The Secret Of Iraq

The Secret Of Iraq

The  secret of our involvement in Iraq is no secret. This area has been known from 500,000 B.C. to 5,000 B.C. as a Paleolithic era country. We cowered in terror before the threat of Iraq’s weapons of mass delusion, a la Harry Houdini and its threat of imminent nuclear annihilation, only to find, on inventing Iraq in a desperate attempt to stave off destruction, that its present leader, Saddam Hussein, had been a CIA asset for the past forty years, with his handlers numbering both Bush pere et fils, and that his nuclear capability had been destroyed years ago by Israeli assaults using American planes AND BOMBS, etc. Did we heave a sigh of relief upon learning this news? No, we were more terrified than ever, as we entered the defining Age of America, the Age of Terror, under which we labour today.

Now Iowa farm youths are dying in unmourned pleasure vehicles manufactured by General Motors, the infamous Hummers. They are dying in Babylon, a name unfamiliar to most Americans, because Dan Rather tells us it is Baghdad, a modern version of the notorious Whore of Babylon.