What Lies Beneath Stonehenge

What Lies Beneath Stonehenge

GAFFNEY’S LATEST RESEARCH EFFORT, the Stonehenge Hidden Landscapes Project, is a four-year collaboration between a British team and the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Archaeological Prospection and Virtual Archaeology in Austria that has produced the first detailed underground survey of the area surrounding Stonehenge, totalling more than four square miles. The results are astonishing. The researchers have found buried evidence of more than 15 previously unknown or poorly understood late Neolithic monuments: henges, barrows, segmented ditches, pits.

To Gaffney, these findings suggest a scale of activity around Stonehenge far beyond what was previously suspected. “There was sort of this idea that Stonehenge sat in the middle and around it was effectively an area where people were probably excluded,” Gaffney told me, “a ring of the dead around a special area—to which few people might ever have been admitted–– Perhaps there were priests, big men, whatever they were, inside Stonehenge having processions up the Avenue, doing–-something extremely mysterious. Of course that sort of analysis depends on not knowing what’s actually in the area around Stonehenge itself. It was terra incognita, really.”

Was Stonehenge Stolen or Moved from Wales?

Was Stonehenge Stolen or Moved from Wales?

THE true origin of the ‘Blue Stone’ used to build the Solar Temple at Stonehenge can be traced to the Preselli Hills in Pembrokeshire, Wales. Excavations in 2018, in the same area, revealed the site of the Third largest known Stone Circle/Solar Temple in Britain – ‘Waun Mawn’

The circle, a virtual identical copy of Stonehenge features a 320 feet diameter circle which aligns to the rising Sun on June 21st (Summer Solstice) and once contained some 30 – 50 stones.

It is my belief that the legendary Stonehenge is actually in the wrong place and once stood at ‘Waun Mawn’. In fact one of the bluestones at Stonehenge has an unusual cross-section which precisely matches one of the holes left at Waun Mawn, whether or not the Stones were actually moved on purpose or stolen?? is a subject I find well worthy of debate! All that can be seen of this once monumental site are 4 recumbent stones; whichever way you look at them, now one question remains: Who Moved The Stones?!!

Plea For The Flat Earth

Plea For The Flat Earth

AFTER STUDY AND RESEARCH, A THOUGHT PROCESS OF YEARS, the revolutionary idea of this author was in principle made public in the press, the renowned cartographer by the name of Eric Dancy stated three months later in the “International Echo”: “Future historians will refer to this date as the year of the geographic revolution that will turn on the world to a whole new view.”


Suppose, that you have been longing for a considerable time to live in a home in the dunes and that this wish of yours – as was the case with me – suddenly became reality. You wouldn’t of course be as selfish to enjoy such a precious possession all on your own by yourself. Me neither, that’s exactly why I had “Welcome” painted on the front. Nevertheless most of the time I was here all alone by myself, of which I’m by the way not averse to, although that was precisely right now not my intention. At this moment however I have company — they are friendly holiday-folk from around, with whom 1 got engaged in a relation on a pleasant manner. As it happens they have shown to be interested in my research in such a heartfelt manner, that I invited them, three ladies and three gentlemen, to a lecture to be held by me. Two pairs of them are already present, I’m on the look-out for the third pair …. The exact appointment time is really passed quite extensively; they will probably be prevented somehow and can’t call me here.

Notes on Stonehenge

Notes on Stonehenge


I now pass to solar observations.

I have already pointed out that much time has been lost in the investigation of our stone circles, for the reason that in many cases the exact relations of the monuments to the chief points of the horizon, and therefore to the place of sunrise at different times of the year, have not been considered; and when they were, the observations were made only with reference to the magnetic north, which is different at different places, and besides is always varying; few indeed have tried to get at the real astronomical conditions of the problem.

The first, I think, was Mr. Jonathan Otley, who in 1849 showed the “orientation” of the Keswick circle “according to the solar meridian,” giving true solar bearings throughout the year.

I wrote a good deal in Nature[2] on sun and star temples in 1891, and Mr. Lewis the next year expressed the opinion that the British stone monuments, or some of them, were sun and star temples.

Mr. Magnus Spence, of Deerness, in Orkney, published a pamphlet, “Standing Stones and Maeshowe of Stenness[3],” in 1894; it is a reprint of an article in the Scottish Review, October, 1893. Mr. Cursiter, F.S.A., of Kirkwall, in a letter to me dated March 15, 1894, a letter suggested by my “Dawn of Astronomy,” which appeared in that year, and in which the articles which had been published in Nature in 1891 had been expanded, directed my attention to the pamphlet; the observations had no pretension to scientific accuracy, and some of the alignments are wrongly stated, but a possible solar connection was pointed out.

I began the consideration of the Stenness circles and alignments in 1901, but other pressing calls on my time then caused me to break off the inquiry. Quite recently it occurred to me that a complete study of the Stenness circles might throw light on the question of an earlier Stonehenge, so I have gone over the old papers, plotting the results on the Ordnance map.

The Great Pyramid and Our Lord’s Passion

The Great Pyramid and Our Lord’s Passion

THE GREAT PYRAMID’S DIVINE REVELATION DEFINES, in terms of modern astronomical science, the dates of the Birth and Passion of the promised Saviour of humanity. Its symbolical representation has stood for 46 centuries, awaiting the discovery of its confirmation of the many independent traditions and records concerning the purpose of its Revelation. The modern presentation of the astronomical data, defining the dates of the life of the promised Saviour, has remained on record for nearly nine years.

To my own knowledge, several capable scientists, during the past eight years, have endeavoured to find a flaw in the presentation of the scientific principles of demonstration, or an error in the detailed presentation of the astronomical data. The silence of these and other critical investigators, skilled in the mathematical and astronomical elements of the problem, is significant, particularly in view of the world-wide interest and opposition that the Great Pyramid’s Divine Revelation has created and aroused respectively.

The date of the birth of the Saviour of humanity is defined as 6th October (Julian), B.C. 4. The day coincides with the 15th day of the Hebrew month Tisri in B.C. 4, and the 15th of Tisri is the day of the Hebrew Feast of Tabernacles. The Gospel according to John (i, 14, R.V. margin), in referring to our Lord Jesus Christ as “the Light of the World,” therefore says “The Word became flesh and tabernacled among us.”*

The Secret Script

The Secret Script

THE SECRET SCRIPT OF THE DRUIDS, is known as Coelbren in Welsh and is Paleo Hebrew the true script of the Hebrews according to Allan Wilson. The Hebrews never wrote right to left, but the Edomites did and do, although the Hebrews did write up and down or in circles. They say the Paleo-Hebrew documents have disappeared and that Coelbren never existed, despite stones with this script can be found across the UK and other parts of the world. This is to hide the fact that the Caucasian peoples are the true Israel. The modern block Hebrew is the alphabet of the Yiddish speakers!

The Druids

The Druids

IF THIS WERE AN ACADEMIC DISSERTATION, I would probably choose the subtitle ‘An introductory argument’—-n no field is it more necessary to ask the right questions than when attempting to discover the Druids. The simple truth is that one person’s Druid is another person’s fantasy.

The Druids have been conjured in a wide variety of perceptions, as to who they were, what they believed and what they taught, since the sixteenth century. The basic problem is that no Druid, nor sympathetic contemporary
observer, ever committed to writing the necessary unequivocal information for our latter-day understanding. We have to search diligently among many sources to come up with our answers and, as Levi-Strauss implies, the result of the search depends on what questions we ask.

In spite of several references to Druids in Greek and Latin writings and in spite of the traditions recorded in the native Celtic literatures, we are still far from being absolutely knowledgeable.

The Gospel in The Stars or Primeval Astronomy

The Gospel in The Stars or Primeval Astronomy

IT may seem adventurous to propose to read the Gospel of Christ from what Herschel calls “those uncouth figures and outlines of men and monsters usually scribbled over celestial globes and maps.” So it once would have seemed to the writer. But a just estimate of the case cannot be formed without a close survey of what these figures are, what rela­tions they bear to each other, whence they originated, and what meaning was attached to them by the most ancient peoples from whom they have been trans­mitted to us. Such a survey the author of this vol­ume has endeavoured to make. From an extended induction he has also reached conclusions which lead him to think he may do good service by giving publicity to the results of his examinations.

The current explanations of the origin and meaning of the constellations certainly are not such as should satisfy those in search of positive truth. Herschel characterizes them as ” puerile and absurd.” They are nowhere to be found outside of Greece and Rome and modern works which have thence derived them. They are part of the staple in the theories and arguments of infidelity. The more ancient and explanations to do away with the intended conclu­sion as a non sequitur. The argument of these in­fidels is indeed fatally defective, especially in assum­ing that the old astronomy throughout, and all the myths and worships associated with it, have come solely from the natural observation and imagination of man, apart from all supernatural light, revelation, or inspiration. With this starting-point unproven and incapable of verification, and with the positive assertions of all the primeval world and all the indi­cations directly to the contrary, the whole argument necessarily breaks down. Like all the efforts of unbelief, it signally fails. But though the argument, as such, is false and worthless, it does not fol­low that the materials collected to build it are the same. For the most part, they are solid enough in themselves, and the gathering of them was a valu­able contribution to a better cause. The showings made of the close likeness between the old constel­lations and the Gospel are well founded, and can now be illustrated to a much greater and more mi­nute extent. But, instead of proving Christianity a mere revival of old mythologies, they give powerful impulse toward the conclusion that the constellations and their associated myths and traditions are them­selves, in their original, from the very same pro­phetic Spirit whence the Sacred Scriptures have come, and that they are of a piece with the bib­lical records in the system of God’s universal enunciations of the Christ.

Zetetic Astronomy Earth Not a Globe

Zetetic Astronomy Earth Not a Globe

Notes on The Author

SAMUEL BIRLEY ROWBOTHAM, (1816–1884) was an English inventor and writer who wrote Zetetic Astronomy: Earth Not a Globe under the pseudonym “Parallax”. His work was based on his decade-long studies of the earth and was originally published as a 16-page pamphlet (1849), which he later expanded into a 430-page book (1881). According to Rowbotham’s method, which he called Zetetic Astronomy, the earth is an enclosed plane, centred at the North Pole and bounded along its outward edge by a wall of ice, with the sun, moon, planets, and stars only a few hundred miles above the surface of the earth.

Rowbotham started out as an organiser of an Owenite commune in the Fens, where he first observed the strange phenomenon on the Bedford level that led to his theories about the earth. Following allegations of sexual misconduct he reinvented himself as an itinerant lecturer under the name Parallax. He took a little time to learn his trade, running away from a lecture in Blackburn when he couldn’t explain why the hulls of ships disappeared before their masts when sailing out to sea. However, as he persisted in filling halls by charging sixpence a lecture his quick-wittedness and debating skills were honed so much that he could “counter every argument with ingenuity, wit and consummate skill”.

When finally pinned down to a challenge in Plymouth in 1864 by allegations that he wouldn’t agree to a test, Parallax appeared on Plymouth Hoe at the appointed time, witnessed by Richard Proctor, a writer on astronomy, and proceeded to the beach where a telescope had been set up. His opponents had claimed that only the lantern of the Eddystone lighthouse, some 14 miles out to sea, would be visible. In fact, only half the lantern was visible, yet Rowbotham claimed his opponents were wrong and that it proved the earth was indeed flat so that many Plymouth folk left the Hoe agreeing that “some of the most important conclusions of modern astronomy had been seriously invalidated”.

In 1861 Rowbotham was married for a second time to the 16-year-old daughter of his laundress and settled in London, producing 14 children, of whom 4 survived. He was also alleged to be using the name “Dr. Samuel Birley”, living in a beautiful 12-roomed house selling the secrets for prolonging human life and curing every disease imaginable. De Morgan refers to him as S. Goulden. He patented a number of inventions including a ‘life-preserving cylindrical railway carriage’.

His book Zetetic Astronomy – The Earth not a Globe appeared in 1864. His lectures continued and concerned citizens addressed letters to the Astronomer Royal seeking rebuttals for his claims. A correspondent to the Leeds Times observed that “One thing he did demonstrate was that scientific dabblers unused to platform advocacy are unable to cope with a man, a charlatan if you will (but clever and thoroughly up in his theory), thoroughly alive to the weakness of his opponents”.

The Grail

The Grail

(Herwig Duschek:) It was then I started to look closely at some of the extremely important statements made by Rudolf Steiner about a century ago. Now – a hundred years on – it is time we really grasped the meaning of these decisive statements without which we would not be able to understand certain aspects of what is happening in the world today.

Rudolf Steiner, 2. 1. 1906 (CW 93): “What is expressed by Tao is a driving force which can only be set in motion by the power of selfless love. It will be possible to use this power to drive machines which will, however, cease to function if egoistical people try to make use of them.

[…] A motive force of a purely moral nature, that is the idea of the future; the most important force with which civilisation must be inoculated, if it is not to fall back on itself. The mechanical and the moral will then have to penetrate each other because, without the moral, the mechanical will be nothing. Today we are standing on this very frontier. (1906! H. D.) In the future, machines will be driven not by steam alone, but also by spiritual-moral power. The Tao sign stands for this power which was poetically symbolised in the past by the image of the Holy Grail.”