The Name Above Every Name

The Name Above Every Name

WE BECOME INCREASINGLY AWARE THAT WE HAVE NOT ONLY ‘A SURE WORD OF PROPHECY’, but out of this sure word of prophecy we have been warned aforetime of things that would come to pass in our day to build up resistance against the Powers of Darkness and instruct the Children of God’s Kingdom and cause the Family of God to know how to carry forward their responsibilities in the earth. To this end, God inspired men to know and to write and record in the scrolls which went to make up the Old and New Testament which was the record of their experiences with Him and His instructions to them, and basically the great prophecies that relate to the days to come. Many of them have been fulfilled and many are being fulfilled in our time. Thus it is that there is nothing which takes place on the face of the earth that the Children of God who are in close contact with His Word and have not left off their assembling of themselves together, or seeking to know for themselves the Truth’s, would not understand.

We have had the evidence in the past few weeks to show how far the prophecies in Ezekiel have come. We mention these factors because it is important for us to understand the trend of this hour. There are many who believe that by getting together with our enemies we can find peace in the world. By ignoring our responsibilities and our origin and our destiny, they believe we can live in peace with the Power of Darkness and the forces that are opposed to God. But neither the Kingdom of God, nor the nations who make up the Kingdom or the Spiritual centre of that Kingdom were placed in the world to get along with evil, but they are to bring in all the fullness of their activity and their institutions of God’s Kingdom to the front. God’s Kingdom stands against all evil.