The Bewitching Month of October
ON OCTOBER THE 31ST this month many of the people in the UK will be waiting with bated breath to see whether the Government lives up to its promise to exit the EU, after failing to do so in March and April of this year!
A number of prominent lawyers are saying that technically the UK already left on the 29th of March, as the Bill to exit on that date was never rescinded. Robin Tilbrook a prominent barrister is fighting through the courts, for this Bill to be activated, but the hearing is being stalled , which is no surprise!.
The revised exit date makes one wonder, whether they have some hidden surprise, as the date chosen is the feast of All Hallows or Halloween, where the corrupt church says prayers for the dead, which has subsequently been subjected to a Satanic takeover to promote witchcraft to destroy Christianity.
One has to wonder why Reformation Day is also celebrated on this day? On further investigation it would appear that it was on the word of one man, Albert of Brandenburg, the Archbishop of Mainz, although that has never been proved. It would appear that the Edomites that infiltrated the Reformation movement were busy on fixing their cabala – hence the date chosen!
It is very difficult to see how the UK can be independent without a military. While exit negotiations were going on, former PM Theresa May and now Boris Johnson were handing control of our military over to the EU. At the same time most of our arms and other manufacturing industry has been put under foreign management or moved abroad to China!
We know the great tribulation (because of disobedience to Yahweh’s Law) that has plagued True Israel over the centuries is now coming to a climax. The remnant of his people will need to stand firm together and enquire of Yahweh in this time of great danger, that he will smite the enemy as he has promised to do. Praise Yahweh, may that day come soon!!

October 2019 issue of The New Ensign Magazine. 40pp PDF