The Tory Parliamentary Struggle to Preserve English National Identity, 1753–1858, Part IV & V

The Tory Parliamentary Struggle to Preserve English National Identity, 1753–1858, Part IV & V

Part IV The Collapse of the Anti-Jewish Party, 1847–1858

THE AGITATION FOR JEWISH “EMANCIPATION” WOULD NOT BEGIN AGAIN IN EARNEST UNTIL THE WHIG MINISTRY OF LORD RUSSELL. There was no law against Jews taking up seats in Parliament; rather, they were effectively barred from taking office because of a technicality. In 1847, Lionel de Rothschild, Nathan’s son, was elected to the Commons. Unable to swear the Oath of Abjuration because of the words “upon the true faith of a Christian,” he could not take his seat. A Jewish Disabilities Removal Bill was again sent through the Commons in 1848.

This provoked significant opposition among High Tories because it placed Jews on an equal footing with Roman Catholics. It was passed in the Commons, but rejected in the Lords. Following the Whig failure to get the bill passed through the Lords, Rothschild vacated his seat. He was re-elected in 1850. In consequence, the Whigs introduced into the House of Commons an Oath of Abjuration Bill, which would allow Rothschild to swear a modified oath and take his seat. Although it was passed in the Commons, it was ultimately rejected by the Lords in 1851.

The Tory Parliamentary Struggle to Preserve English National Identity, 1753–1858, Part III

The Tory Parliamentary Struggle to Preserve English National Identity, 1753–1858, Part III

The Jewish Campaign Against Parliamentary Anti-Judaism, 1829–1836

The movement for Jewish “emancipation” in nineteenth-century England was spearheaded by Jews and their Whig or Liberal allies, while the opposition was led by the High Tories:

The High Tory majority in the House of Lords had acted as a barrier to the advancement of Jewish ‘emancipation’ —-and some of the arguments

put forward against the Jews, both in and out of Parliament, reflected the traditional Tory view that Church and State were part of an inseparable entity, in the promotion of which Jews ought to play no part. (Alderman, 2015)

In practice, Anglo-Jewry had more freedoms than their compatriots in central Europe, but in late-Georgian England, the laws on the books indicated that they were less free. Cecil Roth writes:

The entire body of medieval legislation which reduced the Jew to the position of a yellow-badged pariah, without rights and without security other than by the goodwill of the sovereign, remained on the statute book, though remembered only by antiquarians. As late as 1818 it was possible to maintain in the courts Lord Coke’s doctrine that the Jews were in law perpetual enemies, ‘for between them, as with the devils, whose subjects they are, and the Christian there can be no peace.’

Despite his freedoms vis-à-vis Ashkenazim of Central Europe, in the English society of the nineteenth century, politically and professionally, the Jew was still excluded from the mainstream:

Public life was, in law, entirely barred. Jews were excluded from any office under the Crown, any part in civic government, or any employment however modest in connexion with the administration of justice or even education, by the Test and Corporation Acts. —These made it obligatory on all persons seeking such appointment to take the Sacrament in accordance with the rites of the Church of England. —Naturally these disqualifications included the right to membership of Parliament, for which the statutory oaths in the statutory form were a necessary preliminary. For the same reason the universities were closed, and, as a consequence of this, various professions.

The Tory Parliamentary Struggle to Preserve English National Identity, 1753–1858, Parts I and II

The Tory Parliamentary Struggle to Preserve English National Identity, 1753–1858, Parts I and II

Henry Pelham (1694–1754), Whig Prime Minister who introduced the Jew Bill in Parliament in 1753

Part I: The English Common Law Basis of Tory Anti-Judaism

A legal case involving Robert Calvin, although seemingly unrelated, would play a key role in shaping attitudes and beliefs about Jews and Jewishness until the mid-nineteenth century. The plaintiff was born in Edinburgh, two years after the Union of the Crowns in 1603.  Some land was purchased on his behalf, to test whether his Scottish parentage was an impediment to ownership of English real property. However, it was promptly confiscated because, it was claimed, his birth had occurred outside the “ligeance” or dominion of the English Crown. This meant that Calvin, from an international perspective, was an alien. In 1608, the Lord Chancellor and justices of the Exchequer Chamber ruled in favour of the plaintiff, reasoning that since Scotland and England were ruled by the same monarchy, Calvin’s birth had actually occurred within the ligeance of King James I, making him a full subject with the same rights as an Englishman. The court concluded that he had been wrongfully dispossessed of the land.

The Elizabethan jurist Sir Edward Coke (1552–1634) used Calvin’s case to define the proper legal relationship between infidels and Christians:

All infidels are in law perpetui inimici, perpetual enemies (for the law presumes not that they will be converted, that being remota potentia, a remote possibility) for between them, as with the devils, whose subjects they be, and the Christian, there is perpetual hostility, and can be no peace.

Since Jews were infidels, they were “perpetual enemies” subject to a plethora of civil and legal disabilities. In the First Part of the Institutes of the Lawes of England (1628), Coke wrote: “If the witness be an infidel, or infamous, or of non-sane memory, or not of discretion, or a party interested, or the like, he can be no good witness.” This meant that Jews, because they were infidels, were not allowed to bear witness or testify in a court of law, even in cases of assault, robbery and murder. As far as English jurisprudence was concerned, the Jew was a legal non-entity.

Because Jews were perpetual enemies, certain interactions between Christians and Jews were punishable by death.  In the Institutes, Coke “found that by the ancient laws of England, that if any Christian man did marry with a woman that was a Jew, or a Christian woman that married with a Jew, it was a felony, and the party so offending should be burnt alive.”

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – October 1997

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – October 1997

FOR YOU, WHO ARE SO IMPATIENT FOR THINGS TO HAPPEN, remember that Hale-Bopp has not witnessed to all of Israel as of yet. It is just now beginning the last of the journey but its meaning is for all of Israel. It is also their comet of the century as well as ours. And it will perform its mission before going back out into deep space.

Now; the Gospel of the Stars does not point out the specifics of what the enemy will try in these last days. It does however tell the true story of redemption and salvation of God’s people. And the correct events that are to happen as we come to this time period is that the great Satan will be chained up so things can then go ahead as planned. And yes we are to study the events that are happening for this is the way that we learn the time and the seasons, or the Cycles of time.

As we come into the month of October, we see bright planets dot the sky from west to east at nightfall. The night of Saturn’s opposition is October 10-11 of the moon’s path. The full moon is October 15-16, when the brilliant orb is not far behind Saturn. The moon will form large and lovely patterns with Venus, Mars, and Antares at dusk on October 5-6. Venus is in perinot of Mars. The moon is just south of Scorpion’s head on October 10th. But by October 12, then Mars is passing about 3 1/2 degrees north of Antares. Venus is close to Antares on October 16, and overtakes Mars on October 25-26. The moon is to the upper right of Jupiter on October 10. The Orionid meteor shower is from October 19-25. The moon then occults with Aldebaran by the 19th. The orange star will be on the edge of the moon at this time. A Venus and Mars conjunction comes on October 12. Wonder what NASA will tell us at that time as to what is going on with their Mars probe.

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – October 1991

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – October 1991


(Patrick J. Buchanan:)

THE ISRAEL LOBBY OVERPLAYED THEIR HAND AS THEY WENT AFTER PRESIDENT BUSH BECAUSE HE ASKED FOR A DELAY IN THE 10 BILLION DOLLAR LOAN GUARANTEE. Time after time as James Baker arrived in Israeli he had his nose rubbed, for all the Arab world to see, in new settlements in Arab territory. Thus the Arabs were to see the importance of the U.S. to have anything to say about how their money given to Israeli was to be used. In January as the subject comes up again, if the President demands, no new settlements in Arab territory he will have a fight on his hands. The Jewish vote will be lost if the President wins.

Actually that 10 Billion is for roads, houses, utilities, and so forth half way around the world when our own infrastructure is crumbling. Does no one recall that the Balfour Declaration when Britain promised a homeland for the Jews in Palestine, that nothing was to be done which would interfere with civil and religious rights existing in Non-Jewish communities in Palestine? Does no one recall that the 1947 US Partition plan allowed for a Palestinian and a Jewish State? After the Urgun massacre at Deir Yassin in April of 1948, 600,000 Arabs fled the Jewish sector never to return, and with the 6 day war, another 200,000 fled into Jordan and only 14,000 re- turned.

The Name Above Every Name

The Name Above Every Name

WE BECOME INCREASINGLY AWARE THAT WE HAVE NOT ONLY ‘A SURE WORD OF PROPHECY’, but out of this sure word of prophecy we have been warned aforetime of things that would come to pass in our day to build up resistance against the Powers of Darkness and instruct the Children of God’s Kingdom and cause the Family of God to know how to carry forward their responsibilities in the earth. To this end, God inspired men to know and to write and record in the scrolls which went to make up the Old and New Testament which was the record of their experiences with Him and His instructions to them, and basically the great prophecies that relate to the days to come. Many of them have been fulfilled and many are being fulfilled in our time. Thus it is that there is nothing which takes place on the face of the earth that the Children of God who are in close contact with His Word and have not left off their assembling of themselves together, or seeking to know for themselves the Truth’s, would not understand.

We have had the evidence in the past few weeks to show how far the prophecies in Ezekiel have come. We mention these factors because it is important for us to understand the trend of this hour. There are many who believe that by getting together with our enemies we can find peace in the world. By ignoring our responsibilities and our origin and our destiny, they believe we can live in peace with the Power of Darkness and the forces that are opposed to God. But neither the Kingdom of God, nor the nations who make up the Kingdom or the Spiritual centre of that Kingdom were placed in the world to get along with evil, but they are to bring in all the fullness of their activity and their institutions of God’s Kingdom to the front. God’s Kingdom stands against all evil.

Rapin’s History of England Book 9 Edward I & II

Rapin’s History of England Book 9 Edward I & II


Chapter I
EDWARD I.[1] Sirnamed Long-Shanks
A. D. 1272

THE death of Henry III. happening during the absence of his son Edward, who was to succeed him, seemed to offer the malcontents a favourable op­portunity to raise new troubles. However, it was not attended with any ill consequence. Leicester’s party was so humbled, that they were no longer able to look up. And though some restless persons had made use of this juncture, to disturb the peace of the kingdom, the nation’s good opinion of Edward, would have ren­dered their projects impracticable.

This prince shined with great lustre, during the latter part of his father’s reign. The victory of Evesham, the reduction of the Ely rebels, and his clemency to them when reduced, were still fresh in the memory of the English, and filled them with esteem and admiration for his rare qualities. They did not doubt but he would employ all his talents, to restore peace and. tranquillity to the kingdom, which had received such violent shocks in the two foregoing reigns. So that, far from being inclined to favour the malcontents, they shewed an extreme impatience to see their new sovereign, building on him alone all the hopes of their future happiness.

Though Edward was absent, and not even heard of, all the barons with one accord swore fealty to him. At the same time they wrote him a very respectful letter, inviting him to come with all speed, and take possession of the throne of his ances­tors. Meanwhile, they assembled at London, to com­mit the regency of the kingdom to such as should be deemed the most capable. The choice falling upon the archbishop of York, and the earls of Cornwall and Chester, the Parliament, which met quickly after[2], confirm­ed all the measures taken for the preservation of the peace of the kingdom.

Edward pursuing his voyage without knowing what passed in England, safely arrived in Sicily; where he was received by Charles of Anjou with all the respect due to his rank and merit. At Messina it was that he heard of his father’s death, for whom he appeared more; concerned than for his eldest son John, the news of whose death was brought at the same time[3].

Rapin’s History of England Book 3 The Heptarchy

Rapin’s History of England Book 3 The Heptarchy


Introductory Remarks

THE revolution caused by the conquest of the Anglo-Saxons introduced a new face of things in Great Britain. The country formerly inhabited by the Britons was now possessed by strangers.
The very names of the towns and provinces were changed, and country divided in a very different manner from what it was by the Romans.

Great Britain, parcelled out into several kingdoms, was shared among four different nations, namely, the Britons or Welsh, the Scots, the Picts, and the Anglo-Saxons. Under the Britons were comprised all those foreigners, Romans or others, settled in the island ever since the reign of Claudius, who, being incorporated with the natives, became one people with them. The descendants of these foreigners were undoubtedly very numerous, it being the constant policy of the Romans to diminish, as far as lay in their power, the natives of a conquered country, and to send thither large colonies either of veterans, or of people taken from their other conquests.

The Britons, therefore, now retired beyond the Severn, are to be considered as a people composed of the ancient inhabitants of Great Britain and the Roman colonies. The Vandals, settled about Cambridge, were also reckoned as Britons, and involved in the same ruin with them. After the establishment of the seven kingdoms of the Anglo-Saxons, the Britons had nothing left but Cambria, and the western part of Danmonium. Cambria (the name formerly of all Britain) was changed by the Saxons into Wales.

As for Danmonium, it was, in all appearance, a Roman name. The Britons called that country Kennaw, from Kern, that is, in their language age, Horns, because of the many promontories that Shoot out into the sea like horns. Hence doubtless the Saxons gave it the name of Cornwall, that is to say, the country of Kernaw, inhabited by Gauls or Britons.

The Mystery of The Family of God

The Mystery of The Family of God

NOW THERE IS A MYSTERY ABOUT THE FAMILY OF GOD. And probably there is nothing more important for us to know and to understand than our true relationship with God, and the declaration of these things which God has revealed concerning this status.

We have discussed this in several messages, such as our inheritance as sons of God, and the aspect of this becomes more and more important for us to understand this and to know, that a lot of the things being discussed today, through out many denominations, is just theology.

So we turn in this declaration of the Apostle Paul, who tells us concerning our relationship to God’s plan and God’s purpose, that we as a people have a direct relationship with the Most High. And this relationship is the significant one we are discussing this afternoon.

The scripture tells us in the book of Romans that we are the children of God. That the Spirit bears witness with our Spirit that we are the children of God. Now; this is not a process by which we have envisioned a fatherhood through the theological understanding, through the acceptance of a principal, or an idea that has been unveiled to us by a clergyman, or an evangelist. This isn’t something that happens at an altar rail. This is not something that happens in an Evangelistic meeting. This is something that happens by the principals and processes by which all things are begotten and engendered in earth.

The Mystery of The Corridor of Life Part 2

The Mystery of The Corridor of Life Part 2

TONIGHT WE ARE SPEAKING ON A SUBJECT WHICH IS OF GREAT SIGNIFICANCE TO MANY OF US BECAUSE IT DEALS WITH THE PANORAMA OF EXISTENCE and the great and eternal corridors of life. When we talk to you about the corridor of an endless life, and the mystery of this corridor of live, we want you to understand that while there are multiple philosophers in the earth and a great number of teachings that find their source in their origin in the background of inherited cultures, that there is only one set of established truths. And when we talk about the truths that God has unveiled to HIS people, and to your race, it is important to know that HE brings things to your remembrance. And this has caused a lot of people not to know the difference between the remembrance HE brought to them and the doctrine of the pagans who are round about.

Now there is no mistake about the existence of God’s Kingdom and the facts he has brought to them. For as we go back into the antiquities and the endless ages of yesterday, and look over the vastness of God’s creation with its many, many trillions of sidereal systems and suns and moons and stars, when we take the testimony of great Patriarchs who God brought wisdom and understanding to, such as we find in the book of Enoch or in the Revelations of John, in which they saw the vastness of this Universe inhabited and populated by the many thousands and, yes, millions of God’s children. And when they recognize that there are dimensions and plains beyond this physical one which we behold, a great number of people who understand these things will recognize that this is absolute and far reaching. And they understand what it is talking about in the book of Hebrews when it talks about the power of an endless life.