Acts of Paul

Acts of Paul

From “The Apocryphal New Testament”M. R. James-Translation and NotesOxford: Clarendon Press, 1924

THIS BOOK, TERTULLIAN TELLS US, was composed shortly before his time in honour of Paul by a presbyter of Asia, who was convicted of the imposture and degraded from his office. The date of it may therefore be about A.D. 160. The author was an orthodox Christian.
Our authorities for it are:
1. The sadly mutilated Coptic MS. at Heidelberg, of the sixth century at latest.
2. The Acts of Paul and Thecla, a single episode which has been preserved complete in Greek and many versions: parts of it exist in the Coptic.
3. The correspondence with the Corinthians, partly preserved in the Coptic, and current separately in Armenian and Latin.
4. The Martyrdom, the concluding episode of the Acts, preserved separately (as in the case of John and others) in Greek and other versions.
5.Detached fragments or quotations.
The length of the whole book is given as 8,600 lines (Stichometry of Nicephorus), or 8,560 (Stichometry of the Codex Claromontanus): the Canonical Acts are given by the same two authorities respectively as 2,800 and 2,600. We have, perhaps, 1,800 lines of the Acts of Paul. The text of the Coptic MS. is miserably defective, and the restoration of it, in the episodes which are preserved in it alone, is a most difficult process: Professor Carl Schmidt has done practically all that can be expected, with infinite labour and great acuteness. In treating the defective episodes I shall follow him closely, but shall not attempt to represent all the broken lines.

The Modern Descendants of Zara-Judah

The Modern Descendants of Zara-Judah

WHEN JACOB (ISRAEL) GAVE HIS DYING BLESSING TO HIS TWELVE SONS, he associated each of them with some animal, object or personal characteristic which afterwards became the emblem of the tribe descended from him. Among these the LION, the emblem of Jacob’s fourth son Judah, is of special importance. This lion, in a couchant (lying down) position, became the emblem of the tribe of Judah; then, in a passant position, it became the emblem of the Camp or Brigade of Judah. Later, with the addition of a crown, it became the emblem of the Royal House and the throne of Judah. Still later, in a rampant (standing on the hind legs with both forelegs elevated) posture and with a crown, it became the symbol of the two-tribed House and Kingdom of Judah.

Yet this lion, usually portrayed as tawny or golden in colour, is not the only emblem of the descendants of Judah — or even the only lion!

In the last four verses of Genesis 38, we find recorded the birth of twin sons to Jacob’s fourth son Judah. Notice what these verses say:

Now it came to pass, at the time for giving birth, that behold, twins were in her womb. And so it was, when she was giving birth, that the one put out his hand; and the midwife took a scarlet thread and bound it on his hand, saying, “This one came out first.” Then it happened, as he drew back his hand that his brother came out unexpectedly; and she said, “How did you break through? This breach be upon you!” Therefore his name was called Perez. Afterwards his brother came out who had the scarlet thread on his hand. And his name was called Zerah [Zarah].

Acts of John

Acts of John

From “The Apocryphal New Testament”M.R. James-Translation and NotesOxford: Clarendon Press, 1924  


THE LENGTH OF THIS BOOK is given in the Stichometry of Nicephorus as 2,500 lines: the same number as for St. Matthew’s Gospel. We have large portions of it in the original, and a Latin version (purged, it is important to note, of all traces of unorthodoxy) of some lost episodes, besides a few scattered fragments. These will be fitted together in what seems the most probable order.

The best edition of the Greek remains is in Bonnet, Acta Apost. Apocr. 11.1, 1898: the Latin is in Book V of the Historia Apostolica of Abdias (Fabricius, Cod. Apoer. N. T.: there is no modern edition).

The beginning of the book is lost. It probably related in some form a trial, and banishment of John to Patmos. A distinctly late Greek text printed by Bonnet (in two forms) as cc. 1-17 of his work tells how Domitian, on his accession, persecuted the Jews. They accused the Christians in a letter to him: he accordingly persecuted the Christians. He heard of John’s teaching in Ephesus and sent for him: his ascetic habits on the voyage impressed his captors.



From “The Apocryphal New Testament”M.R. James-Translation and NotesOxford: Clarendon Press, 1924

IT WAS LONG THOUGHT that this must be an episode from the old Acts of Andrew: but Flamion’s study of that book has finally made it clear that there is no place for the tale in those Acts: and that our story is an early member of that which we call the Egyptian cycle: it is a tale of wonder with no doctrinal purpose.
1 At that time all the apostles were gathered together and divided the countries among themselves, casting lots. And it fell to Matthias to go to the land of the anthropophagi. Now the men of that city ate no bread nor drank wine, but ate the flesh and drank the blood of men; and every stranger who landed there they took, and put out his eyes, and gave him a magic drink which took away his understanding.

2 So when Matthias arrived he was so treated; but the drink had no effect on him, and he remained praying for help in the prison.

3 And a light came and a voice: Matthias, my beloved, receive sight. And he saw. And the voice continued: I will not forsake thee: abide twenty-seven days, and I will send Andrew to deliver thee and all the rest. And the Saviour went up into heaven. Matthias remained singing praises; when the executioners came to take victims, he kept his eyes closed. They came and looked at the ticket on his hand and said: Three days more and we will slay him. For every victim had a ticket tied on his hand to show the date when his thirty days would be fulfilled.

Ignatius of Antioch and Polycarp of Smyrna; Macedonia and Crete

Ignatius of Antioch and Polycarp of Smyrna; Macedonia and Crete

IGNATIUS, THE MARTYR OF ANTIOCH, is regarded as the most important and most successful ecclesiastical representative in the second-century struggle against heresy prior to Justin. He is an organization man whose significance H. Lietzmann recently characterized thus: “In Ignatius we already find that the monarchial episcopate is an accomplished fact and is applicable to both Syria and western Asia Minor.”[1] I think that with a man like Ignatius who, in his exuberance, time and again loses all sense of proportion, one must be especially careful in evaluating the accuracy of his statements.

Indeed, he even speaks of communities such as Magnesia and Tralles, whose situation he knows primarily from the descriptions of their “bishops,” who had no reason to place themselves and their influence in an unfavourable light. That Ignatius is less concerned with depicting the actual situation than with portraying the ideal is already suggested by the fact that, for the most part, his approach takes the form of admonition rather than of description.

What is it that makes the monarchial episcopacy seem so attractive to a man like Ignatius? First of all, he does not begin from a position in which he sees a plurality of ecclesiastical bodies of officials who for practical reasons may be governed by one particular office which, nevertheless, is not necessarily superior. No, for him the first and foremost figure is the bishop, who is like God or Christ in whose place he stands.[2]

The Flag of Gibraltar – Another View

The Flag of Gibraltar – Another View

How safe is Gibraltar and its Brit-ish Sovereignty?
Prophecy – Divine and Infallible, tells us that:-

Spain does NOT hold a Key to Gibraltar’s extremely “bright” future because The ONLY Key to its future Sovereignty is on The Flag.

THERE IS ABSOLUTELY; undoubtedly and infallibly only ONE Key to Gibraltar’s future prosperous and secure self-determination and that is the ONE on its flag, which is there for all to see; except “the blind being led by the blind”, naturally.

Gibraltar’s Flag, which originated as the Ensign of the Phoenician/British/Israelite Tribe of Gad; who was Jacob/Israel’s (Gen. 32:28) eighth son (Gen. 30:11) and was Brit-ish not Jew-ish (Judah/Jew-dah -ish was Jacob’s fourth son and one of Gad’s half-brothers not his dad); has sadly been deprived of its best colour – The Ruler of The Universe’s colour – the colour blue, and He is definitely not amused by its removal (because He considers it to be an insult to Him and His Sovereignty of heaven – The Universe. To find out why , please continue reading).

The very first inhabitants of Gibraltar, since the Creation of Adam, were NOT Spanish they were Brit-ish Gadites who arrived between 1500 and 1000 B.C. and were later joined by more Gadites in 722 B.C., the latter-arrival being recorded in the Gibraltar museum as Phoenician.

Racial Stream and Their Biblical Destinies

Racial Stream and Their Biblical Destinies

TONIGHT, WE ARE SPEAKING ON A SUBJECT WHICH IS SOMETIMES CONSIDERED TABOO, because we are living in a day when men want to keep the knowledge of men and races somewhat obscured. We have an evil philosophy which is being developed in our nation saying that we must accept the opinion of certain educators, who declare that they know everything there is worth knowing. Or if we do not agree with them and accept their thinking as to the political and economic life, then we are peasants and not to be recognized.

There is then something for you to know and that is as to who you are and from whence you came, because if you do not know who you are and where you came from, then how do you know where you are going. There are a lot of people who think they know where they are going, and they are busy telling us where we are going. But the most important thing for you to know is from whence you came, and what God has planned, what He has in store for you. I think it is important then, that we understand the origin of races and the Biblical relationship of racial streams, the Waters of Life and now the Streams that are upon the face of the earth. The church has taught many things, much has come out of religion affected by religious hierarchy. And very little of it has had its basis actually in what God has said:—

Today among Christians both Protestant and Catholic, the general idea is that everyone who walks upright, some wearing clothes and some who don’t, are all kinsmen. They would have us all as kinsmen out of the idea that God just started our race out of some red mud, shaped it, breathed on it and it started to walk.

Apocalyptic Imagery in Joseph and Aseneth

Apocalyptic Imagery in Joseph and Aseneth

In this brief essay I would like to present two ideas to you. Firstly that the story of Joseph and Aseneth contains apocalyptic imagery, mostly similar to that used in the book of Revelation. However, the second theory, which Kraemer puts forward, is very different, and it is that the story of Aseneth and her visitation of an angel shows nothing of what we would see as apocalyptic in style, but solely that she was adjuring (or ordering) an angel to come and tell her the future, which was, in fact, a practice in the Greco-Roman world.

However, we begin with the first theory and this includes the references to apocalyptic imagery, especially with regards to the book of Revelation. I would like to examine the language used in this text. It is used, interestingly enough, only up to Chapter 18, and so it is the first 18 chapters that I will focus upon.

First of all, I would like to define the word apocalyptic. The term is derived from the Greek word which means revelation or uncovering (hence the name of the last book of the New Testament). Apocalyptic writings are usually concerned with the end times and the symbols and stories about this time are usually communicated by an angel or by other divine means. The eschatology works on a “personal as well as a cosmic dimension” (J.J. Collins, page 299, The New Jerome Biblical Commentary). This is an important distinction to remember; I will come back to it at the end. In the story of Aseneth, therefore, we can see that there is more of a personal level and not so much a level of talking of the end times. However, despite the apparent lack of direct talk of the end times its imagery is very similar to that found in Revelation and so, perhaps, it speaks in hidden language about heaven and God’s purposes for His Church.

Published: 12th July 2019

Canadian Premier Probably Murdered In 1943

Canadian Premier Probably Murdered In 1943

“BIBLE BILL” WILLIAM ABERHART, THE SOCIAL CREDIT PARTY PREMIER OF ALBERTA FROM 1935-1943, died just two weeks after he urged his listeners to  “oppose, expose and resist by every means in your power this audacious and evil conspiracy by the Money Powers to set up a World Slave State.”
He noticed that since 1939, “there has been a steady stream of propaganda, carefully organized and well-financed, to win support for setting up a World Federation of Nations under an International authority.”

Aberhart- “There is absolutely no question about it that this plot, this evil conspiracy; to set up an international totalitarian dictatorship with control over every aspect of our lives and armed with overwhelming forces to impose their will upon us, can be traced to that small group of men which comprise International Finance….”

Putting Hooks in Their Jaws

Putting Hooks in Their Jaws

WE ARE TURNING TO CONSIDER A PASSAGE OF SCRIPTURE which was in the prerogative of God to implement. In which you can be assured that every word which He has unveiled in the mind and consciousness of His Prophets, and which they have given to us in the Scriptures will be fulfilled with that assurance with which we have watched events, fulfilled throughout the thousands of years of our historic existence in earth, from the day of the inception of our race.

When we survey the background of that race we have now come through, some 7400 years of history. And during that period of time, from the very first advent of the Adamic race, and their being placed in a world of tribulation and turmoil, with racial struggles of Satanic and false philosophy and theologies, the leadership of Lucifer and other Angels with him in the hours of his rebellion, the design of those who fell with him, in their drive to control the earth, the design was the same as it was before you came. The history of men and races clearly show that these things went on for millenniums before we arrived. And from the time of the Adamic race, a very careful strategy was established to suppress our race, to absorb us, and to mongrelise us, to cut off our ability to serve God with the vision with which we had been placed here.