Murder By Injection

Murder By Injection

The present work, the result of some forty years of investigative research, is a logical progression from my previous books: the expose of the international control of monetary issue and banking practices in the United States; a later work revealing the secret network of organizations through which these alien forces wield political power—the secret committees, foundations, and political parties through which their hidden plans are implemented; and now; to the most vital issue of all, the manner in which these depredations affect the daily lives and health of American citizens. Despite the great power of the hidden rulers, I found that only one group has the power to issue life or death sentences to any American—our nation’s physicians.

I discovered that these physicians, despite their great power, were themselves subjected to very strict controls over every aspect of their professional lives. These controls, surprisingly enough, were not wielded by any state or federal agency, although almost every other aspect of American life is now under the absolute control of the bureaucracy. The physicians have their own autocracy, a private trade association, the American Medical Association. This group, which is headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, had gradually built up its power until it assumed total control over medical schools and the accreditation of physicians.

The trail of these manipulators led me straight to the same lairs of the international conspirators whom I had exposed in previous books. I knew that they had already looted America, reduced its military power to a dangerously low level, and imposed bureaucratic controls on every American. I now discovered that their conspiracies also directly affected the health of every American. This conspiracy has resulted in a documented decline in the health of our citizens. We now rank far down the list of civilized nations in infant mortality and other significant medical statistics. I was able to document the shocking record of these cold-blooded tycoons who not only plan and carry out famines, economic depressions, revolutions and wars, but who also find their greatest profits in their manipulations of our medical care. The cynicism and malice of these conspirators is something beyond the imagination of most Americans. They deliberately mulct our people of millions of dollars each year through “charitable” organizations and then use these same organizations as key groups to bolster their Medical Monopoly. Fear and intimidation are the basic techniques by which the conspirators maintain their control over all aspects of our health care, as they ruthlessly crush any competitor who challenges their profits. As in other aspects of their “behavioural control” over the American people, their most constantly used weapon against us is their employment of federal agents and federal agencies to carry out their intrigues. The proof of this operation may be the most disturbing revelation of my work.

Murder On The Supreme Court

Murder On The Supreme Court

America’s public schools have been corrupted. A generation of white American children has been destroyed, resulting in an inarticulate, functionally illiterate, mumbling youth who is probably on drugs and who is incapable of caring about what is happening to himself or to his nation. In these blackboard jungles, teachers are warned not to wear any jewelry or to carry any funds except lunch money, and never to go into the hall or to the restroom alone. This chaos was deliberately created by the Supreme Court decision of May 17, 1954 in favour of Brown vs. Board of Education, which ordered Federal forced racial integration of every school in the United States.

This decision not only has cost the American taxpayer more than one hundred billion dollars in added education costs but the social and economic chaos resulting from this decision has cast the American Republic down from its position of unchallenged world hegemony which it held in 1954, and in which it has been replaced by the Soviet Union. This, as we shall see, was no accident. Since the decision of Brown vs. Board of Education, Americans have been deluged with official exhortations to “obey the rules of law,” exhortations which have no reference to the increasing crime rate but are addressed solely to efforts by Americans to preserve their schools. Yet no writer has ever made a study of the legal background of Brown vs. Board of Education, excepting a two-volume study, Simple Justice, by Richard Kluger, and published by Knopf in 1975, which rapturously extols the decision as a “milestone of human progress,” and which unintentionally reveals that the legal arguments leading to this decision are so ludicrous that the lawyer for the Board of Education, John W. Davis, dismissed it as “guff.”

Merger Mania

Merger Mania

The merger of General Electric Corp. and RCA is a landmark event in the rapid consolidation of foreign power in the American marketplace. Arthur Fleischer Jr., a lawyer with Fried, Frank, Shriver, Harris and Jackson handled the legal details of this giant merger. Despite the vast sums involved, there are only three lawyers who have been handling the recent wave of mergers and buyouts of American corporations. They are Arthur Fleischer Jr., Martin Lipton, and Joseph Flom, of Skadden, Arps and Flom. The mergers have been financed by the issuance of so-called “junk bonds”, that is, bonds which are not highly rated by Wall Street. The firm which pioneered in the issuance of junk bonds, that inaugurated the era of the giant mergers, is Drexel, Burnham and Lambert of New York, a firm which is affiliated with Banque Bruxelles Lambert of Belgium. Banque Bruxelles Lambert is the Belgian headquarters of the Rothschild family. This is also the reason that Baron Guy de Rothschild has built the World Computer Center in Brussels, to maintain files on the subjects of all the captive nations ruled by the Rothschild interests.

You have probably heard about the European Economic Community, but it is unlikely that you have been informed of its real purpose. The purpose of the European Economic Community is to provide food from the “free” nations of Europe to the Soviet Union. EEC provided the Soviet Union with 621,000 tons of foodstuffs in 1978; 3,000,000 tons of food in 1980; and 6,500,000 tons of food in 1984. This food is furnished to the Soviet Union by EEC at prices far below the market prices at which the inhabitants of the “free” nations can buy these same commodities. Flour goes to the Soviet Union for 20% of the price paid by Europeans; sugar goes for 28% of the European price; butter is furnished to the Soviet Union for 12% of the European price; and wine is shipped to the Soviets for 2.5% of the European price. In effect, the “free” European nations are engaged in a gigantic effort to maintain the Soviet Union.

The London Connection

The London Connection

In 1949, while I was visiting Ezra Pound who was a political prisoner at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital, Washington, D.C. (a Federal institution for the insane), Dr. Pound asked me if I had ever heard of the Federal Reserve System. I replied that I had not, as of the age of 25. He then showed me a ten dollar bill marked “Federal Reserve Note” and asked me if I would do some research at the Library of Congress on the Federal Reserve System which had issued this bill. Pound was unable to go to the Library himself, as he was being held without trial as a political prisoner by the United States government. After he was denied broadcasting time in the U.S., Dr. Pound broadcast from Italy in an effort to persuade people of the United States not to enter World War II. Franklin D. Roosevelt had personally ordered Pound’s indictment, spurred by the demands of his three personal assistants, Harry Dexter White, Lauchlin Currie, and Alger Hiss, all of whom were subsequently identified as being connected with Communist espionage.

I had no interest in money or banking as a subject, because I was working on a novel. Pound offered to supplement my income by ten dollars a week for a few weeks. My initial research revealed evidence of an international banking group which had secretly planned the writing of the Federal Reserve Act and Congress’ enactment of the plan into law. These findings confirmed what Pound had long suspected. He said, “You must work on it as a detective story.” I was fortunate in having my research at the Library of Congress directed by a prominent scholar, George Stimpson, founder of the National Press Club, who was described by The New York Times of September 28, 1952: “Beloved by Washington newspapermen as ‘our walking Library of Congress’, Mr. Stimpson was a highly regarded reference source in the Capitol. Government officials, Congressmen and reporters went to him for information on any subject.”

The Lindbergh Murders

The Lindbergh Murders

Why did Charles Lindbergh perjure himself to send an innocent man to the electric chair ? Would the arrest of the murderers of the Lindbergh child have prevented the entry of the United States into World War II ? Why did “Editor and Publisher”, the house organ of the journalism industry, note on the Hauptmann trial, “No trial in this century has so degraded the administration of justice.”

These questions are raised, but not answered by a painstaking examination of the Lindbergh kidnapping in “Scapegoat” by Anthony Scaduto. Published two years ago, it proves that Hauptmann was innocent and that he was convicted solely by suborned perjury from the Jewish prosecutor, David Wilentz. Scaduto found the paybook of Reliance Property Management and photographed the page showing that Hauptmann was working in New York on March 1, 1932, when the baby was kidnapped. Wilentz not only hid the pay book in police files where it remained for forty years, but got the timekeeper to testify in sworn testimony that Hauptmann had not been hired until March 15! Wilentz had an eighty-seven year old New Jersey neighbor of the Lindberghs, Amandus Hochmuth, testify that at one p.m. on the day of the kidnapping, Richard Hauptmann drove up to him, told him his name, and said he was looking for property in the area. Yet Social Security records showed that Hochmuth was legally blind from cataracts and was also senile. At the time of Hochmuth’s testimony, Wilentz was concealing the Reliance paybook which proved that at the very hour that Hochmuth claimed Hauptmann was conversing with him outside the Lindbergh home, he was actually working in New York !

The Secret Of Iraq

The Secret Of Iraq

The  secret of our involvement in Iraq is no secret. This area has been known from 500,000 B.C. to 5,000 B.C. as a Paleolithic era country. We cowered in terror before the threat of Iraq’s weapons of mass delusion, a la Harry Houdini and its threat of imminent nuclear annihilation, only to find, on inventing Iraq in a desperate attempt to stave off destruction, that its present leader, Saddam Hussein, had been a CIA asset for the past forty years, with his handlers numbering both Bush pere et fils, and that his nuclear capability had been destroyed years ago by Israeli assaults using American planes AND BOMBS, etc. Did we heave a sigh of relief upon learning this news? No, we were more terrified than ever, as we entered the defining Age of America, the Age of Terror, under which we labour today.

Now Iowa farm youths are dying in unmourned pleasure vehicles manufactured by General Motors, the infamous Hummers. They are dying in Babylon, a name unfamiliar to most Americans, because Dan Rather tells us it is Baghdad, a modern version of the notorious Whore of Babylon.

Inside Story Of Douglas MacArthur

Inside Story Of Douglas MacArthur

Thousands of American boys died on barren Pacific sandpits during World War II, never knowing they had been condemned to die because of the hatred the Communists felt for their commander, General Douglas MacArthur. Let us go back to Washington, D.C. for the birth-pangs of this hatred; the time, July 28, 1932. The nation is in the depths of an economic depression brought on by classic gold movements of the international Jewish bankers. Some gold bricks had been moved, from one section of the Federal Reserve Bank vaults in New York City to another section a few feet away; this seemingly insignificant act brought on a contraction of credit and the puncturing of the Wall Street boom. EIGHTY-FIVE BILLION DOLLARS IN INFLATED STOCK VALUES VANISHED INTO THE VAULTS OF THE BANKERS, LEAVING THE AMERICAN MIDDLE CLASS A ROBBED AND BEATEN PEOPLE. Since this middle class created the jobs, the workers were now without employment and were in an ugly mood. This was the background of the dispatching of a special Communist task force to Washington to take over the Bonus March of the American veterans, provoke a massacre by local police or troops, and begin a conflagration which would quickly sweep the country and deliver us into the waiting hands of the Communists.

It was a simple technique, which had worked marvellously well in Czarist Russia. Some people were idling around in front of a bakery, a few Communists in the crowd threw stones at the Imperial Guard, shots were fired, and a few people were killed. Within weeks, the Imperial Government was no more; and the Czar, and his wife and children were locked in a cellar, waiting to be executed by their Jewish captors.

Inflation The Jewish Disease

Inflation The Jewish Disease

In my thirty-five years as a practicing economist, one of my greatest difficulties has been convincing patriots that they must understand the problem of inflation—the Jewish disease—if they are to prevail against the depredations of the biological parasite. As the patriot Ezra Pound said to me some thirty years ago, “Inflation is robbery.” This is still the shortest and best definition of inflation. Pound explained to me that many centuries ago, rulers discovered that their regimes could he imperiled by any tampering with the value of the circulation medium of exchange, or money, and therefore they imposed the death penalty on anyone who committed this offence. At that time, “inflation” meant the depreciation of gold or silver coins by clipping them, trimming a minute amount of precious metal from the rims so that it could hardly be detected. In modern times, inflation means tampering with the value of the paper certificates which circulate and are accepted as money. A person with inside knowledge of such tampering could borrow one million dollars, knowing that inflation would allow him to increase the value of his borrowing to perhaps ten million dollars, and at the same time reduce his debt to about one hundred thousand dollars.

As I pointed out in The Federal Reserve Conspiracy, the Jews won this power to alter the value of the American dollar at their pleasure, first by consolidating the money and credit of the people of the United States into a central bank, the Federal Reserve Bank, and then by setting up the mechanism, the Open Market Committee, to raise or lower the purchasing power of the dollar whenever they wished. These mechanisms were worked out by Paul Warburg, partner of the international Jewish banking house of Kuhn, Loeb, Co., New York, and the American representative of the Rothschild interests, and were enacted into law by Congress in 1913, against the bitter protests of such American patriots as Congressman Charles Lindbergh. The Federal Reserve Act was engineered through Congress by Virginian Carter Glass and signed into law by Virginian Woodrow Wilson.

Huey Long

Huey Long

In 1935, Senator Huey Long published a startling book, Every Man a King! Don’t look for it today, because you won’t find it. Franklin D. Roosevelt and his Jewish control operator, Felix Frankfurter, the mastermind of the Harold Ware cell of Communists in Washington, were so terrified by this book that they began to consider plans for the assassination of Huey Long.

Soon afterward, Huey Long died in a hail of bullets, and the book disappeared from circulation. What was the message of Huey Long’s book, which seemed certain to sweep him into the White House in 1936, and which became his death warrant?

The message was in the title, “Every Man a King.” Huey Long believed with the deep patriotic fervor which characterized all of his beliefs, that every American was a king in his native land, beholden to no man, and enslaved at no man’s bidding. Roosevelt, and the sinister crew of aliens, who rolled him about in his wheelchair and who brought him women for his bizarre sexual tastes, had a different slogan, one which they dared not advertise: “Every American a Slave.” There could be no doubt as to the relative popular appeal of these two political slogans. The Great Cripple and his Ghetto Gang would not stand a chance against Huey Long in 1936.

How To Be A US Senator

How To Be A US Senator

When one surveys the present crop of United States Senators, it is obvious that that body no longer provides the melodrama on Capitol Hill. During the 1930’s, the Senators, particularly those from the Southern states, outdid themselves in colourful language, plantation owner attire, complete with wide brimmed Panama hats, and a cold-blooded approach to political dominance which has not been seen since they vanished like the dinosaurs of old. Today, we have such creatures as Senator Metzenbaum of Ohio, making $300,000 deals over his office phone, his colleague, Senator-Glenn, still reeling from the after effects of his trips through outer space, and, in the historic State of Virginia, Senator Warner, who parlayed his advantage of being born into a good family by marrying two of the wealthiest women in the United States.

In the 1930’s, no one in the United States Senate more successfully wielded political power than Senator Harry Byrd, the senior Senator from Virginia. His career on Capitol Hill remains the how to-do-it Bible for would-be politicians, even though no one today has either the temerity or the ruthlessness to follow in his footsteps.

From the very outset of his career, Harry Byrd knew where the power lay, and he went after it. In reviewing his personal history, one finds few mistakes, despite flaws of personality which effectively prevented him from attaining the supreme prize, one which was often near his grasp, the office of President of the United States.