History of The Literature of The Scandinavian North

History of The Literature of The Scandinavian North

THE Scandinavian nations constitute together a branch that in early times became detached from the great folk-tree which we usually call the Gothic-Germanic (or Teutonic) race. This branch embraces the inhabitants of Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Iceland. The latter be­longs, though merely in a political sense, to Denmark. In the following review of the intellectual life of these nations, as it has, in the course of time, found expression in litera­ture, we propose to consider the inhabitants of the four countries named collectively, although they at the present

time, not only in politics, but also in many other respects, possess strongly marked national individualities, and differ one from the other in many things. We feel justified in so doing for the reason that they, in spite of differences, and in spite of all the feuds and conflicts that have divided them in the past, still in reality constitute a unity, which, quite unlike the other European peoples, even those which are most nearly related to one another, has acquired to the close observer a common physiognomy.

They are sister-nations, which, with the changes that time has wrought, have in some respects been developed each in her own peculiar manner. They have frequently met as foes, but in spite of this, they have preserved the mark of kin­ship, that became their common inheritance when they separated from the great race whence they sprang, to shift for themselves. In all essential respects they have given the world an intellectual product differing from all others, both in character and form, though of course continually influenced by the other streams of European culture. The fact that the northern peoples, from an intellectual stand­point, formed a national unity, that they were imbued and influenced by one and the same national spirit, was never for a moment lost sight of by the ancient inhabitants of the North; later it was somewhat obscured, though it was never utterly forgotten; and in our time the Scandinavian peoples have again become thoroughly conscious of their intimate kinship. ” The age of sundering is past,” said one of Sweden’s greatest poets half a century ago, and in spite of the political separation, the sentiment that ” we are one people, Scandinavians we are called,” as a Danish poet has sung, has during the past fifty years been growing continually stronger.

The Patriot January 1948

The Patriot January 1948


For a month past there has been a war of words between Socialists and Communists. Were the Socialists sincere in their announced detestation of the greater evil they would be worthy of support from all men of good will, but their actions merely show that they are ex­periencing a certain amount of discomfort from their association with the extremists. While the means which our Socialists have it in mind to employ may not be so utterly lacking in humanity as those used in Russia, the aim is the same, and it is only when Socialists not only say that they detest Communism, but take steps quite different from associating themselves with it in other countries that we can begin to believe that they mean what they say. Until then their rebuking of sin has no conviction in it: they are too much contaminated.

The late Lord Sydenham writing in THE PATRIOT of 29 March, 1923, had a most in­structive article on the activities of the late Mr Snowden who then was the big noise in Socia­lism. It was Mr. Snowden in particular follow­ing in the steps of Marx, who, concentrating his attacks on the capitalist system, was simply serving up a rehash of Marxian doctrines. In those days we were told by Mr. Snowden that the “Capitalist system” had failed “to deliver the goods,” that it did not “give the people a good world in which to live,” that it did not adequately “utilise natural resources and pro­ductive power” or provide continuous work at good wages for the whole population, and that it could not solve the housing problem. This is exactly what our Socialists are still telling us day in, day out: they have made no progress in their technique and the country under 2½ years of misrule has seen what a sorry substitute is the Socialist system for that of the “Capita­list” or as we should prefer to call it free enterprise.

But the point is that Marx, the founder of Communism, was the inspiration of Mr. Snowden and his followers in those days just as he is of the Socialists to-day. And here is what Lord Sydenham had to say on this point:

“The revolutionaries of the Eighteenth Century, from whom Marx borrowed all his theories, did not and could not attack a “capitalist system” in days when great organised industries had not come into exist­ence. They did, however, promise the millennium, and they quickly found, after calculations, that it was unattainable except by a wholesale massacre of the French people, which they attempted to carry out. The Bolshevists have similarly compassed the death, by murder, starvation, and disease of nearly 20,000,000 Russians, mostly, of course, peasants and workers. Babeuf, whom Marx followed, and whom the Labour Party have copied under his instructions, held that property “had fallen into a few hands,” and that “to take the mass of citizens out of their dependence there was no way but to place all property in the hands of the Gov­ernment.”

Though Mr. Snowden was eager to explain that “there was no analogy between Socialism and Bolshevism,” it was the programme of the Bolsheviks carried out in Russia with such appalling results, that he and his followers were advocating. The hypocrisy of the Socialists is still such that it will not admit the identity of purpose. And when Communism in our midst and Soviet policy are denounced by our Socialist Ministers it seems to be forgotten that during the Election in 1945 the Socialists were promis­ing good relations between this country and Moscow with the confident assertions that their Party alone could procure those good relations, It was of course only one of the usual false promises taking no regard of the fact that Com­munism is a world power and that in every country their followers are under the direction of the Kremlin, whose orders and instructions have to be obeyed.

The Patriot April 1948

The Patriot April 1948


IN the summer of 1937 the Swiss people took a vote on the subject of passing a law to proclaim as illegal ” the associations and organisations affiliated directly or indirectly with the Communist International.” It may be added that the Swiss Constitution bars citizens of a Foreign Power from exercising political rights in the country and, under the new proposal, those affiliated with the Communist Interna­tional were to be deprived of political rights. It was pointed out then in these columns, nearly 11 years ago, that it was time this country adopted some such steps as those taken in Switzerland against the agents of the Soviet Government.

Switzerland, of course, had had ample reason for taking steps, Canton by Canton, against the Communists, for Lenin, Trotsky, and many other refugees, had abused Swiss hospitality. The Soviet representative at Berne in November, 1918, was found to have been behind the general strike engineered at that time, and the long spell of disorders was traced to Communist activities. As a result, the Swiss authorities broke off relations with Soviet Russia, and in 1937 the Cantons of Neufchatel and Geneva prohibited Communism.

In the campaign for the interdiction of Communism a Genevan advocate, M. Eugene Gaulis, played a prominent part and issued a sheet on “The Communist Programme,” which contained the following as given in THE PATRIOT of December 16, 1937:

“Experience has proved that in all countries where the Communist Party has tried to seize power by provoking bloody disorders, it was com­posed only of a small number of members, and notwithstanding that constituted a formidable power of revolution and destruction. In Spain, at the 1936 elections, the Communist Party only elected 16 Deputies out of 470 in Parliament. In France the ‘Front Populaire’ Government (the lucky-find of Dimitroff, general secretary of the Communist International) is prisoner of the Communists, who have only 72 Deputies out of more than 600 in the Chamber. Revolutions, history proves, have always been made by disciplined minorities.

Handel and The Messiah

Handel and The Messiah


The street lamps’ warm and mellow glow,
Flash in water down below.
Lights grow dim in veils of mist;
Wet streets gleam … But wait! What’s this?

A wretched figure, dimly seen,
Limping with ungainly stride,
Wends its way, its toilsome way,
Through streets of London’s riverside.

The complex rigging of the ships
Grows indistinct in skirts of rain;
A feeble glow, a dockside inn,
Invites relief from cold and pain.

But he stumbles on his tear‑streaked way,
Shunning the hostile streets of day.


THE YEAR OF OUR ALMIGHTY ONE WAS 1741. Although the elderly gentleman’s body was bent with unjust burdens, his soul soared on the wings of stately music, which, because of his palsied hand, seemed destined to remain imprisoned within the confines of his mind. Buoyed by melodies only he could hear, he continued on his night time wanderings.

His name was George Fredrick Handel, an English subject, who spoke with a German accent. He had descended from the pinnacle of glory and acclaim to this valley of night shadows haunted by malevolent spirits. He, whose music would transport his audiences to realms of angelic glory, could only glimpse his Saviour through the bars of an earthly hell.

Words of a Prophet

Words of a Prophet

IT HAS BEEN A PRIVILEGE to translate this very important book, a book with a clear message from a prophet of the Almighty God to his people. As the reader will learn, Nicolaas (Seer) was a simple, humble man who had no formal education, being able only to read his Bible, with great difficulty.

All Biblical quotations used in the text have been taken from the King James Version, except where specifically marked ‘Good News Bible’ The old Afrikaner Seer was known in South Africa during the previous century… As a Prophet from God.

Nicolaas (Seer) van Rensburg was a modern Nostradamus if ever there was one. He became a legend during his lifetime and was one of the most remarkable characters that ever lived in South Africa and his prophecies were well known during 1899 until his death in 1926. During the Second World War the then Prime Minister of South Africa General Jan Smuts prohibited the distribution of the Seers prophecies,

Nicolaas Seer van Rensburg not only foretold the future of South Africa, but also that of Europe, America and England. Before his death in 1926 he predicted that ethnic violence will explode worldwide after the turn of this century and start World War Three. It is a chilling experience to read in this book about his predictions of this coming war when armies of the world will use terrible ray’s that will sow death and destruction and soak the earth in blood. He describes events on the battlefield of the world in such detail as though he himself had been an eyewitness.

Here are some of the prophecies he made from 1899 until his death in 1926:–

The release of Nelson Mandela by ex President De Klerk

A black government will govern South Africa.

The atomic disaster on April 26 1986 at Chernobyl.

The divorce and death of a beautiful English Lady, in an accident that would be mourned by the whole world.

Not long after her death, the Lady on the Throne will also disappear.

Asia devastated by Tsunami.

Terrorist attack on England (London first).

England will suffer terribly, when World War Three is at hand

Japan will be destroyed by earthquakes — no one will survive.

The astonishing prophecies, in this book, are of great importance, not only to South Africans, but also for the people of the Western World.

Adam Vosloo

Jewish Media Influence in Sweden

Jewish Media Influence in Sweden

PART OF A REPLY TO A COMPLAINT IN A JEWISH NEWSPAPER IN THE UNITED STATES about “anti-Semitism” in the media of Sweden and Lithuania:–

Dear Sir,

First of all I would like to laud you for an exhaustive and well-prepared site. You have certainly gone through the Jewish question thoroughly before compiling your observations and analysis. Reading your This week’s Jewish News as usual today there was one piece of news that made my face wreathed in smiles.

The piece of news concerned how the Jewish community of Lithuania accused LNK television for anti-Semitism.

Well, the far too familiar irony is that the LNK, as stated in the article is owned by the Bonnier family, based in my country of origin, Sweden. Worth mentioning then is that the Bonniers are Jewish themselves. Bonnier is a taken name; originally the family was named Hirschel. Not only is the Bonnier family Jewish and not only do they own LNK, but they are the far most influential media group in Sweden and in Finland.

Of the seven largest daily newspapers in Sweden, the seven with a daily circulation of over 100,000, the Bonnier family owns four, Dagens Nyheter (the Daily News), Expressen (the Express), Sydsvenska Dagbladet (the Southern Swedish Daily News) and Dagens Industri (the Industry of Today).

The Patriot No. 12 27 April, 1922

The Patriot No. 12 27 April, 1922

Last week we drew attention to the report, casually mentioned by a Dantzig Chronicler of the year 1469, that the German merchant (den deutschen Kaufmann) had a hand in our “Wars of the loses. Strange! And yet perhaps no more strange than to suggest that the German merchant of to-day has a hand in the Rebellion in Ireland and Bolshevism in Russia (and in England). When Rathenau, the greatest commercial magnate in Germany, signs a Treaty with Lenin, we are told that the nation and the Prime Minister are of the material of shipping — timber, resin, pitch. Mercatores de regno Alemanie, “find it commonly translated,” The Society of German Merchants of the Holy Roman Empire.” They were a great confederation of some seventy German cities, chiefly Lubeck, Dantzic, Bremen, Hamburg and Cologne. These merchants traded on the principle of “touch one, touch all,” and had a navigation law of their own shortly ex- pi-eased in the phrase, “Hanse goods in Hanse ships.” In the Baltic they had almost a monopoly

When Ivrassin (an old employee of Rathenau) came to England as representative of Lenin, it did not occur to the Prime Minister or the British nation to put two and two together. Nor did it occur to them to read Mr. Edgar Sisson’s Report, which states (and proves) that the Russian Communists (falsely called Russian and falsely called Communist) were in the pay of German capitalism. To people who neither read nor can interpret evidence, everything comes as a surprise.

Here is one of the advantages of the study of history. If we know that the German merchant had a share in the Mediaeval Bolshevism of the Wars of the Roses, we learn to expect him in the Bolshevism of to-day. And so it may help us a little in our modern affairs to go back even so far as Warwick, the King-Maker. But who, let us first .discover, were those German merchants? And why did they take a hand in the Wars of the Roses? Let us see.

The German merchants of the Middle Ages were organised in what is vaguely and inaccurately called the Hanseatic League. A Hanse was, in fact, a league or company of merchants, and there was an English Hanse as well as a German Hanse. The German Hanse called itself in State documents “Mercatores de Hansa Alemannia,”

The Longest Hatred

The Longest Hatred

THE AUTHORS OR EDITORS ARE ANONYMOUS. A prosecution against Jane Birdwood was (as far as I’ve been able to determine) dropped, with the probably bogus claim that she was senile or otherwise mentally impaired, leaving the document’s copyright status uncertain—it seems to be in a legal limbo. It’s reproduced below without any omissions or interpolations (including note references, so there are no links back to the top of the page). The paragraphing and bold and italic typefaces are exactly as in the original—or, if they aren’t, that’s my mistake.
I’m told the material on Darwin in the appendix was included at the request of a friend of Birdwood’s.
According to recent newspaper obituaries, Joan Pollock Graham, after RADA and adopting the name ‘Jane’ to avoid confusion with a radio actress, and working as a secretary or organiser, met Lieutenant Colonel the Hon Christopher Birdwood in 1947, in Germany, where he worked with the British Red Cross. He was married, but Joan/Jane seems to have ousted his wife by going to live with him in London two or three years later. He died in 1962; she died on June 28th 2000, aged 87, which reminded me that I had a copy of this pamphlet. The Times obituary says: ‘.. In 1991 she was tried at the Old Bailey on ten charges under the 1986 Public Order Act.. found guilty on all ten counts, given a three-month suspended prison sentence, and ordered to pay £500 towards prosecution costs. [sic] .. She continued distributing crazed pamphlets with titles such as “The Longest Hatred” and “The Snides of March”, was prosecuted again, and given a second suspended jail sentence. ..’ The Times failed to mention her third prosecution, beginning 5th Jan 1998, which seems to have been dropped when she refused to undertake to discontinue her publishing.

Facts of Jewish Media Control

Facts of Jewish Media Control

“You know very well, and the stupid Americans know equally well, that we control their government, irrespective of who sits in the White House. You see, I know it and you know it that no American president can be in a position to challenge us even if we do the unthinkable. What can they (Americans) do to us? We control congress, we control the media, we control show biz, and we control everything in America. In America you can criticize God, but you can’t criticize Israel…” Israeli spokeswoman, Tzipora Menache

Facts of Jewish Media Control

The largest media conglomerate today is Walt Disney Company, whose chairman and CEO, Michael Eisner, is a Jew. The Disney Empire, headed by a man described by one media analyst as a “control freak”, includes several television production companies (Walt Disney Television, Touchstone Television, Buena Vista Television), its own cable network with 14 million subscribers, and two video production companies. As for feature films, the Walt Disney Picture Group, headed by Joe Roth (also a Jew), includes Touchstone Pictures, Hollywood Pictures, and Caravan Pictures. Disney also owns Miramax Films, run by the Weinstein brothers. When the Disney Company was run by the Gentile Disney family prior to its takeover by Eisner in 1984, it epitomized wholesome, family entertainment. While it still holds the rights to Snow White, under Eisner, the company has expanded into the production of graphic sex and violence. In addition, it has 225 affiliated stations in the United States and is part owner of several European TV companies. ABC’s cable subsidiary, ESPN, is headed by president and CEO Steven Bornstein, a Jew.

The Controlled Media

The Controlled Media

OFTEN IN THESE STUDIES here on this web site we mention something called the controlled media.  We state that many things which are going on today regarding the formation of the New World Order (which is just a modern name for the Biblical “first beast” global control system of Revelation chapter 13, that precedes the “second beast” [antichrist/Satan] by 42 months) are hidden from the average persons eye by this “controlled media.”

From a 1936 series of International Judaic speeches at the B’nai B’rith[B’nai B’rith in the Judaic Parent organization of the world-wide Jewish  Anti Defamation League]

“…As long as there remains among the Gentiles any moral conception of the social order, and until all faith, patriotism, and dignity are uprooted, our [International Judaics] reign over the world shall not come …And the Gentiles, in their stupidity, have proved easier dupes than we expected them to be. One would expect more intelligence and more practical common sense, but they are no better than a herd of sheep. Let them graze in our fields till they become fat enough to be worthy of being immolated to our future King of the World [Satan/antichrist]…
…Martin Luther [the leader of the Great Reformation] yielded to the influence of his Jewish friends unknowingly, and again, by Jewish authority, and with Jewish finance, his plot against the Catholic Church met with success. But unfortunately he discovered the deception, and became a threat to us, so we disposed of him as we have so many others who dare to oppose us [Martin Luther may have been slowly poisoned to death] ..