The underlying scam behind this criminal medical cartel taking over the planet is Germ Theory. It is false and MUST BE EXPOSED. Make the world understand this and the Covid / vaccine fraud falls apart.Some quotations that refute the Germ Theory:-“Medical doctors are working on the germ theory of disease… But the germ theory is already weakening and is due for being thrown aside. Dr. Fraser of Canada and Dr. Powell of California have experimented with billions of germs of all varieties, but they have been unable to produce a single disease by the introduction of germs into human subjects. Dr. Waite tried for years to prove the germ theory, but he could not do so. During the World War an experiment was conducted at Gallop’s Island Massachusetts, in which millions of influenza germs were injected into over one hundred men at the Government hospital, and no one got the flu.
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Viruses Not The Cause of Disease
Court Battle Won
Dr. Lanka Meets the Press
Since the early 1990’s, German biologist Dr. Stefan Lanka has been at the forefront of challenging the medical theory stating that viruses are the cause of infectious diseases such as hepatitis, AIDS, the flu, polio, herpes, or measles. Caroline Markolin has presented Dr. Lanka’s activities in her lecture video “Virus Mania” in great details (watch Part 2 of the recordings HERE – starting at 08:08).
Based on his studies in virology, Dr. Lanka discovered that viruses are vital components of simple life-forms that do not exist in complex organisms such as humans, animals, or plants. His research shows that the viruses believed to cause “viral infections” are in reality ordinary cell particles that have been misinterpreted as constituents of the viruses in question. Dr. Lanka also determined that viruses don’t have a destructive effect on the host, as commonly believed. These findings are in full accordance with the discoveries of Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer who demonstrated already in the 1980’s that contrary to the standard theory, microbes do not harm the organism but play instead a supportive role during the healing process of diseases (see Fourth Biological Law of the New Medicine).
The “measles virus trial” between Dr. Stefan Lanka and German medical doctor David Bardens has by now received international attention (see the 2015 reports in CTV News Canada and BBC News). The court case has not only heated up the ongoing “virus debate”. It also fuelled the discussion about the justification of childhood vaccination and of vaccination in general.
Covid 19 – Satanic Ritual
GOD IS REVEALING TRUTH, DON’T MISS IT. YOUR LIFE and YOUR CHILDREN’S LIVES DEPEND ON IT! I am so excited to see how GOD is speaking to so many of us, the same message, but different parts. I have to tell you there is so much information coming forward that NO ONE can keep up with it. I know that since GOD told me to leave my job, because of what was coming, I have done nothing all day and night, every day, 24/7 but work on this website and the owner’s website. Of course I do stop to eat now and then, sleep a little when my eyes or body give out. I have gone shopping a few times. I stop to clean the kitchen when we just run out of dishes. Other than that, I am on here. It is impossible for one person even to cover one part of what is happening completely. There is just too much
Expanded History of The Flu
HEALTH IS ALL ABOUT THE STATE OF THE WATER IN OUR BODIES. One of the most profound influences on the water in our bodies is the electro-magnetic environment and the introduction of man-made electrical devices. There is no clearer place to see these effects than in a thorough investigation of the history of influenza in the past 150 years.
The word “influenza” originated in Italy. The first record of this strange and inexplicable illness occurred around the year 1580. As the phenomenon recurred, acute observers recognized that it tended to ‘pop up’ simultaneously in multiple locations, sometimes on multiple continents. In an effort to explain this cognitively dissonant fact, Italian ‘scientists’ examined sun-spot records and noticed that outbreaks always seemed to coincide with peaks of sun-spot activity.
They understood that when the sun’s surface (or corona) was most active, there were mass ejections from the sun that manifested as spectacular displays of the Aurora Borealis in northern climes and that there were also magnetic effects (or magnetic ‘waves’) from the sun that struck the earth with uncommon intensity at these times.
Thus the word “Influenza became the name of this illness. “Influenza” being short for “Influenza delle stelle”—Influence of the Stars.
“Anxiety disorder,” afflicting one-sixth of humanity, did not exist before the 1860’s, when telegraph wires first encircled the earth.Influenza, in its present form, was invented in 1889, along with alternating current.
Prior to the 1860’s, diabetes was so rare that few doctors saw more than one or two cases during their lifetime.
Heart disease at that time was the twenty-fifth most common illness, behind accidental drowning.
Modern Wind Turbines Generate Dangerously “Dirty” Electricity
WIND TURBINES ARE CAUSING SERIOUS HEALTH PROBLEMS. These health problems are often associated, by the people having them, with the flicker and the noise from the wind turbines. This often leads to reports being discounted.
Residents of the area around the Ripley Wind Farm in Ontario where Enercon E82 wind turbines are installed feel that the turbines are making them ill. Residents suffer from ringing in the ears, headaches, sleeplessness, dangerously elevated blood pressure (requiring medication), heart palpitations, itching in the ears, eye watering, earaches, and pressure on the chest causing them to fight to breathe.
The symptoms disappear when the residents leave the area. Four residents were forced to move out of their homes, the symptoms were so bad. Residents also complain of poor radio, TV and satellite dish reception. There is no radio reception under or near the power lines from the wind turbines because there is too much interference. Local farmers have found that they get headaches driving along near those power lines.
The Story of Influenza
An Important Tale to Tell Your Friends
IT IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that readers use the following uncontroversial, historical detail as a (rather bland and unobtrusive) instrument that just might wake up those who are still sleeping.
The word “influenza” originated in Italy. The first record of this strange and inexplicable illness occurred around the year 1580. As the phenomenon recurred, acute observers recognised that it tended to ‘pop up’ simultaneously in multiple locations, sometimes on multiple continents. In an effort to explain this cognitively dissonant fact, Italian ‘scientists’ examined sun-spot records and noticed that outbreaks always seemed to coincide with peaks of sun-spot activity.
They understood that when the sun’s surface (or corona) was most active, there were mass-ejections from the sun that manifested as spectacular displays of the Aurora Borealis in northern climes and that there were also magnetic effects (or magnetic ‘waves’) from the sun that struck the earth with uncommon intensity at these times.
Thus the word “Influenza became the name of this illness. “Influenza” being short for “Influenza delle stelle”—-Influence of the Stars.
The Collapse of Conventional Medicine
Cured yesterday of my disease,I died last nite of my physician.–Matthew Prior, 1664-1721 AD
Columbia Book of Quotations 1996
IT began with the advent of magic bullet drugs, the first being penicillin. While Alexander Fleming was being given credit in 1922 for his discovery that a mould was observed to kill germs in a laboratory dish when viewed under a microscope, actually Louis Pasteur had made the same microscopic observation six decades earlier with fresh-crushed garlic. But garlic could not be made into a patentable molecule and it, like so many other natural remedies, was soon to be cast into a class of snake oil remedies. Pharmaceutical companies thereafter developed vaccines, hormone replacements such as insulin, synthetic thyroid and estrogen/progesterone, and a host of other patentable molecules that are often just altered versions of molecules found in nature. Surgical technology improved until now more than 70 million surgical procedures are performed annually in the US. Use of prescription drugs has soared past $100 billion annually. But with all of this largesse, conventional medicine is collapsing, falling to scientific studies that uncover its many unproven therapies.
Modern medicine has claimed the high road, boasting that it is backed by science and all the other fringe health disciplines, such as chiropractic, homeopathy, naturopathy and the like, are nothing more than pseudo-sciences. So, let the buyer beware when entering the door of medical charlatans.
Countering Mind Control and Covert Attacks
Editor: We are most grateful to one of our German speaking subscribers for the following contribution relating to his firm’s work over recent years in developing, producing and marketing effective countermeasures to the sophisticated warfare now being waged against seemingly all humanity via what most believe are innocuous data transmission and receiving devises we all have to use e.g. phone, wireless, TV including exposure to radiation from electricity itself and even light.
Mind Control and Electrosmog: Their Threats and Countermeasures
SO, ELECTROSMOG AND MIND CONTROL (MC) concerns you? Us too! However, we have found a solution for at least more than 90% of the population affected by this most insidious form of attack. Having read the following resume of our company’s work in developing countermeasures against such attacks, you may wish to purchase one or more source field-harmonisers and test their protective benefits for yourself.
In this article certain aspects of electrosmog and MC associated with UHF radiation, being the most pervasive, will be addressed. The television and film industry both play a pivotal roll in implementing MC by harnessing nature’s optical laws. Other methods of MC are now in an advanced stage of development such as holographic projection. Yet other “esoteric” technologies (our term) e.g. radionics, psionics and psychotronics must be considered when endeavouring to take countermeasures.
Also to be considered is worldwide organised stalking and electronic harassment (OS/EH), which has been going on for decades with ever increasing sophistication. This topic will have to be left for another time.
The Toxic Ingredients That Make up Aspirin
There are 6 systemic variables that determine what we put into and onto our bodies.
FIRST, OUR PARENTS AND CAREGIVERS control what we put into our bodies from conceivement to adolescence. Second, the food and personal care products industries research, develop and produce the processed choices for us. Third, our culture and life experience, media and education contribute to our programming. Fourth, our body has specific and general programming, usually subconscious, that influence our choices. Fifth, we can exert a continuum of conscious control over what we put in and on our bodies, ranging from all to none. Sixth, the collective marketplace, including regulation, determines the dynamics of availability, composition, labelling, price and accountability.
We believe that a comprehensive Nurture, Equality, Truth and Systems viewpoint of ingredients requires a proof process that assesses each person’s body specifically, that tracks the quantity of the product ingested or absorbed, that identifies accurately all ingredients; the processes, mechanisms and secondary resources used to produce the ingredients, the availability of alternatives and the judgement across a spectrum of multivariate factors as to whether any ingredient, or any mix of ingredients within the product or associated with application, has the relative and absolute probability to cause harm that reduces the potential of a component or system in a human body.
WHO Murdered Africa
THE OBJECT of the World Planners is control — absolute control. Although the desire to rule the world is not a new ambition, the control sought by this generation of World Planners is more than government, wealth and resources. They control these already. What the World Planners want in order to complete their plan is control of population.
Their control of population is in their ability to control the thoughts and behaviour of the masses. The method which the World Planners are using to achieve their aim of absolute control is mind-boggling when one attempts to unravel it. It is truly a “tangled web of deception”.
Before the World Planners can achieve their goal of “absolute control” of the world’s population, they must first reduce the existing numbers to an optimum controllable level. The World Planners estimate that planet earth can only sustain a 2.5-billion population by the year 2000, but “Spaceship Earth”, according to the United Nations’ figures, already has in excess of 4.5-billion people. This hypothesis makes it essential for the world planners not only to bring population growth to a stand still, but it also becomes necessary for a “roll back” in population (the world is to be depopulated); hence zero population programs.