Hereditary Inch Measures

Hereditary Inch Measures

The above table is prepared chiefly from Dr. Kelly’s ” Universal Cam. history; but inasmuch as he does not descend below foot measures, and the inches are then deduced by dividing his values for the feet by twelve: —the list is supplemented by positive inches, or their verbal equivalents. pouce, tomme, tum, pollegada, pulgada, &c., as contained in Weale’s Woolhouse’s “Weights and Measures.” subdivided into tenths and half-tenths,. and equal in length to one 500 – millionth of the Earth’s Axis of Rotation.

Far Beyond The Stars

Far Beyond The Stars

I AM DELIGHTED TO WRITE A FOREWORD to this book FAR BEYOND THE STARS written by Walter Seaman, a friend of many years.

In the contemporary world, the minds of all thinking people are being stretched as never before in a multitude of directions because almost daily some extension of dis­covery in so many different ‘fields’ are knocking at the doors, ruthlessly demanding our attention. The result is that today we are more confused in our thinking than were those who preceded us. There is a story told of two saintly clerics both famed for their intelligence and for their ‘other worldliness’, but the difference between them was that one of them had his feet firmly on the ground but the other had not. Walter Seaman’s FAR BEYOND THE STARS is a highly intelligent attempt to relate the realistic facts of today’s world, especially in the realm of what is actually happening, to that which is beyond the scope of purely material understanding but which, deep in our innermost being as thinkers, we are convinced exists in ways we cannot grasp.

Whites Built Egypt’s Great Civilisation

Whites Built Egypt’s Great Civilisation

Whites built the Great Pyramid in 2,600 BC. It was 481 feet high, as tall as a 40 story skyscraper covering 13 acres of land. It took 20 years to construct and consists of 2.3 million blocks of stone weighing 2.5 tons each. The mongrelized people of Egypt today could not build such a monument.

The Egyptians were very race conscious as seen here from this depiction of an ancient monument. From left, the blonde leader, next the Semitic Arab, then the mulatto with Semitic and Negro features and finally the pure Negro. Note that they knew that the Negro cannot grow a beard!

The Prophetic Mazzaroth

The Prophetic Mazzaroth

MOST CHRISTIANS ARE TAUGHT TO SHUN ASTROLOGY and shy away from anything having to do with zodiacs. These two ancient astral concepts are usually viewed with contempt and disdain by most Christians, but the truth is, the Zodiac (Hebrew: mazzaroth) is much older than the art of astrology. Though the latter, especially in its modern form, has no significance whatsoever for today’s Christian, however, this is not true concerning the Zodiac. Few people are aware of this astounding fact: the original Zodiac of antiquity has always had one major focal point, that being the life and mission of Jesus Christ.

This assertion must be revelatory to most astrologers as well, for the modern meanings of the twelve signs of the Zodiac have become fairly entrenched; and these meanings have nothing to do with Jesus Christ. In fact, most astrologers seem to have a very pronounced anti-Christian bias in favor of the occult. However, it has become very clear to me that the Messiah-based symbolism of the original Zodiac is still represented by most of the twelve signs, as well as by the 36 decans (sub-signs) that go in tandem with these signs. Some of the pictographical signs have changed over the millennia, but most of them still retain their original pictography. In this research, we will go back in time, covering a span of six to seven thousand years, to discover the origin of the Zodiac, the Prophetic Mazzaroth. What emerges from an intense, close-up study of the oldest constellations is a very consistent, unwavering prophetic outline of the life and mission of Jesus Christ on our planet Earth.

The Aryans or Nobles

The Aryans or Nobles

The Aryan past is spectacular: we were the Sumerians who originated pictographs and writing; we were the ancient Atlanteans; we built Arkaim in Russia, the ancient Aryan capital of the world with an astronomy site in line with Stonehenge; we built the hanging gardens of Babylon; we were the original inhabitants of ancient Egypt, as the earliest frescoes and statues depict blue-eyed people: Menes, the son of the Assyrian king, Sargon the Great, was Egypt’s first king. We were the Egyptian Melchizedek priesthood with Horus the Hawk, our Holy Spirit, leading and guiding us. We built the Great Pyramid of Giza with Freedom Labour inspired by God in mathematics which tells a story to whoever will open their eyes to it–Isaiah 19:19-25–this edifice intended as an altar unto the Lord, with a little passageway on its inside time line, going from the “Descending Chamber” to the “Ascending Chamber” at A.D. 33. The three pyramids were built in alignment with the stars on Orion’s belt, Orion being the constellation of Christ, or the Spirit of truth; the Egyptian Sphinx is ours; so is the South American Mayan temple and stone masonry found around the world

The Piri Reis Map Mystery

The Piri Reis Map Mystery

In 1929, a group of historians found an amazing map drawn on a gazelle skin.
Research showed that it was a genuine document drawn in 1513 by Piri Reis, a famous admiral of the Turkish fleet in the sixteenth century.

His passion was cartography. His high rank within the Turkish navy allowed him to have a privileged access to the Imperial Library of Constantinople.

The Turkish admiral admits in a series of notes on the map that he compiled and copied the data from a large number of source maps, some of which dated back to the fourth century BC or earlier.

Avebury and St. Michael Ley Line

Avebury and St. Michael Ley Line

The following expose is taken from a book titled ‘And Did those Feet’ by Michael Goldsworthy which explains how the most famous tomb still to be discovered has been geometrically pointed out to posterity by Church Markers that have been built within the old Ley line System in Britain. The book can be ordered from most major booksellers.

The Buckingham Palace Ley Line

The Buckingham Palace Ley Line

The building was originally Buckingham House, built in 1703 for the Duke of Buckingham, but in 1762 George III bought it for Queen Charlotte, and it was known as the Queen’s House. George IV made many alterations, but never lived in it.

The arch now known as Marble Arch was originally in front of the house; Queen Victoria had it moved to its present position. Since her reign it has been the main royal residence, and the Changing of the Guard is done every morning at 11.30.

It was considerably enlarged when it became a palace; the side facing the Mall is a facade, originally built in 1847 and replaced by a design by Sir Aston Webb in 1913. The actual front of the house faces the garden, which has curving paths and a serpentine lake with an island.

Tynwald Hill Isle of Man

Tynwald Hill Isle of Man

As the New Ley Hunting continues to rediscover leys as spirit paths, a body of evidence begins to grow and solidify as surely as the old theories disintegrate under close scrutiny. To add to the already impressive research collated so far, a shining example can be found at Tynwald Hill on the Isle of Man.

Much has already been written about this focal point of the island a sit is the seat of the oldest continuous government, the Manx Parliament. For nearly a millennium, on old Midsummer’s Day (5 July) the laws and proclamations of the land have been read from this spot in Manx and English. It has been variously described as the omphalos of the British isles, a place of pagan celebration and the seat of learning of the Celtic Druidic tradition.

The Speyer Cathedral Ley Line

The Speyer Cathedral Ley Line

The Romanesque Cathedral of Speyer in Palatinate is the largest in Europe. Erected on a hill by the River Rhine, its monumental walls of red sandstone are an impressive sight. The Cathedral was completed in 1061, but has suffered from the usual catastrophes and barbarism (being used as a shed by French revolutionary troops).

It is aligned with the Kalmit mountain, the highest peak in Palatinate, by a ley running strictly from the E to the W, and has a second, modern alignment cutting through it in a rough N to S direction – Speyer Cathedral lies at the intersection of two alignments pointing at all cardinal points (see sketch). The roughly W to E and N to S alignments at English holy hills has been noted as a pattern in TLH 100 by Paul Devereux.