Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 129

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 129

Led By The Spirit

‘For as many as are led by the SPIRIT OF GOD, are sons of GOD.’ (Romans 8:14)

SOME WILL SAY THAT WE CONCENTRATE ON THIS SUBJECT MORE THAN IS NECESSARY, but it is such an important subject and yet so little understood by those who are affected by the above statement.

We would remind you that it is a fact, that as the sons and daughters of the Kingdom reach for Knowledge, the more they learn, the more they want to know. In fact existing in their subconscious mind is this knowledge waiting to be formed for understanding as God’s Children of His Spirit reach for this knowledge. It is however so easy, this reaching, and yet seems so far fetched to many, this idea that there is a race of people that were begotten in Spirit by the Most High God. It is not accepted in their physical minds that the physical body of Adam was to start generating the seed out of which the Celestial Children would make their entrance into a physical world. Their spirit and soul consciousness would enter into Father for His Created World. You are to understand that you were born first ‘of the spirit’ then by the breaking of the water as you entered the physical world.

Yes we do understand that some of the Churches teach that as they baptize people, as you enter the water you are born of the water, and as you come out of the water you are endowed with Spirit since you have fulfilled the symbolism of our Faith. Yes, Water Baptism is a function of the Christian Faith which God promised to consummate. Water Baptism symbolizes being dead, buried and resurrected with YAHSHUA, our Father, Saviour and God. However as Dr. Swift would say: no amount of water on the face of the earth will make a son or daughter out of anyone who was not a son or daughter in the beginning. This is not Racism, it is an established Biblical fact, a part of the Great Mystery taught in the Scriptures. This is a part of the Mystery, the Spiritual Mystery which the institution called the ‘Church’ was to carry as they instructed HIS people.