Christian Serbia

Christian Serbia

The following excerpt from the writings of EUSTACE MULLINS shines a VERY interesting light on the BLACK HAND that operated in SERBIA at the time of the first World War and that operates to this very day. It is unlikely Eustace knew then that his writing of this then [1987] would have relevance today, but it appears that in fact does. Much you may already be already familiar with, much I assure you most likely are not.


The people of Shem had always opposed a central bank, fearing its power over them. Now the Congressmen, led by Congressman Charles A. Lindbergh, Sr., waged a gallant struggle against the power of Wall Street money. The Wall Street money won. On December 23, 1913, a significant year in Masonry, Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act into law. The American people were now poised for a great roller coaster ride, up and down from depression to prosperity and back again, and from world war to world war.

Celebration Of Rosh Hashanah

Celebration Of Rosh Hashanah

Like most religious groups, Jews celebrate their important holidays by some impressive gesture. In 1982, the Jewish people throughout the world marked the celebration of Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, by the massacre of innocent women and children in Beirut, Lebanon, in the now historic Rosh Hashanah Massacre. The Rosh Hashanah massacre also struck terror in the hearts of Jews throughout the world, because they instantly realized that non-Jewish people all over the world now had more than ample cause to resolve to rid themselves forever of the continuing threat of Jewish terrorism. It was for this reason alone that the strongest reaction to the Rosh Hashanah Massacre came from the Jews themselves, in the capital city of the State of Israel.

More than three hundred thousand panic-stricken Jews rioted in the streets of Tel Aviv when they learned of the Rosh Hashanah Massacre. They cursed Prime Minister Menachem Begin, and if they could have laid hands on him, they would have torn him limb from limb. The Jews, sensitised by many centuries of existence as a biological parasite encysted in the crucial areas of the host nations, are quick to react to any possible threat from the host peoples, threats which, in every instance of history, have been provoked by some new unconscionable outrage committed by the Jews against the host peoples. Menachem Begin is the only leader of any nation in the world today who has an international reputation as a terrorist, mass murderer and a homicidal maniac. Begin’s answer to the “Palestinian problem” since the first refugees were driven from their ancestral homes by the American-financed Israeli terrorists, was to murder the refugees.

We have grown hardened to monthly press reports during the last fifteen or twenty years, of mass killings, mostly of women and children, in the Palestinian refugee camps, destroyed by the thousands in artillery and bombing raids, as the bloodthirsty Israeli killers methodically swept the refugee camps again and again with bombs and shells, the latest developments in military operations, all paid for by the American taxpayer, and in many instances, American armed forces were stripped of their military hardware in order to give the Israelis the latest weapons with which to massacre the helpless Arab civilians, leaving American forces vulnerable in the continued threat of Soviet attack, and, more important, encouraging the Communists in their vicious sorties against other nations such as Czechoslovakia, Poland, and Afghanistan, knowing that our military forces were unarmed and helpless to intervene to stop the Soviet atrocities.

Boycott The Jewish Weapon

Boycott The Jewish Weapon

In 1950, Senator Pat McCarran said to me, “If the American people ever find out what the Jews are doing to them, they won’t leave a Jew alive from coast to coast.” An official of the American Jewish Congress said “We must never lose sight of the fact that the only thing preventing pogroms in the United States today is our watchful control over the channels of communication.” And in 1977 a Jewish columnist wrote, “We have been overthrown by the television show Roots, as many whites have been inculcated with feelings of shame, fear and guilt by this revelation of black history. This should warn us that we are sitting on a powder keg, if unfriendly elements should be allowed the chance to present the Jews in an unfavourable light on television. The success of Roots must reinforce our determination to deny native fascist elements any and all opportunities to use the media to spread their poison to impressionable Americans.”

This fear among the Jews is real because the crimes of the Jews are real. As Senator McCarran pointed out to me the rage of Americans, once aroused by a factual chronicling of the of the Jews, would be unleashed in one of the most terrible strokes of vengeance ever known.

We all know that the principal function of the United States Government today is to maintain Jewish dictatorship over the American workers. On every hand, American citizens groan under censorship, denial of civil rights and oppressive taxation which finances the genocide campaign of the Jews against the Arab people. We suffer the proliferation of government agents who force their way into every aspect of our private lives to enforce Jewish decrees against the people. How did the Jews attain this power? The record can be useful to us. A numerically small and physically weak group. of parasites encysted itself in the main avenues of American life. By maintaining absolute discipline in their ranks, they seized control of the most powerful nation in the world. Always beginning in commerce, frequently by dealing in second-hand or stolen goods, they branched out into government, religion, education and communications. In every case, their gains were used to increase Jewish power over the people.

The Black Plague

The Black Plague

“Kill de white man! Kill de white man!”

This fanatical command to commit murder was not muttered at some secret meeting of the Black Panther Party. It was broadcast to the world over American television, as the opening scene of the TV “fiction biography”, Roots, written by Alex Haley, who had earlier written The Autobiography of Malcolm X. Whether this too was “fictionist” cannot now be determined, as Malcolin X was shot down in his own temple by black terrorists who were competing for the enormous financial rewards which accrue to black “leaders” in the United States. These rewards have the additional attraction of being tax-free, as an IRS official admitted to Drew Pearson some years ago, when he remarked that

“Noncompliance from black leaders is the price Americans have to pay for racial peace in our big cities.” If we demand that Negroes pay income taxes, the response will be, “Burn, baby, burn!”

The universal call to slaughter the white man which Roots sent out to the world was predictably followed that week by a vast increase in the assaults against white children and helpless elderly people by Negro thugs. We waited in vain for some countervailing message from the victims, “Kill de niggers. Kill de niggers.” No such command was aired by the media, because such a message, even if it were to be broadcast, would result in the FBI arresting all those concerned, on charges of incitement to murder, violation of “civil rights” and many other charges. As the notorious Jerris Leonard of the Civil Rights Division of the Department of the Justice wrote to me some years ago, when I complained that my civil rights had been violated, “If you think your civil rights have been violated, you should hire yourself a lawyer.” It has been a longstanding maxim of the Department of Justice that white citizens have no civil rights under law and therefore the department can take no action on such complaints.

The Biological Jew

The Biological Jew

For twenty-five years, I have studied the problems of human failure, of falling short of the promise, and of the decay and collapse of great empires. This phenomenon has existed throughout the five thousand years that man has been recording the history of his efforts. During the first twenty years that I devoted to this study, I amassed huge files of information about the various civilizations. I compared these facts in order to find common denominators which might lead to a solution. I also took into consideration such factors as man’s environment, his nature, and the persistence of certain patterns in his behaviour.

This led me to an involved study of the animal kingdom, and a compilation of those factors which it bore in common with the plant kingdom. About five years ago, I discovered the common denominator of man’s civilizations. I had come to it directly through my studies in biology, for this common denominator is found throughout the plant and the animal kingdoms. Because it was a natural phenomenon, and such a ubiquitous one, an ordinary and accepted part of all levels of plant and animal life, no scholar had previously thought to examine this factor as a prime cause of the degeneration and fall of empires.

This factor was parasitism. In the great advances which medicine had made during the past century, one of its most impressive achievements had been the rapidly developing field of parasitology. It had been found that many of man’s most serious ailments were caused by parasites. From these studies, it was only a matter of time before scholars would be able to deduce that a similar condition might occur among man’s civilizations, and that it might also cause sickness and death. It was to be expected that in their autopsies of buried empires, scholars should conclude that this condition, parasitism, was a definitive factor in the fatal diseases which befell human civilizations.

Behind The Falkland Islands Story

Behind The Falkland Islands Story

Excepting the readers of CDL Report, few Americans will ever learn the facts behind the Falkland Islands crisis. The Jewish controlled press propaganda line. All other information is verboten by the fanatical Zionist terrorists and Mossad agents who control the American press.

Adolf Hitler said, “All that is not race is dross.” The Falklands Islands crisis is one of conflict between Argentina, one of the few white nations in South America, and the Jewish-poisoned dregs of the once mighty British Empire, a former bastion of the white race now consisting of a few whites inundated by a sea of coloured, and ruled by the Jewish banker family of Battenberg, who anglicised their name to Mountbatten in World War I, because even then they had already attained complete control of the formerly white nation of the British Isles. Lord Mountbatten reigned as First Lord of the Admiralty, and his son married Edwina Cassel, daughter of the fabulously wealthy Sir Edward
Cassel, a German Jewish emigrant who formed one of the notorious “Jewish Seven” who comprised the Prince of Wales; and later Edward VII; inner circle, led by “Lord” Nathaniel Rothschild. These Jews saw to it that the Prince of Wales had everything he wanted in way of wine, women and song, and in exchange he allowed them to seize control of the British Empire.

Anglo Saxons And Celts Unite

Anglo Saxons And Celts Unite

Israel Cohen was a Communist leader in England in the early part of this century. In 1912 he wrote a book on communist tactics entitled “A Racial Program for The Twentieth Century.” It was published in the U.S.
Congressional Record of June 7, 1957 and states:

“We must realize that our Party’s most powerful weapon is racial tension. By pounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by the Whites, we can mould them to the program of the Communist party. The terms colonialism and imperialism must he featured in our propaganda. In America, we will aim for a subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the Whites we will endeavour to Instil in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negroes.

“We will aid the Negroes to rise to prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negroes will be able to intermarry with the Whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause.”

An Appeal Against Racism

An Appeal Against Racism

Citizens of the United States are being oppressed by appalling acts of racism which are inspired by the most fanatical racial hatred. The recent Supreme Court decision denying Bob Jones University tax exemption was the most shameless pandering to the racial hatred incited by government officials. Bob Jones University lost its tax exemption, not because it was racist, or excluded black students from this white university, but because it sought to exercise some control over the personal behaviour of blacks who had been freely admitted to this once white school.

In an amazing contrast, we read in the New York Times of July 17, 1983, “Hawaiian Trust Wields Unusual Power.” The story reveals that a taxexempt foundation of one and a half billion dollars, (one thousand times the endowment of the Christian school, Bob Jones University), the Bishop Estate, devotes all of its income to maintaining an avowedly racist school, the Kamehamaha School of Honolulu, Hawaii, which, according to the New York Times “accepts only Hawaiian and part Hawaiian students, a practice still followed.”

America’s New Robber Barons

America’s New Robber Barons

To make money in the stock market, you need to use the same tools which the big operators use; that is, capital, and information. The amount of capital which you can lay your hands on may be limited. It is for most people. But the amount of information you can obtain, may be limited only by your desire to get the facts, and your willingness to reject previous misconceptions or misinformation. Then you may begin to understand what is going on in the market.

You must first recognize that fundamental changes have been taking place in our capital structure, and in money-making properties. For more than a century, the American tradition had it that to achieve great wealth, you must have the good fortune to strike it rich with a gold mine, to strike oil, or to own your own bank. In the past decade, we have witnessed the amazing phenomena of millionaires, and even billionaires, who owned vast wealth in the form of gold mines, oil wells, or banks, and who suddenly were declaring bankruptcy. What was happening to the American dream? The answer is that capitalization, or debt structure, was now overcoming capital assets. The cash flow, even from a gold mine, an oil well or bank, was no longer sufficient to pay interest charges, much less to handle the payment of the principal of the debt structure.

The Track Of The Jew Through The Ages

The Track Of The Jew Through The Ages

Alfred Rosenberg was born in 1893 in Reval* in the Russian Empire and studied architecture in the Riga Polytechnical Institute where he obtained his diploma in 1917. In his youth he read with avid interest the works of Kant and the German Idealists, as well as Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Wagner and Houston Stewart Chamberlain. But it was his discovery of Indian philosophy that served as the deepest spiritual inspiration of his life. As he comments on the primacy of the contemplative life in Indian thought, “How far we are here from all greed for power and money, from all rapacity and intolerance, all pettiness and arrogance.”