Gothic Ripples 25 And 26

Gothic Ripples 25 And 26

DURING THE SECOND WORLD WAR hoardings in Britain displayed huge Government posters worded “YOUR FREEDOM IS IN PERIL! DEFEND IT WITH ALL YOUR MIGHT!” The Germans, we were told, wanted to come here to bludgeon, butcher and to enslave us. Well, the Germans did not come here, but not long afterwards the Afro-Asians did instead, without a shot being fired; and the Jews, who were here all the time, are now precisely the ones threatening our freedom by their ongoing campaign to stamp out criticism of themselves.



THE purpose of this pamphlet is to expose the subversive activities of Freemasonry and its ramifications; whence its inspiration derives and where its control lies.

It is not suggested that every Freemason is a revolutionary; but all Freemasons are, either wittingly or unwittingly, helping in the work of destruction of Aryan Christian culture and civilisation. They have taken an oath of secrecy and when a crisis arises and the interests of their native land clash with those of their hidden masters, they must either obey the latter or be destroyed, as were many patriotic French Freemasons at the outbreak of the French Revolution.

It will be argued by Freemasons that their masters are not hidden and that many honoured— even Royal—persons are to be found at the head of Freemasonry. In this connection the attention of the reader is called to a letter of Piccolo-Tigre, dated 18th January, 1822, on recruiting for the Haute Vente Romaine, a revolutionary secret society connected with Freemasonry:

Devilry In The Holy Land

Devilry In The Holy Land

PALESTINE is a country about the size of Wales. Its population before it was singled out to be a National Home for the Jews, in round figures, consisted of:—

Muslim Arabs, 500,000.
Christian Arabs, 63,000.
Jews, 65,000.

The number of Jews is now (1938) over 400,000.


By means of constant propaganda the Jews have induced the Gentile peoples to believe that the Jews have some moral right to occupy Palestine.

No such moral right exists.

The Jews crept into Palestine by stealth; for only about 350 years in the whole history of the country was it under Jewish control; and the Jews lost it by conquest. Since the Romans came to control the country in A.D. 70, the Jews have never ruled Palestine in any form. They actually have no historical claim to the country at all. They have generally been an absolute nuisance to it.

Our Seditious Cartoon Book

Our Seditious Cartoon Book

Originally this booklet of Arnold Leese’s pre-war series of anti-Jewish cartoons was published by Arnold Leese in 1948. This booklet did not include all the images used in the pre-war editions of “The Fascist”.

Arnold Leese’s Trial

Arnold Leese’s Trial

REX versus LEESE

“Not for Us the Silence of Suppression.”

(H.M. the King, speaking at the opening of the New House of Commons, 26th October, 1950.)


This is an almost verbatim report of the trial at the Central Criminal Court (Old Bailey) on 12th December, 1950, known as REX versus LEESE in which a deliberate attempt to silence Arnold Leese’s anti-Jewish efforts was defeated, although it had the full force of His Majesty’s Government behind it. It is an outstanding victory for the patriotic anti-Jewish minority against the Jewish control of Democracy, and its importance can best be measured by the Loudness of the silence with which the Jew-controlled Press of London received the news of it. THE PEOPLE MUST NOT KNOW OF IT! To ensure that at least some people shall know of it, this pamphlet is now produced.

The prosecuting counsel was a half-alien Buddhist, a fitting representative of the Britain of today; the defendant conducted his own defence.


Arnold Leese’s House

Arnold Leese’s House

TODAY, SATURDAY APRIL 16 2016 I travelled to Guildford with my girlfriend to do a bit of shopping and at the last minute grabbed my copy of Arnold Leese’s 1940 book, “Gentile Folly: The Rothschild’s.”

For those of you who have this excellent book that I recommend as a companion to, The Synagogue Of Satan – Updated, Expanded, And Uncensored,” you will note that at the bottom of the Preface page it states, Arnold Leese, White House, Pewley Hill, Guildford – 28 February 1940.

Once I arrived at Guildford train station it was relatively easy to find the road, which was about 15 minutes walk away. After a tiring walk up this steep hill, imagining how Arnold must have had to tackle this on a regular basis till his death in 1956. I struck gold.