Battle of Cuito Cuanavale

Battle of Cuito Cuanavale

In 1988 the Angolan Minister of Defence and other official Angolan and Cuban sources claimed that a South African offensive consisting of up to 9,000 troops with 500 tanks, 600 artillery field guns and scores of aircraft had attacked the town of Cuito Cuanavale in Angola. According to their version the attack had failed thanks to a valiant defence effort by Cuban and Angolan troops, and the South Africans had lost 50 aircraft, 47 tanks and hundreds of men.

Alfred Hitchcock’s Part in WWII

Alfred Hitchcock’s Part in WWII

THE HISTORY BOOKS ON WWII ARE ONE BIG LIE FROM START TO FINISH, the bankers and elected politicians cooked up a world war that was totally unnecessary, there used to be a saying in intelligence circles that “no knowledge once gained was ever wasted” and some of what you will read was given to me almost 60 years ago.

Secret gas and germ experiments were carried out on the British people from at least the 1920’s up until the present day, the 1918 Influenza pandemic which affected 500 million people was possibly an experiment, because scientists are still experimenting on this viral strain now, the head of the British Government poison gas unit was Sir Joseph Barcroft, his official position was head of the Physiological Dept. at Porton Down (left) and his speciality was integrational science and foetal development, his assistant was Lady Moran, the wife of Churchill’s doctor, Lord Moran who had a close relationship with Edith Meadowcroft better known as Lady Morrison of Lambeth, who herself had connections to the Catholic convent in Rochdale run by German nuns, Lord Moran was part of the secret eugenics tests done on orphaned children and twins, and I believe from missing documents children from this convent school were used for some genetic/breeding type programme.

Witness to History

Witness to History

THIS BOOK will not break your heart, it will crush your heart in sorrow and compassion for all mankind. This one book, ABOVE ALL OTHERS I’ve read, puts together information using statements from historical figures in a way that, I believe, will erase doubts from any doubting Thomas that one of the biggest lies—or mass of massive lies—we’ve ever been told involve WWII, German National Socialism; its Chancellor, Adolf Hitler; and in fact WHO made that war happen.

As I was reading this book to the listeners of our Sweet Liberty radio broadcast, we discovered the REAL hot-button. I received a phone call from WWCR questioning my ‘motives’ for presenting this information. THAT was a first, and reinforced my desire to share the information with as many as will listen/read/hear/see through the biggest lie. I continued to read until finally it became nearly impossible for listeners to hear the broadcast on a once-crystal clear frequency; on two occasions we were actually knocked off the air-waves. When the subject matter changed, the reception cleared up.

William The Conqueror

William The Conqueror

WILLIAM I, KING OF ENGLAND, surnamed the Conqueror, was born in 1027 or 1028. He was the son of Robert, Duke of Normandy and Herleva, daughter of Fulbert, a tanner of Falaise. When he was about seven years old his father, intending to go on pilgrimage and having no legitimate sons, proposed him as his heir. The great men of the duchy did homage to the child, and a year later (1035) his father’s death left him to make good his claim. Anarchy was the natural result of a minority. William’s life was on more than one occasion in danger, and several of his guardians perished in his service. At the earliest possible age he received knighthood from the hands of Henry I. of France, and speedily began to show signs of his capacity for government.

Tragical History of The Stuarts

Tragical History of The Stuarts

THE reign of Duncane King of Scotland, who came to the possession of the Scottish Crown upon the disease of his uncle Malcolm in the year 1040 while one Brancho, Thane of Lochaber (from whom the Stewarts the descended) was gathering the King’s revenues, within the bounds of his own jurisdiction, and withal somewhat severely punishing such as he found to be notorious offenders; it caused a mutiny in the country, and a conspiracy was formed against Bancho, bio parcel of riotous and lawless fellows, who first spoiled his goods, and then assaulted his person, giving him many dangerous wounds, so that he had much ado to escape with his life.

House of Guelph

House of Guelph

The DUKE of CLARENCE lately passed in your Majesty’s kingdom of Hanover, and in the different States of Germany, the History and Antiquities of your Majesty’s Royal House occupied a considerable share of his attention. His Royal Highness collected a number of valuable docu­ments, relating chiefly to objects which had in some measure escaped the notice of preceding inquirers; and finding them of great importance, as illustrating many doubtful points in the family records, I besought and obtained permission to lay them at your Majesty’s feet in their present form.

The historical Memoir which accompanies these documents has been compiled from the best authorities ; and gives a correct though short view of the lives of your Majesty’s illustrious Ancestors. I most humbly hope it will be found not altogether unacceptable to your Majesty, nor uninteresting to the great body of your Majesty’s loyal subjects. A history of the House of Brunswick has long been desired by the British public : the appearance, therefore, of. the present volume may induce some of our eminent writers to undertake such a work ; and the records it contains cannot fail to facilitate their labour. With the most profound respect, devotion, and loyalty.

History and Antiquities of Glastonbury

History and Antiquities of Glastonbury

THO the vulgar are generally incapable of judging antiquities, yet there are hardly any of them, but are very attentive, when things of this nature are talked of, especially if the discourse happens to be of the Church of which themselves are parishioners. Hence tis, that there are so many odd stories of the original of some churches, Churches, and of their being translated from one Place to another. Whatever Foundation there might have been at first for such Stories, they have, however, been mightily improved by the constant additions that have been made to them, as cannot otherwise but happen, when History is only conveyed by Tradition. There is not the least probability in some of these Stories, and yet the most incredible of them are oftentimes listened to with greater attention, than to the most rational and solid discourses in Divinity. A Thing so well known to our first Reformers, that they would often
bring Stories into their Sermons, on purpose to draw their Parishioners to Church , who were otherwise more ready to stay away. The Story of Tenterden Steeple is famous.

Secret History of The Court of St. Cloud

Secret History of The Court of St. Cloud

THE LETTERS, I have written to you, were intended for the private entertainments of a liberal friend, and for general Caruso of a severe public. Had I imagine that their contents would have penetrated beyond your closet, called the circle of your intimate acquaintance, several of the narratives would have been extended, others should have been compressed; the anecdotes would have been more numerous, and my own remarks fewer; some portraits would have been left out, others drawn, and all better finished.

Secret History of Whitehall

Secret History of Whitehall

From the abdication of the late King James in 1688 to the year 1696. Writ at the request of a noble Lord, and conveyed to him in letters, by – late secretary – interpreter to the Marquis of Leuvois, who by that means had the perusal of all the private minutes between England and France for many years.

The whole consisting of secret memoirs, which have hitherto lain concealed, as not being discoverable by any other hand.


Together with the tragic history of the Stuarts, from the first rise of that family, in the year 1068 to the death of her late Majesty Queen Anne, and the extinction of that name.

Secret History – Court of Charles II Vol 1

Secret History – Court of Charles II Vol 1

THE following work carries with it too great a degree of internal evidence to require the aid of argument to demonstrate its genuineness, or to remove any doubts of its authenticity. It abounds with informa­tion far beyond the reach or researches of any writer, who had not a considerable share in the events which he relates; and who was not admitted, as it were, behind the scenes, to view the machinery of court intrigues, to examine the springs of each political measure, and to assist in managing the wires, that put every state-puppet in motion.

Here alone the materials of history are to be collated. Without an easy access to the secrets of go­vernment the most attentive observer is liable to be dazzled and deceived by the false glare of outward appearances. An artificial splendour surrounds the actions, as well as the thrones thrones of princes, while their cabinets and their councils are hid in almost impenetrable darkness.