, C.R.C.’ He was said to be a German by birth, descendent of a noble family, but himself a poor man, and he instructed the secret society called ‘The Rose Cross’.

It is said that he had been placed in a Cloister when only five years of age, and had travelled to Damascus to study with philosophers there. He heard of a group of Qabbalists living in the mystic city of Arabia, called Damcar. He was but 16 years of age when he arrived there, but was greeted as one expected. He learned the Arabic tongue while there and was able to translate their sacred book into Latin.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 54

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 54

IN THE OLD BIG BOOK THESE SECRET DOCTRINES OF ISRAEL are said to be contained in what is called the Qabbalah, and is pronounced with a K, Kabalah.

Again in this tape we will be looking backward recalling things in the past which are to be made known here in the present. In today’s world this Kabalah has developed into the Cahilla, which is a great conspiracy set in place to totally destroy Christianity, so that YAHWEH’S Kingdom and its Faith does not rise to rule.

As we look at the past it is sort of like a grammar lesson, we find the present, tense and the past perfect, but this has not been the case always. Although there has been some golden years in the Adamic past, still this has been warfare from the beginning between the kingdom of YAHWEH and the kingdom of Satan, in earth. This Doctrine of Israel, of Ancient Israel was so simple, yet so disturbing to a corrupted leader of the World Order that it was kept secret so that it would not be completely lost as Adam‑man moved in Destiny through a physical world.

We find in our studies that Freemasonry has played a great part in influencing a change in the thinking until the word Jew has been substituted for Israel, and even men like Albert Pike became so enamoured with the rituals and organization of Freemasonry that they were willing to substitute Jew for Israel, and even to proclaim that Lucifer had his place in the organization, if Jesus Christ was there. They would let one represent the positive and one the negative, but never seemed to notice when Jesus Christ was removed from that organization. The meaning of symbolism then died out and Humanism took its place. In the days of the early church the Jews of Jerusalem called the followers of YAHSHUA, ‘dogs’ since they still clung to the Ancient Mysteries and their Secret documents. But remember the ‘dog’ was associated with Enoch because of his devotion and obedience.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 53

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 53

SINCE WE HAVE TOLD YOU OF HERMES WHO WE BELIEVE CAN ONLY BE ENOCH, and since we now believe that Enoch and Job were the Great Architects of the Pyramid of Giza, as it is spelled today (then Gizeh). Let us see what the Old Big Book has to say about this Pyramid that will confirm what we have told you before about this Pyramid of Giza. We have also told you of Atlantis which we believe at one time extended or existed as a Continent where now we find the Atlantic Ocean. The writers here in the Old Big Book as well as others who believe in evolution try to base their theory on the idea that mankind started on Atlantis and evolved into a great civilization there.

The accompanying picture which this article is entitled: ‘The initiation of the Pyramid’ and it is quite interesting even though men translating the mysteries did not interpret as we do. This picture is the artists concept of the Great Pyramid on the centre Island of Atlantis. It shows a valley ringed by mountains, and in the centre of a great city is a great temple built like a pyramid 24 steps high. This temple sits on the top of a sheered off mountain.

The Temple Pyramid is white with an entrance on one side outlined in gold, a door leading in and one leading out, and there are two broad avenues up and down the mountain, and people are seen coming and going from the city below. Many gold statues above the entrance of the Temple, and around the front base of the Temple are also to be seen. Also in the sky above are two different types of air craft, and another is also below the base of the Temple on a landing site in the centre of the city.

You see this Pyramid Temple as a place of worship, for people are coming and going, making it altogether different from the Great Pyramid of Geish (Giza) which we say is the ‘Bible in Stone’. The caption below the picture is entitled, ‘An idealistic depiction of the Atlantean Temple’. Then we read: ‘Plato described in detail the divine foundation of the Atlantean Empire. The Golden Age, preserved in myth and Legend, when the gods walked with men depicts thus the Zenith of the Atlantean civilization. In the British Museum there is a remarkable document, known as the Toroano Manuscript.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 52

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 52

QUESTION: Why do we not have a Bible with perfect translation so that people will know what it really says?

ANSWER: Well this is a far from perfect world as yet, and some people worship pen and ink and not the word. But it is all in the book as to how we are to be misled, so you just have to work at finding the truth, for it is not handed out on a silver platter as yet.

Symbolism was to carry the message down through the years because the written word, in the hand of men with their pen and ink, would become confusing.

A good example of this confusing tactic is found in the Companion Bible where also there is uncovered great translation and truth. In the Epistle to James we read: ‘James a servant of God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greetings.’ here James is listed as a servant but in Matthew 20:26 and mark 10:40., the word servant is translated minister. We know that James was one of the apostles that moved out to carry the gospel of the kingdom to lost Israel. He was picked by YAHSHUA who came and humbled himself, but now at the time of James, he is exalted and glorified. In the gospels the translation, Jesus Christ, means YAHSHUA who came, humbled himself, as Messiah, thus once again we should take care to note the various meanings so as to understand the translations.

Now; James was writing to the twelve tribes of Israel, and now there is no suggestion of there being a separation of the house of Judah and the house of Israel. And we recall that those of Judah and Benjamin who were left in the old land of Palestine at the time of the coming of Messiah had become sort of narrow minded. They were not going to recognize any of the house of Israel outside of Judea.

They were willing to go along with the Jewish control of the temple although they knew that Herod’s temple was covered with gold, and around the rim of the temple was the symbol of their belief, the fig leaves and six pointed stars with interwoven serpents heads. They knew that the Jews identified their ecclesiastical rule with the fig leaf, and their political rule with the serpent, but they pretended not to notice for this was still the seat of their kingdom in Judea, and they always hoped that some day, some way they would see the control returned to them.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 50

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 50

AT THE BEGINNING OF THE ARTICLE IS A PICTURE IN SYMBOLISM which shows the lighted entrance to a tomb with the bright Star of Bethlehem above the raised Light is of a man with white wings, and a Lion’s head, and above the raised right hand are 8, 5 pointed stars, and above the Lion’s head is a golden key. In the left hand a sword with a golden handle is to be seen, and wrapped around this figure from the feet upward is a red serpent whose head reaches up and over the golden key, and in the centre of the key, but not over the lock. Three bowing figures are below the block on which the figure stands on an illuminated globe.

Now; this is the explanation of that picture which is entitled ‘Mithra’, (Quote) ‘At the pinnacle of the Divine hierarchy, writes Franz Cumot, and at the origin of all things, the Mithraic theology the heir of that Zervanitic Magi is boundless time. Sometimes they called it Saturnus, but he was considered ineffable, bereft alike of name, sex and passions. The figure signifies the inevitable victory of boundless time (eternity) over every creature and condition. In time all beings reach completion, in time all wrongs are righted, in time salvation is assured to all.

The head of the Lion signifies that the mortal concept of time is the despotic ruler of the animal or irrational creation; that its strength is supreme, and that it devours all the lesser powers which exist temporarily without it. The coils of the Serpent represent the motion of Heavenly Spheres through the Zodiac, which is shown by the Human Body. The golden key indicates that time is the key to the mysteries of existence.

The sword is the instrument by which the demon of man made time is slain, and his body divided into past, and future, while to the gods is given rulership of the everlasting now. The double set of wings signifies the flight of time through the inferior worlds of four elements. The 8 stars are the spheres upheld by time. The Dome of the Mithraic cave is ornamented with stars to typify the Universality of the Divine cult, and the radiant globe upon which the figure stands is the Universe. The resurrection of the figure from the darkness of the tomb reveals the ascension of boundless duration from the narrow limitations of the three dimensional world which is length, breadth, and thickness, which bow before the limitless aeon. (Unquote)