False Economy

False Economy

Tonight we turn to a subject of the restoration of the Kingdom economy. How it could be accomplished. We are faced with one of the most crucial hours in history. The one thing that you can be sure, we will continue to do is that we will continue to tell you what transpires, as we see it, regardless of the circumstances that are involved and who is effects.

There is no doubt that this is the most crucial hour in the history of this great nation of God’s Kingdom. Among all the nations of the Kingdom of God, America stands out foremost both by designation prophetically from the lips of the prophets and the identification given unto it by Christ in the book of Revelation when He spoke to John. It is the only great nation, today in Christendom whose emblem is the outstretched wings of an Eagle. It is the leadership of such a nation that the nations of Christian civilization were told they must flock. And under the protective wings of the Great Eagle, the great resistance was to be made in this climatic hour of time against the forces of Communism and the great patterns of evil and corruption that would come like a flood out of the dragon’s mouth, and to move against Christian civilisation out of the areas of Asia and down out of the north. And strangely enough, that is in the fulfilment of the prophecies of the 18th chapter of Isaiah, a clear identification of this nation as the great nation of the ‘Outstretched Wings of the Eagle.’ The nation of which something great and new was developed as it related to all the people that had descended out of the strains of the household of Abraham and the Aryan race line, and produced the civilisation whose destiny had declared to accept Messiahship, would be identified with the person of Christ in whose civilisation would be inspired by the vision and spirit that would emerge from the ministry of the Messiah.