The Patterns of Judgment

The Patterns of Judgment

AS WE TURN TO THE SUBJECT OF JUDGEMENTS, THEN HERE AND THROUGH OUT THE WORLD, we find people, great numbers of people, who have a great fear concerning knowledge of God’s judgement. But concepts of the relationship between the believer and his Father is always determined in the thinking of the individual by the background of the teaching he has received as a child, as he has been raised in any theological pattern of thought. Therefore, the attitude of the individual as to what is to come to pass or what God’s attitude is toward him, is always dependent on what he had been taught.

Now, we recognize that from the beginning of Christ’s teaching to HIS Disciples and in those areas which preceded this through out the great pattern of the development of theological knowledge in our race, that there was Biblical teaching, fundamental teaching concerning God’s plan, concerning the individual, the reason for his being here, his destiny, the conclusion of his purposes, and ultimately what was to be his destiny. We are to understand also that all through the Old Testament, scriptures, even those which are not in our Bible, although they do exist, but in the records which we have in the scriptures we can pick up the thread of revelation. Then in the New Testament, under the New Covenant, we can pick up the pattern of revelation.