Bolshevism is Jewish

Bolshevism is Jewish

THE OBJECT OF THIS PAMPHLET is to prove that Bolshevism is Jewish. Bolshevism represents one of the final stages in the deliberate Jewish programme for World Domination. It is not in the scope of this pamphlet to describe the earlier stages of the programme, in which Liberalism, Masonry and Marxism prepared the ground for Bolshevism; that part of the subject is dealt with in our pamphlet.

Disraeli The Destroyer

Disraeli The Destroyer

THE future can teach us nothing because it does not exist. Neither can we learn much from the present, because the results of present policies can only be judged in the future. Our experience must come from the past; it may come as instinct; it may come as history.

The object of this pamphlet is to expose a great fraud, part of an age‑long world campaign of Jewish fraud.

We have all been taught that Disraeli was a great man. We accepted the verdict presented to us by history-books. We took it for granted. We are easily fooled as long as we do that.

The Destruction of India

The Destruction of India

THERE are in India 320 million people, which is three quarters of the population of the British Empire. They belong to several different races: there is a faint Aryan strain in some of the aristocratic families and in the upper castes of Hinduism, but it is swamped by “native” blood of other races, and India is now a land of brown‑skinned people representing a mixture of the ancient black Dravidian aboriginal with Asiatic invaders of Armenoid, Oriental and Mongoloid origin.

Gentile Folly

Gentile Folly


THIS little book has been produced with the object of filling a vacancy which the author considers has too long existed.

Works on the Rothschilds are many, but nearly all these are either purposefully inaccurate or, like Count Corti’s masterpiece, long and rather dry. This book of mine contains no padding and needs to be read slowly.

I am not concerned with anecdotes about the Rothschilds, nor with registering their “wise-cracks,” nor with their “charity.” I take no interest in the Rothschilds as men or robots, but only as Jews; this book, which has been condensed so as to be within the reach of any working-man or woman, deals with the principal aspects of control over the Gentile by sheer weight of money-power, a control used for purposes not Gentile.

Dealing, as it does, with the last 150 years which have been so full of world-shaking events, it has been no easy task to squeeze what I have to say within the compass of a one-shilling publication. To enable those who have either forgotten their history or (let us be honest) never learned it, to follow the narrative more easily, a calendar of some of the principal historical events of the period follows this preface, and I would advise the reader to have within reach, when reading the book, an ordinary school history-book for occasional reference.

Out of Step

Out of Step

This autobiographical effort is in two parts: the first deals with my experiences until I retired from the Veterinary Profession in 1928; the second, with events in the political pioneering career that I carried on after that year by opposing the secret Jewish Power. It was not until 1946 that I thought seriously of publishing it. On reading one of the numerous “smearing” articles about myself in the political columns of newspapers, I learned that my career, “told in full, would read like an Oppenheim thriller”, and then it struck me that although there was much doubt as to whether it was as bad as all that, there were possibly some rather unusual events in it which might interest the small proportion of the public that reads.
For political reasons I have not mentioned in this book the names of most of my friends; and I hope my readers will not, therefore, attribute the fact that the word “I” too frequently occurs in the text to any want of modesty on my part; a man who has been in prison, with or without trial, for well over four years isn’t likely to overestimate his own importance! I think that there will be many lovers of animals, veterinary surgeons amongst them, who may find something new to them, particularly in the first ten Chapters; whilst anyone concerned with political realism can learn a little from the experiences related in the second part of the book, since those experiences are rather unique. This, however, is neither a veterinary textbook nor a political treatise; it is simply an account of some of the things that happened to Your Humble Servant, ARNOLD SPENCER LEESE.

The Fascist 60

The Fascist 60


FASCISTS whether they are struggling to make a business pay,or waiting in queues to get a job of work, cannot fail to rejoice at the partial (and possibly temporary) relief which the Budget affords them in lightening the economic load which, in common with less well-informed or perhaps less unselfish fellow-citizens, they have had to bear for so many years.

Even allowing for the .non-provision for payment of the American “debt,” and not forgetting that huge Death Duties, a permanent capital levy in fact, have been treated as though they were income, it is clear that there has at last been an improvement in industry which has been reflected in the national accounts and Budget.

Another Blood Libel Or Ritual Murder

Another Blood Libel Or Ritual Murder

DURING MARCH 1990, a widely-circulated leaflet The Snides of March, published by the previously little known Hugh of Lincoln Memorial Society, carried the suggestion that Jewish Ritual Murder might still occur in Britain today.In view of the many child disappearances the leaflet may have alerted the police to an area of investigation they may not have considered. Two months later — and of course it could have been a coincidence —came the announcement of a police search for the body of a murdered child at the car park of the Satmar Synagogue in Clap-ton, East London. A number of questions are now being asked about this search by the perceptive and well-informed.

Race And Politics

Race And Politics


THE real Nature of the Aryan or Nordic Race is in its instincts,which result from the experience of its ancestors handed down as an hereditary memory, and may very truly be said to be the highest form of knowledge. In Britain, the instincts which have given us a world-wide reputation for personal honesty are due to the essential nobility of our ancestors, and we have a right to be proud of them and to turn aside from a self-renunciatory attitude in world affairs which will, if allowed much scope, destroy what may never be built up again. It is utterly fatal for a Race with noble instincts to allow itself to mix on an equality with a people whose instincts are ignoble; and still more suicidal is it to allow such people to dominate the Aryan by an artificial Money Power. That is why the Imperial Fascist League works to rid this country of Jews.

Psychology And Jews

Psychology And Jews

THE Institute of Medical Psychology and the organization for the Scientific Treatment of Delinquency are both simply bursting with Jews. It is no exaggeration to say that Jewish influence dominates both institutions.

The first named Institute’s social functions at which funds are raised are generally presided over by Mrs. Israel Moses Sief and Mrs. H. Sacher,and attended by people called Cohen, Abrahams, Marks, Lebus, Laski,Braham, Walston, Szarvasy, Erleigh, Montefiore, etc., in the proportion of something like fifty percent.

The list of Vice-Presidents of the Institute for the scientific Treatment of Delinquency included (in 1937) the Jews A. Adler, R.D. Blumenfield, S.Freud, Rabbi Hertz, E. Miller, C.S. Myers, H. Sacher, Professor C.G.Seligman, and others; while on its Council are the Jews P. Quass, Marjorie Franklin, etc., and among the Lay Psychologists of the staff are the Jewish Duschinsky and Barbara Low.

PEP Sovietism By Stealth

PEP Sovietism By Stealth


IF you are a PRODUCER, a MANUFACTURER, a MERCHANT, a RETAILER or a consumer of goods or materials, whatever their category may be, this exposure will interest you directly, since the plans and designs of P.E.P. if permitted to reach consummation, will place every one of you under a permanent enslavement to a close coterie whose interests lie as far from yours as could possibly be.

In this pamphlet, we are dealing with a manufactured opinion, seemingly spontaneously arising in a multitude of different quarters, yet actually forwarded by a group of individuals whose identities have hitherto been kept carefully hidden.

We put this matter before you, without fear or favour, in the hope that you, in your sphere, will lend your aid in fighting the menace of which “Planning” is now the spear-point.