Household Chemical Warfare

Household Chemical Warfare

The following information is intended to help you make an informed decision about the types of household cleaning products you choose to use for yourself and your families.

You are what you eat, digest and absorb. What you absorb includes what is absorbed through inhalation and the skin, which happens to be the largest organ of the body. When the liver is overworked, the skin takes over with the elimination of toxins. Unfortunately, many toxins are not that easy to eliminate.

Since WWII more than 80,000 synthetic chemicals have been invented. Most have been created from petroleum and coal tar for the purposes of chemical warfare. The sad thing is that hardly any of these substances have been tested for safety, but have been added to our food, water and cleaning products without our consent and most often without informing us of any dangers. There is a lot of intentional suppression in this industry that adds approximately 1000 new chemicals each year.

Horrors of Vaccination Exposed and Illustrated

Horrors of Vaccination Exposed and Illustrated

Compulsory Vaccination is an instance of a law which inflicts actual disease and possible death on the human body and propagates and disseminates deadly infections widely upon animals and mankind. This is surely a glaring instance of a law which is not based on Wis­dom or Sanity and is a Menace to the Health and Security of Human­ity and the State.

“This amazing act is the homicidal insanity of a whole profession. This is blood assassination.” Dr. James J. Garth Wilkinson, 1876.

“It is unwise for the physician to force the operation upon those who are unwilling, or to give assurances of absolute harmlessness.” Dr. Osler’s “Modern Medicine,” 1913, Vol. I, page 848.

“Vaccination is not always a harmless procedure; it must be looked upon as the production of an acute infectious disease.” Dr. Milton J. Rosenau, 1914.

“Against the body of a healthy man Parliament has no right of assault whatever, under pretence of the public health.” Professor F. W. Newman, of Oxford.

“Vaccination is a delusion, its penal enforcement a crime.” Professor Alfred Russel Wallace, in “The Wonderful Century,” 1899.

Drugs in Prophecy

Drugs in Prophecy

The newspapers a few days ago (late-1981) said two more medical phials had been found in southern California, so they would now spray the poison, malathion, over a heavily populated area around that site. Other large population areas of California have already been sprayed with the poison malathion. This is the same kind of aerial spraying that was done in Vietnam and other South-eastern Asian countries by the U.S. armed Forces in the 60’s and 70’s

The Holy Bible warns us that the populations of the world would be poisoned with drugs by the end of the age. While we know that this probably refers to such things as Marijuana, opium, and heroin, can also include poisonous chemicals used supposedly to kill insects or to cure diseases, but which poison or drug humans at the same time? I certainly think it can.



I have spent several days lecturing at the World Environmental Conference on Aspartame marketed as “Nuftasweet,” “Equal,” and “Spoonful.” In the keynote address by the EPA, they announced that there was an epidemic of multiple sclerosis and systemic lupus, and they did not understand what toxin was causing this to be rampant across the United States. I explained that II was there to lecture on exactly that subject. When the temperature of Aspartame exceeds 86 degrees F, the wood alcohol in Aspartame converts to formaldehyde and then to formic acid, which in turn causes metabolic acidosis. (Formic acid is the poison found in the sting of fire ants.)

Bird Flu

Bird Flu

All they need to do is create – out of thin air –  the Bird Flu “Pandemic” HOAX!
Almost daily, the newspapers, radio stations and television programs pummel us with news of the coming Avian Flu “pandemic” and the necessity of developing vaccines and instituting mandatory vaccination programs – – – for EVERYBODY!
President George W. Bush has spoken repeatedly of a “Military Takeover In Case Of A Flu Outbreak.” (CNN October 4 & 5, 2005) and possible quarantine of the victims of bird flu!  “I’m concerned about what an avian flu outbreak could mean for the United States and the world,” the President told reporters during a Rose Garden news conference.