Christmas Will Soon be Upon Us
While those in the Identity Movement are fully aware of the Satanic origins of the current festive season. Nevertheless its a time to take advantage of, to renew ties with one’s family, friends and not to forget old acquaintances.
The one thing the enemy hates most is, people grouping together outside of their control or not being entertained by their media outlets. In the past local communities would gather in pubs and churches on Sundays which were clearing houses for news and information.
In days gone bye, in the not too distance past, one would seek and give directions by pubs and churches! Christmas is the main opportunity left now to gather in this holiday is common throughout Christendom which circles the whole of the northern hemisphere. “Zion in the sides of the North!!”
It’s always been a surprise as to how Christians of the recent past didn’t discern the Satanic symbolism woven into the Christmas Story. One would have thought that the fact, Santa is an anagram of Satan, wears red, and comes down the chimney, where the fire is. It takes place on a day leaving 6 days left in the year. 666 being the number of the beast. Christmas is on 12/25 (USA date forma) 1225 = 35 x 35 = 1225 Satan = 35 Baphomet = 35.
Now it can be seen even the smallest element of Christianity is now being removed from Christmas. Rarely on display now are the nativity scenes in high street department stores and elsewhere, but more and more on show is the heathen Edomite Hanukah while the streets are festooned with lit up Edomite 5 pointed stars!
Identity Christians take solace in the fact that this heathen festival takes place in the darkest part of the year, at least in the northern area of the planet reminding us of the saying the darkest part of night is before the dawn of a new day!
Also to be looked forward to is the restoration of the Hebrew Calendar where New Year’s Day starts at the Spring Equinox when everything is springing into life
Whilst everyone is focused on preparations for Christmas, the enemy will no doubt be plotting his next move. It’s therefore necessary to use this short period of respite to strengthen our defences and ties with one another in order to stand and occupy in preparation for that great day of Yahweh., Which will soon will be upon us!
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December 2023 issue of The New Ensign Magazine. 40pp PDF