MOST CHRISTIANS ARE TAUGHT TO SHUN ASTROLOGY and shy away from anything having to do with zodiacs. These two ancient astral concepts are usually viewed with contempt and disdain by most Christians, but the truth is, the Zodiac (Hebrew: mazzaroth) is much older than the art of astrology. Though the latter, especially in its modern form, has no significance whatsoever for today’s Christian, however, this is not true concerning the Zodiac. Few people are aware of this astounding fact: the original Zodiac of antiquity has always had one major focal point, that being the life and mission of Jesus Christ.
This assertion must be revelatory to most astrologers as well, for the modern meanings of the twelve signs of the Zodiac have become fairly entrenched; and these meanings have nothing to do with Jesus Christ. In fact, most astrologers seem to have a very pronounced anti-Christian bias in favor of the occult. However, it has become very clear to me that the Messiah-based symbolism of the original Zodiac is still represented by most of the twelve signs, as well as by the 36 decans (sub-signs) that go in tandem with these signs. Some of the pictographical signs have changed over the millennia, but most of them still retain their original pictography. In this research, we will go back in time, covering a span of six to seven thousand years, to discover the origin of the Zodiac, the Prophetic Mazzaroth. What emerges from an intense, close-up study of the oldest constellations is a very consistent, unwavering prophetic outline of the life and mission of Jesus Christ on our planet Earth.