The Occult Origins of The Bank of England

The Occult Origins of The Bank of England

THE OCCULT ORIGINS OF THE BANK OF ENGLAND BY THE MAGICIAN. Much of the history of the last several hundred years can be interpreted as the competition for power between the British Monarchy, or “Perfidious Albion,” and its allies, on one hand; and the Vatican and its allies, on the other. Of course, like any overriding theory, this one should not be pushed to an extreme, and it doesn’t explain everything. But it explains a great deal.

Much of the history of the last several hundred years can be interpreted as the competition for power between the British Monarchy, or “Perfidious Albion,” and its allies, on one hand; and the Vatican and its allies, on the other.

Of course, like any overriding theory, this one should not be pushed to an extreme, and it doesn’t explain everything. But it explains a great deal.

A key role in the course events initially took was played by John Dee, the Napoleonic Christian Cabalist and Scientific Advisor to Queen Elisabeth. He introduced the idea that the inhabitants of Britain were descendants of the lost tribes of Israel. It was all part of the British propaganda barrage directed against the Vatican and the European Counter Reformation in the Sixteenth Century.

The Laws Against Non-Jews

The Laws Against Non-Jews

I HAVE NO IDEA WHERE THIS CAME FROM, EXCEPT THE PERSON WHO SENT IT TO ME SAID THAT HE WAS A RABBI IN ISRAEL, and that if I gave out his email address that the powers that be in Israel would assassinate him. Whether this is true or not I have no idea, but I will honour his request and have already destroyed his email address.

He said that he had been reading my posts for sometime because all posts that are not favourable to the Jews is sent to Israel for compilation and are filed under the email address and name whom the post is sent under. Thus if anyone of those people were to go to Israel at some future time would be immediately jailed and probably killed in some (sic) “accident.”

But at any rate he said that he was putting his life in my hands by sending me this. But that it would appear from my posts that I was a sincere dedicated man and would honour his request. That I have done.

So those of you who take the time to read this post keep all this in mind. It is not my writing, and I have no idea whose it is, I suppose it is from the rabbi or supposed to be rabbi that sent it to me. At any rate you be the judge for it appears to be pretty truthful to me, and does reveal a few things about Judaism that I did not know.

One thing to keep in mind also, that whenever he speaks of a “Gentile” he is talking about a Christian.

The Three Tribes of Judah

The Three Tribes of Judah

THEREFORE, IT IS CLEAR THAT IT WAS THE BAAL WORSHIPING KENITE SCRIBES WHO TAMPERED WITH THE WORD OF YAHWEH. For He would not have commanded His Israel People, to practice the same rites of animal sacrifice that were so important to the Canaanitish worshipers of Baal? Yahweh commanded Israel not to follow the ways of Canaan.

Thus we can see that the Kenites are descendants of, and named after, Cain. Therefore, we find the scribe/Pharisee/ Sadducee/Shelanite/Judahites (Jews) at the time of the Messiah, were actually of the cursed bloodline of Cain. What a sticky-wicket this has turned out to be. Few there are who are aware of this not-so-well-known fact

Is it possible that Messiah was correct when He accused the Shelanite / Judahite Pharisees and Sadducees of being guilty of all the righteous blood from Abel to Zacharias; Matthew 23:35 and Luke 11:51? If this, we have an entirely different kind of situation going on in our world today than the majority of people are aware.

Thus, it is safe to conclude that the Shelanite-Judahites are not the Zerah-Judahites and the Zerah-Judahites are not the Pharez-Judahites. Nor are the Pharez or Zerah Judahites to be identified with the Shelanite-Judahites. From this, it should be quite clear the spuriousness of lumping all of Judah into one basket.

Yet this is exactly what the majority of the mainstream Judeo-Christian clergy do. In addition to combining the three tribes of Judah together under one category, they also dump the House of Judah and the House of Israel into one basket. Thus, they make the entire thing one giant conglomeration of confusion. With such incompetence. It would be a miracle if we got anything in its proper historical order.

The Entangling Alliance of Jews and Christians

The Entangling Alliance of Jews and Christians

ONE OF THE STRANGEST AND MOST INEXPLICABLE MOVEMENTS IN TWO THOUSAND YEARS OF CHRISTIAN HISTORY HAS BEEN DEVELOPING RAPIDLY AND ALMOST IMPERCEPTIBLY IN OUR MIDST AT THIS TIME. Scan the Judeo-Christian notes and news items of lectures in any large daily newspaper for abundant evidence of the reality and growth of an amazing confederacy of Jews and Christians. Jewish rabbis are frequent speakers in Judeo-Christian pulpits. The National Conference of Christians and Jews has become a going concern which influences the policy for the major portion of American Protestantism.

Unthinking Judeo-Christian laymen accept this situation without even feeling the need of a shock absorber. To them it seems a friendly gesture based upon brotherly love and mutual goodwill. Yet the scriptures tell us:
“Thou Shalt Make No Covenant with Them, nor with their gods. THey Shall Not Dwell in Thy Land, Lest They Make Thee Sin against Me: for if thou serve their gods, it will surely be a snare unto thee.” (Exodus 23:32-33)

Judeo-Christian ministers and laymen sit at the feet of rabbis today rejoicing that they are not as the narrow-minded publicans and sinners. They feel virtuous and proud because of what they term their liberality and tolerance. If an earnest Christian, who cares more for discovering Divine truth than for the tradition of men, ventures to point out the incongruities of such fellowship he is pounced upon with charges of religious bigotry and racial prejudice.

The Martyrdom of Julius Streicher

The Martyrdom of Julius Streicher

STREICHER DIED ON THE GALLOWS AT NUREMBERG SOLELY FOR PUBLISHING A PAPER CRITICAL OF THE JEWS. Streicher was not part of the German government during the war. Streicher had no role in the German war effort or in the concentration camps. Julius Streicher ‑‑ martyred Crusader For Truth: Julius Streicher is the most famous writer and authority on the Jewish problem in all of history.

He has been greatly maligned by the forces of organized Jewry. Of the eleven German martyrs who went to their deaths on the gallows at Nuremberg on October 16, 1946, Streicher alone died solely for his speeches and writings. Streicher had absolutely nothing to do with the German planning or conduct of World War II .In fact, during the war, he was not even in the government. He was lynched at Nuremberg for absolutely no other reason than because he was highly effective in exposing the many hidden facts about Jews.

His world famous weekly newspaper, Der Sturmer, frankly discussed the Jewish Problem, including their founding of Communism, conspiring against Christianity, and using their great financial resources to subvert governments and the formation of monopolies to wipe out Christian owned small businesses. Streicher especially exposed the Jewish proclivity for unfairly gaining financial advantages over Gentiles. A Lifelong Battle For Truth: Julius Streicher was born on February 12, 1885 near the Bavarian town of Augsburg. He was the ninth child of the village schoolmaster. He worshiped his mother, who he later called, “the fortress of my childhood.”

God Calls You

God Calls You

NO MAN CAN COME TO ME, EXCEPT THE FATHER WHICH HATH SENT ME DRAW HIM: and I will raise him up at the last day.(John 6:44)

“YE HAVE NOT CHOSEN ME, BUT I HAVE CHOSEN YOU, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you.” (John 15:16)

“If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I HAVE CHOSEN YOU OUT OF THE WORLD, therefore the world hateth you.” (John 15:19)


The Four Baptisms

The Four Baptisms

MANY PEOPLE THINK THERE IS ONLY ONE BAPTISM, THE BAPTISM OF WATER, while some believe there is also a baptism of the Holy Spirit. Some people believe that there is a baptism of the Holy Spirit before a water baptism and visa versa. Scripture tells us that there is more than one type of baptism in the book of Hebrews where it states:

“Of the teaching of baptisms…” (Hebrews 6:2)

Since the word “baptism” is used in the plural, it should be obvious that there is more than one baptism. The purpose of this study will be to discuss the four types of baptism: Water, Fire, Spirit and Death, and to describe each of them.

It is difficult to describe the normal person’s acceptance of Christ but we will assume that a person hears of God’s Word and Christ through the testimony of others, and hears a preacher or two and decides to become a believer in Christ. Once a person believes, Scripture requires a confession of faith:

“And it shall be, that, whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Acts 2:21)

“Because if thou shalt confess with thy mouth Jesus as Lord, and shalt believe in thy heart that God raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved: For with the heart {mind} man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.” (Romans 10:9-10)

“He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved.” (Mark 16:16)

The Culture War Against The White Male

The Culture War Against The White Male

AND I WILL GIVE CHILDREN TO BE THEIR PRINCES, AND BABES SHALL RULE OVER THEM (there is little doubt that anyone would not say that the bunch of misfits that were in the White House were, in deed, unruly children). And the People Shall Be Oppressed, every one by another, and every one by his neighbour: the Child Shall Behave Himself Proudly against the Ancient, and the Base against the Honourable. (Isaiah 3:4-5) (KJV)

“As for My People, Children Are Their Oppressors, and Women Rule over Them. O My People, THEY WHICH LEAD THEE CAUSE THEE TO ERR, and DESTROY THE WAY OF THY PATHS (Can there be any doubt that this is what is happening to America, with the Jews, the feminists, the queers, perverts, degenerates and etc., in places of power).” (Isaiah 3:12) (KJV)

This century alone has witnessed a growing contempt for the White Male and the traditional patriarchal culture of western civilization. Nearly every social movement of our time seems to have identified the white Male as the culprit of their movement. No other racial gender of our time has suffered such widespread cultural contempt and condemnation for the historic role they have played in western civilization. Every feminist, every homosexual (Queer), and every Jewish propagandist have sought to identify the White Male as the villain of western history.

The Chosen Servants

The Chosen Servants

EVEN THOUGH IT WAS NOT REPORTED HERE, other scripture references give ample evidence that the event most assuredly took place. This is a prime principle which we must acknowledge and accept, that the whole of Scripture testifies to all parts of Scripture. This principle is clearly evident in the case of Satan’s advent; it is evident and necessary in other cases which we shall soon see.

There is an all-out war of words being waged in the circles of the Israel Truth, otherwise known as the Israel Identity. Parties on both sides of the issue have drawn a line in the sand, and ideological clenched fists are being shaken from indignant participants.

Each participant, in his own way, is trying his best (or maybe his worst), in the most brutal manner, to draw ideological blood. They are aiming their rhetorical cutting words for no less than the proverbial jugular vein of their opponents in order to kill what they believe are damming heretical influences.

Both sides go to long and contentious lengths in an attempt to prove their undying convictions on this subject. To these opposing adherents, there is no common middle ground for compromise, nor can there ever be any. This is a matter where one is either totally correct or totally wrong; no grey middle areas.

Many simply do not have a complete knowledge of this subject, but will find themselves eventually, on one side of the fence or the other. If one tries to straddle the fence on this subject, he will only find himself with his pants torn, and espoused in the most unseemly location.

The Bottomless Pit Abyss

The Bottomless Pit Abyss

THE BOTTOMLESS PIT OR THE CHAOTIC DEEP – [AH BISS]‑. Originally, this term represented a deep mass of waters, and was associated with the water which God created with the earth. Darkness is said to have been on the face of the deep or abyss (Genesis 1:2).

The term is used in several other ways in the Bible. It describes the prison of disobedient spirits, or the world of the dead (Luke 8:31; Romans 10:7). Terms like “the pit” and “bottomless pit” represent the abode of all the wicked dead. (from Nelson’s Illustrated Bible Dictionary, Copyright (c)1986, Thomas Nelson Publishers)

The Abyss

(a‑bis’), (he abussos): In classical Greek the word is always an adjective, and is used (1) literally, “very deep,” “bottomless”; (2) figuratively, “unfathomable,” “boundless.” “Abyss” does not occur in the King James Version but the Revised Version (British and American) so transliterates abussos in each case.

The King James Version renders the Greek by “the deep” in two passages (Luke 8:31; Romans 10:7). In Rev the King James Version renders by “the bottomless pit” (Rev 9:1‑2,11; 11:7; 17:8; 20:1,3).

In the Septuagint abussos is the rendering of the Hebrew word tehom. According to primitive Semitic cosmogony the earth was supposed to rest on a vast body of water which was the source of all springs of water and rivers (Genesis 1:2; Deuteronomy 8:7; Ps 24:2; 136:6). This subterranean ocean is sometimes described as “the water under the earth” (Ex 20:4; Deuteronomy 5:8).