Zionism and Russia Part 5

Zionism and Russia Part 5

I know that some of you say that it would be better rather to focus more on current events and I do actually agree that it is indeed very important to know what is going on today, in the Middle East or here in America, and share our feelings about it. To be well informed about AIPAC and other such things is important but myself I always emphasize that it is even more important to know and understand why things today are the way they are. All of today’s horrible events in Palestine, Iraq, Lebanon (or, for that matter, in Washington, D.C.) are just like branches and leaves of the same tree and that tree has its deep roots. Those roots are most important! If there were no roots, then there wouldn’t be any tree.

A solid understanding of history has long been the best guide to comprehending the present and anticipating the future. For example, many people ask: How did the Bolsheviks, a small movement guided by the teachings of German-Jewish social philosopher Karl Marx, succeed in taking control of Russia and imposing a cruel and despotic regime on its people? Well, very few people are aware of the extent to which Jewish Zionists were responsible for the Bolshevik revolution in Russia. That’s history.