Someone, quoted in that Register-Guard article (Jeff Wright, “Pacifica Lectures Decried as Anti-Semitic,” The Register-Guard, October 11, 2006, pp. A1, A9), described my previous lecture (about Red Terror) as “chilling” and I hope that it really was so. I wanted, I intended it to be not only chilling but horrifying — all those photos of corpses, victims of Red Terror, prisoners, executions, torture, dying children, and so on…
Isn’t that odd that when we continually hear so much about “holocaust,” about Auschwitz, when Jewish community’s organizations are using their political influence to have laws passed in a number of states requiring school kids to take mandatory courses about the “holocaust,” what happened in Kolyma or Vorkuta or Solovki is never even mentioned in American school? The excuse given for requiring students to study the “holocaust” is that it was “the greatest crime in history,” and we should know about it so that we won’t repeat it. But then why shouldn’t we learn also about the Great Terror in Russia, atrocities where millions of people were the victims, and so the lesson should be even more pertinent for everyone today?