Danes Normans and Saxons

Danes Normans and Saxons

In the following pages I have endeavoured to tell in a popular way the story of the Norman Conquest, and to give an idea of the principal personages who figured in England at the period when that memorable event took place; and I have endeavoured, I hope not without some degree of success, to treat the subject in a popular and picturesque style, without any sacrifice of historic truth.

With a view of rendering the important event which I have attempted to illustrate, more intelligible to the reader, I have commenced by showing how the Normans under Rolfganger forced a settlement in the dominions of Charles the Simple, whilst Alfred the Great was struggling with the Danes in England, and have recounted the events which led to a connexion between the courts of Rouen and Westminster, and to the invasion of England by William the Norman.

The Crown Temple

The Crown Temple

The governmental and judicial systems within the United States of America, at both federal and local state levels, is owned by the “Crown,” which is a private foreign power. Before jumping to conclusions about the Queen of England or the Royal Families of Britain owning the U.S.A., this is a different “Crown” and is fully exposed and explained below. We are specifically referencing the established Templar Church, known for centuries by the world as the “Crown.” From this point on, we will also refer to the Crown as the Crown Temple or Crown Templar, all three being synonymous.

Oliver Cromwell

Oliver Cromwell

Everybody who now writes about Cromwell must, apart from old authorities, begin by grateful acknowledgment of his inevitable debt to the heroic labours of Mr. Gardiner, our great historian of the seventeenth century; and hardly less to the toil and discernment of Mr. Firth, whose contributions to the “Dictionary of National Biography” show him, besides much else, to know the actors and the incidents of the civil wars with a minute intimacy commonly reserved for the things of the time in which a man actually lives.

The Secret World Government

The Secret World Government

These painstaking researches have been made in order to rewrite history “with conscience;” as Lamartine urged, as Washington Irving admonished. The results are presented to the thinking public to enlarge its intelligence, not its prejudice. The book should appeal to Jew and Gentile alike, that they may join hands in purging society of its enemies, be they Jewish plotters or Gentile participants; each group more contemptible than the other according to the point of contemplation.

Censored History

Censored History

IN 1966 The Macmillan Company, New York, and Collier-Macmillan Limited, London, published a reveal­ing history in which the author claimed, in essence, that international financial groups, exercising power through the creation and control of financial credit on an inter­national scale, had worked closely with Communists for the purpose of creating a New World Order. The author was no “Right-wing extremist”, but the prestigious American historian, Dr. Carroll Quigley, who formerly taught at Harvard and Princeton, and who has done special research in the archives of France, Italy and England. He subsequently became professor of history at the Foreign Service School of Georgetown University in Washington, D.C.

Britannia After The Romans

Britannia After The Romans

THE state of religion, manners, and opinions in general, among the Britons of the 5th and 6th centuries, are best to be con­jectured from the poetical remains of those men whom they called Bards. I do not propose to add much to what Mr. Sharon Turner, and Mr. E. Davies, followed up by Mr. Probert in his Preface to Aneurin, have written in demonstration of their authenticity, or at least of the more important portion of them.

An Illustrated History of Ireland

An Illustrated History of Ireland

The study of Celtic literature, which is daily becoming of increased importance to the philologist, has proved a matter of no inconsiderable value to the Irish historian. When Moore visited O’Curry, and found him surrounded with such works as the Books of Ballymote and Lecain, the Speckled Book, the Annals of the Four Masters, and other treasures of Gaedhilic lore, he turned to Dr. Petrie, and exclaimed: “These large tomes could not have been written by fools or for any foolish purpose. I never knew anything about them before, and I had no right to have undertaken the History of Ireland.” His publishers, who had less scruples, or more utilitarian views, insisted on the completion of his task. Whatever their motives may have been, we may thank them for the result. Though Moore’s history cannot now be quoted as an authority, it accomplished its work for the time, and promoted an interest in the history of one of the most ancient nations of the human race.

A History of The Marranos

A History of The Marranos

CRYPTO-JUDAISM, days, some weaklings endeavoured to conceal their origin in order to escape ridicule when participating in the athletic exercises. Under the Roman rule, there was wide- in one form or another, is as old as the Jew himself. In Hellenistic spread subterfuge to avoid the payment of the special Jewish tax, the Fiscus Judaicus, which had been instituted after the fall of Jerusalem ; and the historian Suetonius gives a vivid account of the indignities inflicted upon an old man of ninety in order to discover whether or no he was a Jew

Cimmerians and Scythians

Cimmerians and Scythians

The name Kimmerioi is mentioned once, and once only, in the Odyssey of Homer. On this solitary mention of the name it is said that the Cimmerii (Latin form; Cimmerians, English form) were a very ancient people, numerous and well known, and could not be of Israelitish origin.
Homer lived about the ninth century B.C., but the poems were probably not written down till a later date (The World’s Great Books, Vol. III, pp. 1871, 1875). The Kimmerioi of Homer were located by him in a land “covered in mist and cloud, nor does the sun, shining, look down on them with his rays, either when he mounts to the starry heaven, nor when he turns again to earth from heaven, but doleful night is spread over wretched folk” (Odyssey xi. 14 ff) . To get there, Ulysses—who had been sent by the enchantress Circe to consult the dead in Hades—set out from the Isle of Circe, which was itself a long way west of Greece, in the Mediterranean Sea. To reach it they went to “Oceanus.” In the plan of “The World according to Hecatleus,” in the History of Ancient Geography, by E. H. Bunbury, Oceanus was the encircling sea that ran round all known lands and seas and was outside the Mediterranean Sea, beyond the Pillars of Hercules. The obvious inference is that Cimmeria, which was over realms and seas, and on a distant shore from the “Isle of Circe”—to which Ulysses returned by the aid of Zephyrus (a west wind)—was certainly not in the Black Sea.

Ancient Newcastle

Ancient Newcastle

THE COMMANDING AND HIGHLY DEFENSIBLE POSITION town of Newcastle is placed, must necessarily have recommended itself to the notice of the very earliest colonizers of this quarter of the island. The ground on which it stands upon which the rising abruptly to the height of about 100 feet from the bed of the river, is cut into three very remarkable tongues of land by four natural valleys, all permeated by streams which disembogue in the Tyne. The easternmost and largest of these tongues of land, is that formed by the Ouseburn and Pandon Dean; the smallest by that stream and the Lortburn; and the westernmost, whereon stands the Castle, by the Lortburn and Skinnerburn.