With Healing in His Wings

With Healing in His Wings

SURELY ALL OF YOU HAVE HEARD OF DIVINE HEALING OF VARIOUS DISEASES. PROBABLY SOME OF YOU DOUBT THAT IT HAS REALLY OCCURRED: you think that it was just the imaginary healing of an imaginary disease. But I can assure you that I personally know of many cases of very real diseases which were healed far more quickly than the best physicians could accom­plish it. One who never saw the City of Chicago might doubt that it exists; but one who has been there knows that it is real. So it is with divine healing: we who have seen sicknesses healed by God know that this is real.

Possibly some of you have hoped for divine healing of your own sicknesses, but have not received it; and you have wondered, Why can’t I have it? I shall try both to answer that question, and to show you how you can be healed. You know that God CAN heal; you know that he DOES heal; but you still don’t know HOW or WHY.

First, let us find out WHY THERE IS SICKNESS IN THIS WORLD? God gave us a code of laws, set out in the first five books of the Bible. These laws covered all phases of life and civilization. They were not concerned only with your morality — though, of course, God always has required that you try to live a good life. They covered every phase of life that can affect our well-being: they were POLITICAL laws to keep us free; ECONOMIC laws, to keep us prosperous: AGRICULTURAL laws, to keep our land productive and our crops nourishing; DIETARY laws, to keep us strong and healthy; and RELIGIOUS laws, to keep us true to the one God, Who has given us all good things, even our very lives; and, of course, the shortest part of all, the MORAL laws, to keep our personal conduct such that our God could stand to associate with us. He promised that, if we would obey all of His laws, we would have peace, prosperity, good government, long life — and GOOD HEALTH.