Who was Rudolph Diesel

Who was Rudolph Diesel

RUDOLPH DIESEL was the inventor of the diesel engine, his work at the Augsburg machine works, to build an engine that performed better than the contemporary petrol engine, resulted in an engine that ran more efficiently, burnt more of the fuel itself, with less waste, and with less moving parts to go wrong. In every respect Diesel’s engine looked like a sure fire winner.

So discussions with the British navy, whose submarines used a petrol engine for their surface work – which meant petrol fumes on board, hot pipes running throughout, and the constant threat of a stray spark, causing an explosion, which did occur more than once – meant Rudolph was a man in demand.

Poisonous Mushroom

Poisonous Mushroom


Just as it is often hard to tell a toadstool from an edible mushroom, so too it is often very hard to recognise the Jew as a swindler and criminal.

A mother and her young boy are gathering mushrooms in the German forest. The boy finds some poisonous ones. The mother explains that there are good mushrooms and poisonous ones, and, as they go home, says: Look, Franz, human beings in this world are like the mushrooms in the forest. There are good mushrooms and there are good people. There are poisonous, bad mushrooms and there are bad people. And we have to be on our guard against bad people just as we have against poisonous mushrooms. Do you understand that?

Yes, mother, Franz replies. I understand that in dealing with bad people trouble may arise, just as when one eats a poisonous mushroom. One may even die! And do you know, too, who these bad men are, these poisonous mushrooms of mankind? the mother continued.

Proofs of a Conspiracy

Proofs of a Conspiracy

John Robison (1739-1805) was a Scottish scientist, who late in life wrote the one of the definitive studies of the Bavarian Illuminati. He was a contemporary and collaborator with James Watt, with whom he worked on an early steam car, contributor to the 1797 Encyclopaedia Britannica, professor of philosophy at the University of Edinburgh, and inventor of the siren.

Although Robison was very much an advocate of science and rationalism, in later life, disillusioned by the French Revolution, he espoused a Monarchist political philosophy. In this work, Proofs of a Conspiracy, Robison laid the groundwork for modern conspiracy theorists by implicating the Bavarian Illuminati as responsible for the excesses of the French Revolution. The Bavarian Illuminati, a rationalist secret society, was founded by Adam Weishaupt in 1776 in what is today Germany. They had an inner core of true believers, who espoused radical atheist, anti-monarchist and possibly proto-feminist views, at that time considered beyond the pale. They recruited by infiltrating the numerous (and otherwise benign) Freemasonic groups which were active at the time on the continent. Necessarily they had a clandestine, compartmentalized, hierarchical organizational form, which has led some modern conspiracy theorists to identify them as the original Marxist-Leninist group. However, this is most likely simply a case of parallel evolution.

Since we don’t have convenient access to the source documents of the Bavarian Illuminati we have to rely on Robison and the Abbé Barruel’s Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism, both in the ‘opposing views’ category, for information on this group. The Illuminati have today become a byword for a secret society which hoodwinks its junior members and puppet-masters society at large. This reputation is in no little part due to Robison’s book. However, reading between the lines, it becomes obvious that the Bavarian Illuminati were what the American old left called a ‘talk shop,’ barely able to organize a picnic, let alone the Terror. Instead, it seems, they were only expressing views widespread in intellectual circles of the day. They were not, as Robison claims, the fuse that lit the downfall of the French Monarchy. Nonetheless, this book make fascinating reading, and in conjunction with other historical accounts of the French Revolution, helps dimensionalise the period for students of history.

Red Symphony

Red Symphony

The material here given is a translation of Ch. XL of a book which appeared in Madrid in Spanish as “Sinfonía en Rojo Mayor,” and is now past its 11th Edition, produced by Editorial E.R.S.A. under the well-known publisher Senor Don Mauricio Carlavilla, who has very kindly agreed to this English translation and publication. As soon as possible the full book of over 800 pp. will follow.

The given chapter is of immense importance. It is here translated from a Russian edition as well as from the Spanish. It is a complete material on its own.

The translator’s own book on “The Struggle for World Power” also deals with the whole problem of super-power and global enslavement through the masters of both usury-Capitalism and terroristic Communism, which are both the tools of the same forces and serving the same purpose. The book has been published in Madrid in Spanish by Senor Carlavilla as “La Lucha por el Poder Mundial.”

In the present work we see this whole story brilliantly described and proved by one of the major exponents of the subversive take-over of the world, Christian G. Rakovsky, one of the founders of Soviet Bolshevism and also a victim of the show trials just before the last war under Stalin. This is a document of historical importance and nobody who wants to be well-informed should fail to read and recommend it. Not to know the thesis here described is to know and understand nothing concerning the chief events and prospects of our time.

Agenda 21 Sustainable Development and Rewilding

Agenda 21 Sustainable Development and Rewilding

THE UNITED NATIONS AGENDA 21 was signed by the United States in 1992 at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro. Very few people have even heard of it yet it is being implemented in every city, community, and region in America. Agenda 21 is a 40 chapter document listing goals to be achieved globally. It is the global plan to change the way we “live, eat, learn, and communicate” because we must “save the earth.”
“Its regulation would severely limit water, electricity, and transportation – even deny human access to our most treasured wilderness areas, it would monitor all lands and all people. No one would be free from the watchful eye of the new global tracking and information system,” according to Berit Kjos, author of Brave New Schools.
Maurice Strong, Secretary-general of the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in Rio de Janeiro said, “. . . Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class – involving high meat consumption and large amounts of frozen and convenience foods, use of fossil fuels, appliances, home and workplace air-conditioning, and suburban housing are not sustainable.” A shift is necessary which will require a vast strengthening of the multilateral system, including the United Nations.
In other words, the Global plan is for us to live on the level of third world nations. That means limited use of fuel of any kind (we will ride bicycles instead of riding in automobiles), no air-conditioning, and we will all be forced to live in tiny apartments in tenement buildings in the middle of a city.

Boer War

Boer War

At the turn of the 19th century there occurred a war so devastating in its consequences that the world is still feeling its effect. Perhaps the most important result of the war is that the Jews gained control of the richest gold deposits known to mankind, along with a diversity of minerals seldom found in one country; all of which are of the greatest importance to the West today. The purpose of this article is to summarise the causes of the war, who was behind it, and what their motives were.

The Anglo‑Boer War is not a well known event in the annuals of history. Indeed, it is safe to say that it is a war which was swept under the carpet. I doubt whether it is a subject which is ever mentioned in the classrooms of U.S. schools and universities. This is no accident, but deliberate policy. We need to look at the character and racial make up of the “Boers” as they were called in the early part of the history of what is today South Africa. The Boers were farmers; the racial make up of the Boer was not very different from that of the people of the southern United States.

Black Pope

Black Pope

So, you thought you were pretty well informed by now about all of the main players on the “conspiracy” playing field? You’ve maybe been hearing for years about (or bumped into on your own) the various elements of society who control our world from behind the scenes.

You’ve gotten familiar with the role played by, for instance, the Khazarian Zionists (who invented the word “Jew” to disguise their adopted heritage, as distinguished from the biblical Judeans)

See Rev 2:9 & 3:9.  These are the ones who claim to be “Jews”, but are NOT “Jews”.  They are the worshippers of Satan, and are his chosen seed line on this earth to do HIS WILL, even as we are Jah’s chosen people called to do His!!!  There is nothing new under the sun.  Satan can only counterfeit what Jah does, and he DOES DO JUST THAT. 

Dealey Plaza and JFK

Dealey Plaza and JFK

The quote above states a fundamental fact concerning academic research. In order to produce worthwhile results, one needs to specialise in specific areas in which they are an expert, to the exclusion of all other non-relevant subjects. Because of my own research into the ritualised behaviour of the high-level occult practitioners known as the global elite, I have concentrated on the following aspects of the public execution of President Kennedy; the occult symbology associated with the location as well as with the assassination itself. In addition, I have also widely expanded the so-called coincidences list that compare JFK with Abraham Lincoln, as well as other aspects of the family symbolism that had been connected to what now seems to have been JFK’s deliberate and inevitable fate.

Enemies of The Queen

Enemies of The Queen

At the present time the main enemy is an organisations set up in the middle of the last Century, that seeks to establish a world‑wide Marxist‑Leninist dictatorships with Christianity and the nations of the world abolished. This One World organisation has a variety of ramifications, the most widely known of which has been the communist Party. Some of the main objectives of the One World organisation, as of its subsidiary the Communist Party, were set out in the Communist Manifesto, a document written by Karl Marx and published in 1850.

History of The Children of The Devil

History of The Children of The Devil

In this, the 20th century, an age of enlightenment, when all subjects can be intelligently examined, there is only one issue or subject that remains forbidden fruit. One may discuss Communism, sex, Protestantism, Catholicism, Mohammedanism or metaphysics freely, but why cannot one discuss the Jew?

If we wish to find out about the Mormons, we can readily purchase on the market, “The Book of Mormons,” “The Doctrine and Covenants” and “The Pearl of Great Price.” If we wish to learn of the Christian Science faith, we may purchase “Science and Health,” by Mary Baker Eddy. If we wish to discuss the ‘I Am’ movement, there are many books by Dr. Ballard. If it is Mohammedanism we wish to be enlightened on, the “Koran” can be bought at nearly every book store.

There is not one single existing faith that we cannot have the complete research on except that of the Jews, and when we seek to acquire the many volumes of the Talmud we are always pointed to a limited edition or some excerpts, and are forbidden to purchase their complete writings. Even in their own writings they boldly state that any Gentile should be put to death who delves into their teachings.