The Holocaust as a Mechanism For Suppressing The Truth

The Holocaust as a Mechanism For Suppressing The Truth

BECAUSE OF THE INCESSANT TALK ABOUT A HOLOCAUST, that for the most part did not occur, the truth about a holocaust that did occur has been successfully suppressed since the end of World War II. Now suddenly, with the assumption of a new, democratically elected government in Austria, the horrible truth of the aftermath of World War II has finally broken into the front pages of newspapers throughout the world, with the call by the Austrian Freedom Party for compensation to those ethnic Germans who were expelled and murdered by Czechoslovakia at the end of WW II. For the very first time since 1945, a period encompassing the entire lives of most of those reading these words, the murder, expulsion, enslavement, and destruction of millions of ethnic Germans after the war ended is coming to light with a vengeance.

Lies Verses Truth, Facts Verses Fiction, Reality Verses Hoax

Lies Verses Truth, Facts Verses Fiction, Reality Verses Hoax

The whole communications media is controlled by the greatest liars and con merchants on the planet. They spin lies everyday, all the time, unceasingly and without end. The people are entrapped and ensnared in all their falsehoods like a fly in a web.

HOAX. Taxation pays for the expenses of government. Taxation is legalised theft. Interest to the Bankers on their fraudulent “loans”.

The distinguished title given to tax collectors (H.M. Inspector of Taxes) is a falsehood and a lie.

The control of money is not vested in the crown. Not vested in the Queen in parliament where it should be. Tax collectors are not operat­ing on behalf of her Majesty the Queen. Not oper­ating on behalf of the British people or parliament whose powers regarding money are “non-existent”. They are working entirely on behalf of “the present hidden beneficiaries of taxation” [Captain Henry Kirby M.P.] in other words, the international Jewish financiers – Rothschild and company. Under this system, it should be clear to all that taxa­tion is nothing more than legalised theft. Inter­est to the bankers on their fictitious “loans”. En­riching them and impoverishing the people. Tax col­lectors should be known truthfully and honestly as Rothschild’s tax collectors.

Heroes of The white Race

Heroes of The white Race

ONE OF THE HEROES OF THE WHITE RACE was C. Leon de Aryan, Editor and Publisher for thirty-five years of the San Diego newspaper, The Broom, later known as The Sun Work Shop and the Broom. De Aryan was born in Romania on August 18, 1886, of a Greek father who was an employee of the Romanian Government. His mother was Polish. He was christened Constantine Leon Legenopol, but he changed the family name to de Aryan when he became a naturalised citizen of the United States. As publisher he was known as C. Leon de Aryan. His adoption of the name de Aryan was to exemplify his life’s work as a champion of the Aryan Race and philosophy.

Hebrew and English

Hebrew and English

IS modern spoken English descended from the language of the patriarchs? Strong evidence now exists that it is, according to five leading language scholars, whose independent studies have all reached a similar conclusion. This language connection would, in turn, indicate some form of physical contact or migration in early times. Did Israelites of the age of the patriarchs visit the shores of Britain, settle there and impart their language? Evidence from historians shows how that may have taken place.

In ancient times, trading ships from the coast of Palestine sailed throughout the Mediterranean and as far as the coast of Britain. Where trading ships went, colonies soon developed. Now, as fascinating proof of this early colonisation, leading language scholars have discovered amazing links between the modern English language and the ancient language of the Hebrews of the Old Testament. They tell their story in the paragraphs to follow, combining to present strong evidence that Hebrews themselves came to the British Isles at an early date. Our thesis is that between the beginning of the Egyptian captivity (1448 B.C.), and the Assyrian-Babylonian invasions (745-586 B.C.), Biblical Israelites first settled the shores of Britain. The result is a fascinating account of the fulfilment of Bible prophecy. Here are their stories:

Dupes of Judah A Challenge to The American Legion

Dupes of Judah A Challenge to The American Legion

William Dudley Pelley (1890 – 1965) founded the Silver Rangers of America on 31 January 1933 which soon became known as the Silvershirts. He was an accomplished author and was involved with many screen productions. After the Jews declared their holy war on Germany in 1933, he soon became fingered as “the most dangerous man in America.” The American Hebrew magazine, which first used the 6,000,000 figure in its October 31, 1919 issue, targeted Mr. Pelley since patriotism interferes with internationalism schemes.

Elizabeth The Last? – A Reply

Elizabeth The Last? – A Reply

This is a brilliant analysis of Evan Sadler’s book titled “Elizabeth the Last?”, which documents the attacks on the British and continental Monarchies and protestants down through the centuries. Richard Porter points out that while it is true that the Papacy has been and still is a tyrannical and murderous regime, Evan Sadler in his book fails to unmask the real “power behind the throne”, namely the Jews under the guise of Jesuits.

It is pointed out that the prophet of the independent Seventh Day Adventist publishers – Ellen G. White (who was a Jew) in her writings on Martin Luther failed to mention one word of his determination to have them expelled from Germany because of their evil deeds.

The Controversy of Zion

The Controversy of Zion

Commencing in 1951, as Britain’s foremost World War II correspondent, he spent more than three years writing “The Controversy of Zion” – all 300.000 words of it. He completed the epilogue in 1956. Although there is correspondence to show that the book was once discussed with his publisher, the manuscript was never submitted, but remained for 22 years gathering dust in his home in Durban, South Africa. Would he have loved the Internet!
Now, half a century later, it exists, and must assist in the dissemination of his powerful truth. Several chapters show how much he would have loved this possibility. Just as much as the Zionist censors of the Internet hate this breach in their worldwide brainwashing and control of the media.
In Europe during the years immediately before and after World War II, the name of Douglas Reed was on everyone’s lips. His books were being sold by the tens of thousands. He was known with intimate familiarity throughout the English-speaking world by a vast army of fans. And then he was banished. Was it this book? Take a look at these chapters and judge for yourself…..

A Form of Collective Insanity is Now Sweeping Germany

A Form of Collective Insanity is Now Sweeping Germany

Germar Rudolf, the “mystery speaker” who was scheduled to address the Twelfth annual Institute for Historical Review Revisionist Conference, (Sept. 3-5, 1994), explained why he was regrettably not able to attend in the following statement, which was read to the Conference by Master of Ceremonies Greg Raven.

Usually the whole audience is eager to learn who the mystery speaker will be. This time, unfortunately, the IHR must deny you the satisfaction of seeing this mystery solved in person. For reasons that are, regrettably, not very mysterious, I am not able to appear for this Conference. I want to tell you the reasons for this, but to maintain some air of mystery, I will withhold my name for the time being. As I tell the story, perhaps one or more of you will sooner or later guess my identity.

Carnegie Foundation

Carnegie Foundation

Andrew Carnegie (1835-1919), photo on cover of this book, came to the United States as a poor immigrant from Scotland in 1848, and never became an American citizen. He built the Carnegie Steel Corporation, which he sold to J. P. Morgan for $500 million, who incorporated the company into the United States Steel Corporation in 1901, enabling Carnegie to retire and concentrate on his philanthropic activities.

In 1889, William Torrey Harris, the U.S. Commissioner of Education, told a high-ranking railroad official that the schools were being scientifically designed not to over educate children. He believed that the schools should alienate children from their parents and religion. In 1890, Carnegie wrote eleven essays which were published under the title The Gospel of Wealth. The underlying premise was that the free-enterprise system had been locked-up by men such as himself, J.P. Morgan, and John D. Rockefeller, and that they not only owned everything, but also controlled the government. His worry, was that subsequent generations would realise this, and work against them. His solution was to control the education system, and to create a direct relationship between the amount of education a person had, and how good of a job they could get. Therefore, this created a motivation for children to attend school, where they would be taught only what the social engineers of this country wanted them to know.

The Destruction of German Industry

The Destruction of German Industry

The year 1948 was a turning point for Germany. She had been mercilessly destroyed to a degree practically unfathomable to the normal human mind. Millions upon millions of people had been killed in air raids, in combat, during the ethnic cleansing of her eastern provinces of Silesia, Prussia, Pommerania and in the bastard-state Czechoslovakia, that artificially created dagger in the heart of the most creative, civilised and industrious country of Europe, all with the express approval and encouragement of the victorious allies,

The destruction visited upon Germany during WW2 has no equal in the annals of recorded history, because it not only meant the utter destruction of her industry, but her agriculture, her civilian population centres, her currency, her military, her reputation, her incredible cultural centres, her very soul. Just to have thought (or indeed to think in the year 2004) as a German, was defamed, demonised and spat upon and people were forced to recant their very convictions. Millions of Germans were worked to death, or had their health irrevocably ruined as slave labourers in the former Soviet Union, in France and the UK. The crimes committed by the allies against the entire German nation are so horrendous as to defy description. Every human right so loudly proclaimed by the western democracies was trampled (and is being trampled still) underfoot.