Zionism and Russia Part 4

Zionism and Russia Part 4

Today’s presentation I would like to make (time permitting) of three parts.
First, I’ll tell a little bit (and just a little bit) about the history of the Protocols. Both versions: kosher and non-kosher, which means I’ll touch upon how it is presented by the Zionist Jews themselves, by those who claim that the Protocols are fake (forgery, plagiarism, and so on), and also version presented by those who do believe that they are authentic. No, I’m not going to go deep into details and I’m not going to quote from the Protocols, because, of course, we don’t have time for that, and there are some very good resources available on the Internet for those who want to learn more. I put together a list of such resources, and all Internet addresses are on that little piece of paper that I gave you. There are also some books included, and all of them are available here at our University of Oregon library. After this short discourse through the history of the Protocols, I will move onto my own and other people’s opinion regarding their importance. And, as a background there will be a slide-show. And, I hope, we will finish this session by listening to very important audio recoding of short lecture by the late Dr. William L. Pierce, who explained everything in much more clear and powerful way then I ever could or would