Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 74

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 74

THIS IS MY SEVENTY-FOURTH MONTHLY TEACHING LETTER AND CONTINUES MY SEVENTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION. With this lesson we will continue our series on the importance of Yahweh’s Anointed witness, Herodotus.


During the past six or seven years The Learning Channel (TLC), on television has been showing an archaeological special entitled The Frozen Tombs Of Siberia. My video copy actually shows the graves of the Scythian people, or the Lost Tribes of Israel in their migrations. Not only that, but these Scythian burials fit Herodotus’ description of the Scythian customs in his Book IV very well.

To show you how the archaeologists’ spade is vindicating the writings of Herodotus, I will now quote a passage from the book The Celts by Gerhard Herm, pages 105-107. While some of the statements may seem strange, I will make some explanations during and after the quotation:-

“Of yet others Herodotus says that they regularly scalped their victims and made towels or garments from the skins. What is more, members of the nearby tribe were said to be magicians, every year changing themselves for a few days into wolves; and the tribe itself was said to be composed of cannibals.

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 73

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 73

THIS IS MY SEVENTY-THIRD MONTHLY TEACHING LETTER AND STARTS MY SEVENTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION. In the last two lessons, we started a study with the purpose of defending Herodotus’ historical writings. It’s not a subject that can be passed over lightly. It is especially important in the Israel Identity Message, for without his Anointed witness, we as Yahweh’s kindred people would have far less evidence demonstrating the fulfilment of Biblical prophecy.

While it is important to have true prophets of the Almighty, it is likewise just as imperative to have witnesses to the fulfilment of their Yahweh-enlightened future foretelling. There are many Anointed witnesses, but Herodotus and Josephus are among the principal ones which, given time, we will cover. Without these two principal historians, much of our Bible would remain a mystery.

The following article on Herodotus is about as comprehensive and well done as one might find. It comes from an era when men were still reputable in their desires to print the truth to the best of their ability:

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 72

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 72

THIS IS MY SEVENTY-SECOND MONTHLY TEACHING LETTER AND COMPLETES MY SIXTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION. As this teaching letter is a continuation of lesson #71, you may not fully comprehend the subject matter presented herein until you do read it. The object of these lessons is to show Herodotus was an Anointed witness to the fulfilment of Biblical prophecy concerning the whereabouts of the Lost Tribes at his time. Thus, Herodotus’ witness becomes a vital factor to the awakening of the true Israelites of today. Without his witness, we might never have come to a realization of who we are, being Yahweh’s Covenant people.

I then quoted quite a lengthy passage from The World Of Herodotus by Aubrey de Sélincourt, chapters 19 & 20. For other references, check The Post-Captivity Names Of Israel by Wm. Pascoe Goard, chapter 7, pages 76-80;A History Of Greece by J. B. Bury pages 228-229 and, A History of the Greek City States by Raphael Sealey page 173. (Also see the Smithsonian, March 2000, pages 88-93.)

Later in this series on Herodotus, I will show how the archaeologist’s spade is vindicating his writings! Once we have observed Herodotus’ writings and compare them with what they have found on the Scythians in archaeology, it will build our confidence to a high level of regard for them. The whole idea is to present Herodotus’ writings on the Scythians from an Israel Identity perspective rather than secular history

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 71

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 71

THIS IS MY SEVENTY-FIRST MONTHLY TEACHING LETTER AND CONTINUES MY SIXTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION. In the last lesson we discussed the “sin unto death” which is the sin of race-mixing. When a White commits miscegenation, he/she is literally shaking his/her fist in the face of the Almighty. This is also true for anyone who promotes “universalism” in any way, shape or form! We will now continue on a topic which would rank at the same level of seriousness. Most of us have the very bad habit of believing almost everything we hear or read!

All the speaker or writer need to do is somehow make his ideas sound reasonable and wrap them up in an attractive package. Amazingly, some of the most intellectually inclined people seem not to be exempt from this detrimental influence. On trivial matters a mis-judgment may not be so damaging, but on weighty topics an erroneous premise can cause injury beyond all comprehension.

Once such incorrect concepts are set into motion, they can be as damaging as nature’s severest disasters; floods, tornadoes, hurricanes and earthquakes. All this simply by not checking one’s premise. When such faulty conclusions are applied to Biblical matters, one can begin to imagine the detrimental consequences that can be produced. With the next few lessons, we are going to explore some consequences of these terribly unsound premises. This issue will start with the topic of Herodotus.