Amazing Grace to A Race

Amazing Grace to A Race

We are not talking about the Bible alone. We are talking about the 163 books and volumes that are inspired, and that which came out of the mouth of God, and out of the mouth of Holy men inspired to write them. Unfortunately, you have to deal largely with 66 of these books, but only 64 are basic.

Admiral John Crommelin Addresses Swift Meeting

Admiral John Crommelin Addresses Swift Meeting

You have given unto us a sure Word of Prophecy we walk without fear. We observe the design of the powers of Darkness to destroy; we see the forces of evil trying to infiltrate the Nations of Thy Kingdom, and gain areas of influence to-wipe out Thy Household, if they can accomplish it; and Our Father, we are thankful that we have the assurance of ultimate victory; that we know The Saints of the Most High God shall take the Kingdom, and shall possess the Kingdom forever and ever. Dan 7:18 we meditate upon the conditions which create crises in our civilisation as we face the great challenge of the ages, and realise that we shall follow the standards of Thy Cross to Ultimate Victory.

Adjustment to God Our Key to Survival

Adjustment to God Our Key to Survival

There are certain things that most people would not like to consider. They do not like to think of anything different. It annoys them. Or by not accepting things as they are they believe they insulate themselves from the conditions which are coming to pass. There are some people who seem to operate on the premise that the more we reject the idea that our enemy is not your enemy, or that they are peaceful, and do not desire to engage in conflict with us, the further we will be from actual loss. Like the Ostrich they would like to stick their heads in the sand and not believe things which are inevitable

A Choice Before The People

A Choice Before The People

The great nations of God’s kingdom are going to before very long be battling all of the hosts of darkness and all of the hosts of evil. These forces have already infiltrated the great nations of God’s kingdom.

A Tulmult Upon The Mountain

A Tulmult Upon The Mountain

The most vital thing today, which you have in your heritage, is that ‘seed has life in itself.’ AN INCORRUPTIBLE SEED WHICH LIVES AND ABIDES FOREVER.’ There are masses of people around you who do not possess this. Therefore, they are different from you.

A Time For Every Purpose

A Time For Every Purpose

Time, is a dimension in which something happens, a measurement between events. We are in solar time part of the Universe, but in the program of God we are in the Sidereal time which is almost incomprehensible. Everything is in orbit, in the Universe, around the Pleaides the probable orbital centre of the known Universe. The multiple millions and millions of years that it would take to make one sidereal orbit in its relationship to the Milky Way and to the bands of Orion are almost beyond calculation.

A More Sure Word

A More Sure Word

He (Job) knew that his Redeemer would live and would stand at the Latter Day upon this earth. So he prophesied concerning this, and prophesied the development of our race.





A Living Priesthood

A Living Priesthood

It is most important that we think in terms of that Tabernacle, and Temple which was built under divine instructions. When we talked to you last week about the First Ark of the covenant which was made, then we told you that this first Ark was not make by Moses, but was made by Enoch after he returned from that heavenly trip, after he had written his books, and had travelled with knowledge and wisdom out of ancient Jerusalem down unto the site in ancient Egypt where they would build the city of On, with its beautiful Temple, and the Sphinx, and the Pyramid, all those things which accompanied the ministry in the life of Enoch and Job,


A Great Commission

A Great Commission

A Great Commission

There is no doubt that the commissions
that some people thought were the most
important are not necessarily the most
important commissions because they are not
really related to what God intended or what
HE really purposed.

14 pp.