Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 130

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 130

Welcome To Earth Ye Noble Guest

IN THE MIXED UP WORLD OF TODAY HERE IN EARLY 1993, some would have you believe that you have no basis for expecting ‘Ye Noble Guest’ to come again and to bring to an end this hold of Satan and his children over our earth, and our nation. In this past year if any person spoke out to champion the values that made America Great they were immediately jumped on and ridiculed. Thus we do have people still in this nation that lean in their thinking toward the beliefs in what Communism stood for, actually some go so far as to say, no God, just man as his own God.

We, however, as a child of His Kingdom believe that there is to be an end to this situation here in earth, and that OUR KING OF KINGS will come to put all things under His control. And when that Trumpet blows announcing His presence, no longer will I be blowing my horn, for the Message of the Trumpet certainly drowns out the noise of the horn.

You ask: why do we believe there will be another coming of this our Saviour? Well, we believe the WORD OF GOD. And we believe this because of a little word called FAITH.

Isaiah 9:6; ‘For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the government shall be upon his shoulders, and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, and the Prince of Peace.’

As we read the above our soul thrills, and this brings to mind ‘Pre‑existence, Predestination and other things as well. How do we know such things? It is because of this Spiritual connection that we are able to understand some of these things which are tied to this little word, FAITH. And it is from the Swift Ministry and my understanding that I still blow my horn.

In the Book of Hebrews we read: .’Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen, and by it the elders received a good report.’ By this we understand that the Creation of the earth and power which emanates from God. Thus the things seen are not made by things which do appear.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 129

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 129

Led By The Spirit

‘For as many as are led by the SPIRIT OF GOD, are sons of GOD.’ (Romans 8:14)

SOME WILL SAY THAT WE CONCENTRATE ON THIS SUBJECT MORE THAN IS NECESSARY, but it is such an important subject and yet so little understood by those who are affected by the above statement.

We would remind you that it is a fact, that as the sons and daughters of the Kingdom reach for Knowledge, the more they learn, the more they want to know. In fact existing in their subconscious mind is this knowledge waiting to be formed for understanding as God’s Children of His Spirit reach for this knowledge. It is however so easy, this reaching, and yet seems so far fetched to many, this idea that there is a race of people that were begotten in Spirit by the Most High God. It is not accepted in their physical minds that the physical body of Adam was to start generating the seed out of which the Celestial Children would make their entrance into a physical world. Their spirit and soul consciousness would enter into Father for His Created World. You are to understand that you were born first ‘of the spirit’ then by the breaking of the water as you entered the physical world.

Yes we do understand that some of the Churches teach that as they baptize people, as you enter the water you are born of the water, and as you come out of the water you are endowed with Spirit since you have fulfilled the symbolism of our Faith. Yes, Water Baptism is a function of the Christian Faith which God promised to consummate. Water Baptism symbolizes being dead, buried and resurrected with YAHSHUA, our Father, Saviour and God. However as Dr. Swift would say: no amount of water on the face of the earth will make a son or daughter out of anyone who was not a son or daughter in the beginning. This is not Racism, it is an established Biblical fact, a part of the Great Mystery taught in the Scriptures. This is a part of the Mystery, the Spiritual Mystery which the institution called the ‘Church’ was to carry as they instructed HIS people.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 128

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 128

A Still Small Voice
“Be Still and Know That I Am God” – Psalm 46:10

HERE IN THE EARLY WINTER OF 1992 WE LIVE IN A MIXED UP, BUSY, WORLD WHEN THERE IS MUCH TO CLAIM OUR ATTENTION. Many, many dollars are spent to catch your attention, yet all are material things, and very seldom in this busy schedule is God mentioned. Yet we Adamites, and yes many people we have taught of our God over the past years, still seem to yearn for something else, which without our lives seem so empty. Could it be that we yearn for that SMALL STILL VOICE that we as a nation have tried to ignore?

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 127

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 127


WHEN WE SPEAK OF GOD BLESSING AMERICA WE ARE REFERRING TO YAHWEH ‑ YAHSHUA OUR SAVIOR, and KING. The United States of America was established as a Republic, not as the nations of the old country and their many earthly kings. Here in the new land of America was to be a nation established like a shinning City on a Hill, an example to all the world.

This Great Nation of God’s Kingdom was founded by people who believed they were led west by their God to found, ‘One Nation, under God, where men, women, and children would live in obedience to HIM.’ This was the vision of our Forefathers as they were led to set in place this last Great Nation here in North America, these United States of America with King Jesus as our only King. Thus we were to be like a shinning city on a hill, a beacon to the World Order as to how life should be lived.

Certainly we would expect that the Children of Darkness would see this Light and react quickly trying to put it out.

We have recorded for you in this Series of ‘The Mysteries of the Kingdom’ many symbolic meanings of different symbols used in establishing this nation. Dr. Swift unveiled much of this story, then also the work done by Col. Totten as he searched for the symbolism of our national seal, a summary of which is included brings us much knowledge as to how and why our forefathers established certain rules and regulations as to our Constitution and our Bill of Rights.

In other books, seemingly unknown to their authors we find other evidence as to the hand of God in establishing this nation. For instance when a certain colony was ordered to give up her charter, to hand it back to the English King’s Agents we read: (quote) the charter lay on the table in a candle lit room, and as the King’s men ordered it handed over to them the candle was suddenly snuffed out. When the Light was restored, the charter was gone, it had been spirited away, and hidden (so the story goes) in the Hollow Trunk of an old Oak tree. (Unquote) From the book THE POWER AND THE GLORY, by Peter Marshall.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 126

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 126

The Phoenicians – Book Review

THE PURPLE EMPIRE OF THE ANCIENT WORLD BY GERHARD HERN, originally published in Germany in 1973, and translated by Caroline Hillier in 1975. Here we have a book written by a so called ‘modern Historian’, which of course is not what we would term an ‘Identity’ book, for our author struggled with the identification of people as he tried to establish just where these people called Phoenicians came from.

We being an Identity buff, and after studying ‘The Swift Ministry’ and old books by Harold Lamb who did much research as to the people of the Ancient land, called today ‘The Middle East’ as well as other old books on archaeology, symbolism and such. I will mark my thoughts in ( ) as I try to help our author find just who are ‘The Phoenicians’.

Our author finds traces of the Phoenicians as late as 320‑21 B.C., as Alexander the Great came to the sea coast cities of the Mediterranean, to the city of Tyre. As Alexander the Great came he told his men to tell these people in their walled cities that his people belonged also to this same race as they, and that this knowledge was given to him by the gods in a dream.

To the Greeks, the Phoenicians had always been a rather mysterious people. They failed to understand as to how such a tiny group of people had succeeded in building an Empire which spread over the entire area of the Lebanese coast. This Empire of the Phoenicians seemed to be built on a network of trading routes, and the only trace of this Empire was a fleet of ships, walled settlements, storehouses, barracks, watch towers, and possibly a Temple, all built in some sheltered bay along some coastal waters.

The Greeks had open cities, marble facades, pillars and brightly painted statues of their gods. Whereas it seemed that the Phoenicians would arrive in different cities, conduct their business, and then quietly disappear. They also sometime would let it be known that they had travelled to lands where no Greek had set foot.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 125

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 125

The Sons and Daughters of God

IN OUR MODERN WORLD TODAY, the so called, cultural elite do not respect traditions or standards. They believe that ‘moral truths’ are relative, all life styles are equal, that a family arrangement does not necessarily mean father, mother, and child, rather just who ever lives under one roof, that fathers are dispensable, and parents need not be married, or even of the opposite sex.

As we approached this subject, the sons and daughters of God, we turned to the Swift ministry for an outline of the subject, and to the words in the Gospels from the writings of the apostle Paul in his great Epistle of mystery, ‘the book of Ephesians’, for confirmation.

In the writings of the apostle Paul to the sons and daughters of the kingdom, called in translation ‘saints’ we are reminded that ‘he hath chosen us in HIM, before the foundation of the world’, that we were blessed ‘with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places’ and this could only have been before we came into earth. The apostle Paul reminds us that we were predestined as sons and daughters by YAHSHUA Himself, according to HIS will. That now since YAHSHUA has restored us, then even those of Israel who were a far off were now once more in the sheepfold, and that ‘the whole family in heaven, and in earth, are called by HIS name.’

From the Swift ministry we find the outline of this basic knowledge that a certain people called the Adamic race were the offspring of YAHWEH (spirit). This being a confirmed fact then we are thus occupying a physical body, as an individual, and this is described as our earthly tabernacle. We then remember that Moses was instructed to have the children of Israel build a tabernacle in the wilderness having an outer court, a central court and an inner holy of Holies. Symbolically this wilderness tabernacle was the image, or symbol of Adam‑man. The outer court being the physical body, thus here service symbolized the work done in the world physically for the kingdom.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 124

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 124

The Marriage Supper of The Lamb

“and after these things:” What things? All things which had happened fulfilling prophecy up to this certain time.

I heard as it were the voice of a great Multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of Mighty Thunderings, saying: .Alleluia, for YAHWEH thy YAHSHUA, OMNIPOTENT REIGNETH”. (Revelation 19:6)

THEN WE READ: .”Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to HIM for the Marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife has made herself ready.” (Vs: 7)

The Lamb is, of course, YAHSHUA and his wife is Israel, all Israel, and now Israel is said to be clothed in righteousness, or finally thinking RIGHT, since now YAHSHUA is joining His people here in earth, for the Kingdom Rule. Thus the symbol of this Kingdom rule is the “Light of Life”.

We find in the scripture other suppers or times of eating, and it would seem that here in Revelation, Chapter 19., that many events are taking place, but time with YAHSHUA does not always follow our line of thinking, thus we have here events which John recorded for us, as we try to determine their sequence. In Chapter 18., of Revelation we learn much about this system called Mystery Babylon the Great, and in Chapter 19 of Revelation, after this sequence of events ending with the ending of verse 10., then John gives us the description of who it is that brings down this Satanic system, and how it is done. Thus we have heard the judgment on Great Babylon and then the announcement that now “THE LORD GOD OMNIPOTENT REIGNETH”, then the announcement that the time for the Marriage of the Lamb and Israel has come, and John is then told to write: .”blessed are they which are called unto the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.”

From all Customs, even back through History, this Supper comes before the Wedding, which will include all Israel, or all the Family. Ordinarily the Wedding Supper follows a dress rehearsal (so to speak) for the for the Wedding itself, to be sure that every detail is worked out, and all will be perfect at the Wedding itself. And the Wedding Supper is paid for by the Bridegroom.

Here we read in verse 9: .”Blessed are they who are CALLED”, Could this be, Called for a special purpose? According to Webster’s Dictionary the word BLESSED means those who are Holy, in other words those in this Church Age who were deemed worthy of honour here in earth. In the Old Testament the word “holy” referred to YAHWEH, and to the Children of His Kingdom, to those of a Race who carried this seed which Ezra referred to as, “The Life which came out of HIM”.

Letters of Christ and Abgarus

Letters of Christ and Abgarus

OUR EARLIEST GREEK TEXT OF THESE -which are found in many forms- is that given by Eusebius in his Ecclesiastical History (i. 13), extracted, as he says, by him from the archives of Edessa relating to Abgar and translated from Syriac word for word:

A copy of a letter written by Abgarus the toparch to Jesus, and sent to him by means of Ananias the runner, to Jerusalem.

Abgarus Uchama the toparch to Jesus the good Saviour that hath appeared in the parts (place) of Jerusalem, greeting. I have heard concerning thee and thy cures, that they are done of thee without drugs or herbs: for, as the report goes, thou makest blind men to see again, lame to walk, and cleansest lepers, and castest out unclean spirits and devils, and those that are afflicted with long sickness thou healest, and raisest the dead. And having heard all this of thee, I had determined one of two things, either that thou art God come down from heaven, and so doest these things or art a Son of God that doest these things. Therefore now have I written and entreated thee to trouble thyself to come to me and heal the affliction which I have. or indeed I have heard that the Jews even murmur against thee and wish to do thee hurt. And I have a very little city but (and) comely (reverend), which is sufficient for us both.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 123

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 123

Signs of The Times

HERE IN JUNE OF 1992 WE ARE READING AND LISTENING TO MANY OPTIONS AS TO WHAT IS HAPPENING, or not happening in our world. Many are sure that the President, or someone else is to blame for the condition this Nation finds itself in, yet hardly anyone considers perhaps they, themselves might just be at least partly to blame for their troubles. Most would have no idea that perhaps we have done exactly what prophecy said we would do, that we have followed down this exact path, to Great Babylon without even looking at where we are going.

Some will ask: .is there a conspiracy to bring down this nation, as many think, although they do not have any idea as to why? We have pointed out over the years the different organizations that have worked for what is termed ‘a One World Government’, such as the Buildeburgers, the Club of Rome, The Brotherhood, the Skull and Bones, and many, many others.

Through this tape series we have been explaining this situation as the Battle between the Children of Light, and the Children of Darkness. This is the name given to this battle between the Children of God’s Kingdom and the Children of Satan’s Kingdom, as found in the Dead Sea Scrolls, then carried on throughout the scriptures, bringing us up to where we believe we are in prophecy today. We find the Children of Light now trying to give away their inheritance just so they can get along with the World Order.

As we read of this program for a ‘One World Government’ we find that our enemies make no effort to hide the plans, instead selling it to you as a wonderful plan for ‘Peace’, we have a tendency to remember how blind our people seem to be, not knowing who they are, or why they are here in the earth. Thus instead of blaming this President, or that person for allowing this ‘One World Government’ to be set in place, we wonder just what YAHWEH‑YAHSHUA will allow, since He is aware of what is going on, and just why. He knows that His children of the Kingdom stumble here in their blindness as the Children of Darkness try to pull the Last Great Pillar out from under our Christian Faith.

In Symbolism we see this Great Truth as a Giant Temple, the one remaining pillar, the centre pillar, and holding it up is JESUS THE CHRIST, any my oh my how the enemy works on that ONE, not realizing that this Love for our Saviour was installed in our hearts long ago, and there it is to remain.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 122

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 122

The Blood Covenant From the Book of the same name and my understanding

MORE WE SEE THAT TURNING TO WHAT IS TERMED TODAY AS ‘ANCIENT HISTORY’, THAT WE RENEW OUR FAITH, HANDED DOWN FROM FATHER TO SON THROUGH THE MANY GENERATIONS. From this study of Ancient History you cannot get away from the fact that there were a people called ‘The Israel of God’, who were in earth for the definite purpose of building God’s Kingdom in earth. You also cannot escape the fact that as these people worked for the purpose of the Kingdom, then God’s blessings flowed to them.

When they turned to follow the path of the people of the World Order around them, they then lost those blessings and were chastised. This also we see today as these Children of the Kingdom try to make so called Peace Treaties with the Children of Darkness, and then wonder why our world is in chaos. Our people seem to have lost the knowledge that the Kingdom rule is to be in earth, here among surroundings with which we are familiar, with the unnatural things which do not fit in the Kingdom Administration finally removed. By this leaving of the natural laws of God, forgetting their Divine purpose, by substituting man‑made laws we have brought our world into chaos. Every day our enemies try to draw us further and further from the Divine program, and we are thus reaping the results. However, the original plan for the Administration of God will produce conditions which will attract the people of the Nations to the Children of Light, when even the world order will be free of the rule of Lucifer and his children.

Our author, H. Clay Trumbull spent the first part of his book pointing out what we term the World Order understanding of the Covenant really is. He points out the Satanic teaching and use of this idea of a Blood Covenant although he does not term it satanic as I have. He however calls attention to the actions of the Baal Priests as they would cut themselves as their way of understanding this ‘Blood Covenant’. He pointed out this practice of cutting the heart out of a victim, and then drinking the blood, and so forth which the Spaniards found as they came into Central America. He pointed out that the practice of Cannibalism was found in different parts of the world. This also brought to mind that EVERY ERROR IS BASED ON SOME TRUTH WHICH IS MISUNDERSTOOD.