They Who Rule One Hour With The Beast

They Who Rule One Hour With The Beast


CHRIST PROMISED HIS DISCIPLES THAT BY THE CONSECRATION OF THE BREAD AND THE WINE that He would transfer the flowing power and Grace of His Spirit from heaven to earth, that when men assimilated them thru the process of digestion He would charge their bodies with the processes of His Spirit. That His Spirit would purify the ailments of their bodies. That His Spirit would clear the areas of the errors from their minds. That it would permit the Spirit to gain major control over the thinking and over the life, and the actions of His people.

Therefore there was a nourishment in the table set of God. This table He told us, never to leave off assembling of this supper. He said many of us would not understand this, and because of not understanding, do not realize that here is the Lord’s body and the blood of the Lord in the transference of this Mystery of the Communion. We urge you to come to the full understanding and to recognize that the communion as it is consecrated for its use becomes as the blood and body of Christ. You become joined with Him in the hour of His atonement, so that you may know the power of His Resurrection, while we live. We acknowledge that this was a Holy program instituted by Christ, for His Church.

They Shall Acknowledge My Sons

They Shall Acknowledge My Sons

WE TURN TONIGHT INTO THE SUBJECT OF GOD DECLARING, ‘THEY SHALL ACKNOWLEDGE MY SONS.’ And I think it most important that we understand these facets as they relate to you and me. As they relate especially to the people who constitute his household, who make up tonight, a company of nations and a great nation in the earth.

It is a significant thing that thru out the entire background of antiquity, there has been continued references to the sons of the Eternal Father in the far off distant vastness of space. Out of the ancient patterns of the ancient world they talked about the sons of the ancient YAHWEH-PUTAH; THE God of all times. That when great changes took place in the earth and continents slipped beneath the waters of the Atlantic, the migrating people across North Africa were carrying the great documents of Horus and the prophecies that related to the kingdom of the Most High. They talked about reconstructing for themselves and building another kingdom in the earth. And as they talked about this, they also talked about the prophecies concerning the God of the heavens whose displeasure had caused the loss of their continent in which they had resided. And they looked for the day when the sons of YAHWEH-PUTAH would walk the earth and be embodied as they.

There Were Giants in The Land

There Were Giants in The Land

AS WE TURN TONIGHT TO TALK ABOUT UPON THIS SUBJECT, IT MIGHT SEEM IRRELEVANT AT THIS TIME, but there were Giants in the earth in those days, in the past. And I am going to show you why it is very important to establish this ancient record on the part of ancient history and anthropology and biblical record. I am turning to the sixth chapter of the book of Genesis and I read here that as it came to pass, that men namely Adamites, began to multiply upon the earth, and daughters were born unto them. And the word here in its proper translation should be Nephilin, as they saw the daughters of men that were fair, and they took themselves wives of those which they chose.

In your King James Version, it says that the ‘Sons of God’ saw the daughters of men, who where fair and they took wives of all of those whom they chose. But the word Nephilin belongs to a very definite group of people. They were a type of the Angelic hosts who did not retain their first estate. They were the byproduct of a war, a rebellion of an Archangel and his hosts against the Most High God in outer space in the ancient ages of antiquity. The results was that defeated by Michael the archangel and the hosts of heaven, while you as a spectator were with the father before the world was framed, that these defeated hosts were driven into our solar system and eventually to earth

British Royal Jews

British Royal Jews

IT HAS LONG BEEN ONE OF THE JEWISH METHODS IN THE ATTAINMENT OF WORLD DOMINATION TO PENETRATE INTO PRIVILEGED CIRCLES where political power is greatest: Edward the First, by expelling the Jews in 1290, saved us from too early an application of this process in Britain, but the other countries were less fortunate and suffered the extinction of their nobility by Jewish women marrying into the Gentile aristocratic families.

In Britain a few “damped” (baptized Christian) Jews remained in the country when their synagogue‑going brothers had been expelled.

Some of these attained knighthood, for instance, Sir Edward Brampton, who became Governor of Guernsey. The first serious attempt, however, to penetrate the ranks of the hereditary Titleholders of England seems to have been an attack upon royalty itself by that notorious character, Perkin Warbeck, who was a servant of the knight mentioned above.

With characteristic Jewish effrontery, this man claimed the English throne. Francis Bacon wrote in his Life of King Henry the VII:

“There was a townsman of Tourney that had born office in that town, whose name was John Osbeck, a convert Jew, married to Catherine de Faro; whose business drew him to live for a time with his wife at London, in King Edward IV’s days.

Why The Constant War in Ireland?

Why The Constant War in Ireland?

HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED WHY THE CONSTANT WAR IN IRELAND? It is a war between the Roman Catholic Church under the control of the Jews and Protestants. The Protestants have never realized that it is the Jews who control the church, and that is who they are really fighting.

The stupid Catholics never realize or understand that it is the Jews who are sending them to their deaths, to dispose of an ancient enemy, an Israel nation who opposes their evil ways.

The Catholic’s word, like a Jews word, is no good and the only reason they ask for peace is so they can get their subversives into action without resistance. They do this as the Jews have done for centuries. As you read this you can see the treason and subversion of the Jews through the stupid catholic members.

Ancient Order of Hibernians (A.O.H.): The Ancient Order of Hibernians, a Roman Catholic, organization, was founded in 1641.

In The Secret Societies of Ireland Captain Pollard writes that, founded in 1641, “The notorious modern society known as The Ancient Order of Hibernians is the direct successor of the original society of Defenders; in common with its ancestor it attempts to enable the clerics to exercise control in politics. (Pollard, op. cit., p. 3) It claims in its own official history, published in 1910, to be the oldest secret society in Ireland. Independent researches show that the claim is sound and that the present [1920’s] A.O.H. is the descendant of certain criminal organizations of the past. The open admission of this chain of descent by its own historian is important.

Unto His Own

Unto His Own

HE WAS IN THE WORLD, AND THE WORLD WAS MADE BY HIM, and the world knew him not. He came unto his own, and his own received him not.

When I tried to respond I was astounded that even though I knew the answer I was unable to put into words what I believed was meant by these verses. But last night, May 6, 1998, I lay there thinking about these verses and said in my mind, Lord I asked you to explain these to me, but you have not done so yet. Then, again, to my amazement the answers began to flood my mind, from the Lord, no doubt.

Let me interject something here which I believe should be pointed out. Many Christians say The Bible is too deep for me, I just can’t understand what much of it says, and for this reason they simply take some false teacher, who is working for the Children of the Devil, the government, and all types of anti-Christs. The reason that the scriptures seem deep and not understandable, is because God wants His children to study the Word for themselves and see what He is trying to tell them.

The harder they study, the more He will open their eyes and understanding. For the scriptures attest in Proverbs 25:2

“IT IS THE GLORY OF GOD TO CONCEAL A THING: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter.

The Submarine in Prophecy

The Submarine in Prophecy

CANST THOU DRAW OUT LEVIATHAN WITH AN HOOK? OR HIS TONGUE WITH A CORD WHICH THOU LETTEST DOWN? Canst thou put an hood into his nose? or bore his jaw through with a thorn? Will he made many supplications unto thee? will he speak soft words unto thee? Will he make a covenant with thee? wilt thou take him for a servant for ever? Wilt thou play with him as with a bird? or wilt thou bind him for thy maidens?

Shall the companions make a banquet of him? shall they part him among the merchants? Canst thou fill his skin with barbed irons? or his head with fish spears? Lay thine hand upon him, remember the battle, do no more. Behold, the hope of him is in vain: shall not one be cast down even at the sight of him? None is so fierce that dare stir him up: who then is able to stand before me? Who hath prevented me, that I should repay him? whatsoever is under the whole heaven is mine. I will not conceal his parts, nor his power, nor his comely proportion. Who can discover the face of his garment? or who can come to him with his double bridle?

Who can open the doors of his face? his teeth are terrible round about. His scales are his pride, shut up together as with a close seal. One is so near to another that no air can come between them. They are joined one to another, they stick together, that they cannot be sundered. By his neesings (neesing: sneezing, American Dictionary of the English Language, Noah Webster 1828): a light doth shine, and his eyes are like the eyelids of the morning. Out of his mouth go burning lamps, and sparks of fire leap out. Out of his nostrils goeth smoke, as out of a seething pot or caldron. His breath kindeleth coals, and a flame goeth out of his mouth. In his neck remaineth strength, and sorrow is turned into joy before him.

Born Under Contract

Born Under Contract

IMAGINE YOURSELF BEING BORN, AND WHEN YOU TOOK YOUR FIRST BREATH, you found yourself under a binding LEGAL OBLIGATION emanating from your ancestors which you cannot, in any way, annul or change. As a matter of fact, if you are a member of a certain group of people, you have several contracts by which you must abide which will affect every major phase and all the decisions of your life.

There is only one group of people in the entire world who are born with this obligation on their physical, mental and spiritual beings. The claims of the lying, deceiving, perverted, degenerate, treasonous Judeo-Christian clergy to the contrary notwithstanding.

And, as much as anyone might want to find a way to disengage him/herself from the provisions of these contracts, he finds himself entirely helpless to do so. He cannot decide he doesn’t want to be under the terms of these contracts, nor can others who are not under them decide they want to be included therein.

If you have been designated a party under the terms, you really have no choice in the matter but to comply. It is not open for invitation, it is not open for discussion, and you don’t have an option. If one does not comply with the terms of the accord, every means will be applied to bring him back into compliance with that Covenant. One cannot plead ignorance to the existence of these contracts as ignorance is no excuse.

Because these BINDING CONTRACTS play such an important role in our lives, it will be the object here to explain them and the penalties incurred for not keeping the terms as prescribed. It is our hope here to show how futile it is to fight these conditions under which we find ourselves OBLIGATED from the time of our birth. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, says in part:

The Royal Line

The Royal Line

I HAVE MADE THE STATEMENT BEFORE THAT THE TRUE HEIRS TO THE THRONE OF DAVID, was not the present royal family but were hidden by Almighty God, who is keeping their line free from contamination by Satan’s brood. And I believe that this article from the Kingdom Identity Ministries proves my contention to be true.

We know that when Christ was born, a Jew was believed to be sitting on David’s Throne, but in actuality he was not, because the Throne had been moved centuries before to England. Mary the mother of Christ and Joseph the stepfather to Him were not in the castle or even considered to be heirs to the throne, yet by the genealogies in Luke and Matthew we know that Mary was a direct descendant of Nathan one of David’s sons, and Joseph was the direct descendant of Solomon another of his sons. Therefore, if God could hide Mary and Joseph from the knowledge of the Jews, He certainly can hide the true heirs from the Jews today.

England: In recent weeks Prince Philip of England has been on a visit to Israel and has accepted an award honouring his mother, Princess Alice because “…she hid three Jews in the palace in Athens during the Nazi occupation of Greece in 1943‑1944.” (Times‑Picayune, November 1, 1994, p. A‑1) A previous article noted that Princess Alice was buried in Israel. We have received many inquires over the years regarding the British “Royal” family, many of them noting that Prince Charles has a very prominent Jewish look about him.

There is no Middle Road

There is no Middle Road

WE TURN THIS AFTERNOON TO DISCUSS THE SUBJECT, ‘THERE IS NO MIDDLE ROAD.’ It is with the realization that we are speaking of the responsibilities of the Christian church and of those who are aware of the Sonship in the family of God, and who understand their relationship to God’s plan and to HIS kingdom. The great battle for the consciousness of men and which seeks to direct their thinking by capturing today their minds and setting up the panorama of ideas, is trying to neutralize the church of God today by reinterpreting for them the things they want to follow and do, and make it look as though this was Christian responsibility. We continue to receive a flow of literature from church organizations and from the National Council of Churches, and areas that are seeking to influence the church in general. And they are working on a field of special stress on fields of semantics and areas of things whose field of function would be great. And the present attempt is to try to sweep the entirety of religion of all of the areas of social relationship and all of the areas of the world political design by trying to embrace and envelope all of this with a four-letter word called LOVE.

You might say, ‘but that is a wonderful thing, for love can change things.’ And I saw that we have from the scriptures as one bulletin said that was distributed, “God is love.” And then a little further down they were using the expression, that they were to use the words ‘Love the brotherhood.’ That is right. The scriptures tell us to love the brotherhood. But we have to find out what the brotherhood consists of. We have to find out what we have been instructed to love.