The American Jew

The American Jew

WE expect that the Jews will try to boycott “The American Jew,” using the same peculiar tactics as in the case of “The Original Mr. Jacobs,” They will appoint committees to visit book-dealers, urging them not to handle the book; they will buy up and destroy all copies found exposed for sale; they will bribe, threaten, plead, and try in every possible way to’ interfere with its sale; they will circulate reports that the book has been “called in,” and will spread many other lies, — lies that the Jew knows so well how to disseminate.
But all their efforts toward stopping the sale of “The Original Mr. Jacobs” have been unavailing, for in less than three months this book has achieved a wide-spread circulation. It is, at the present writing, in its twentieth edition, and its sale does not show’ any sign of abatement.