Canadian Premier Probably Murdered In 1943

Canadian Premier Probably Murdered In 1943

“BIBLE BILL” WILLIAM ABERHART, THE SOCIAL CREDIT PARTY PREMIER OF ALBERTA FROM 1935-1943, died just two weeks after he urged his listeners to  “oppose, expose and resist by every means in your power this audacious and evil conspiracy by the Money Powers to set up a World Slave State.”
He noticed that since 1939, “there has been a steady stream of propaganda, carefully organized and well-financed, to win support for setting up a World Federation of Nations under an International authority.”

Aberhart- “There is absolutely no question about it that this plot, this evil conspiracy; to set up an international totalitarian dictatorship with control over every aspect of our lives and armed with overwhelming forces to impose their will upon us, can be traced to that small group of men which comprise International Finance….”