Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – November 1995 No. 2

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – November 1995 No. 2

This is a summary of the message that David Koresh was writing the last night of his life as he was trying to outline for Drs. Philip Arnold and James Tabor who were helping him find his interpretation of the 7 Seals of Revelation. I will give you a short summary of this work which is now found on the ‘Internet’ and this includes the scripture numbers from which he was working. He finished the work on the first Seal the last night of his life and the computer disk was smuggled out by Ruth Riddle the next morning as the fire started. She was burned in the escape, but she delivered the disk to the two gentlemen mentioned above who are interested in the MESSAGE OF THE BOOK. I may add some of Swift’s thinking and mine. And when I do, it will be in ( ).

David Koresh said that the New Covenant was contained in the Seals. In the very last sentence of his work, he is suggesting and perhaps urging, would be a better word, for people to get ready to ‘come out of their closets’ and be ready to face the world as Lovers of Jesus the Christ. (Was he perhaps telling us to proclaim our position in this scheme of world events, which are being thrown at us today as a New Age and a One world Government, under a bankrupt United Nations?)