Wednesday Night Bible Study – 9th December

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 9th December

QUESTION: There is an anti-Christ in the last days, Daniel 8-3:25. Who will take over and rule with evil powers? Will you explain this?

ANSWER: Well, there is one thing about the book of Daniel, and the multiple and overlapping of the seventh and eighth chapters. It is talking about the Little Horn of Daniel. Significantly for symbolic symbols, this is of Asiatic Kings and powers. One of the old emblems for Asiatic Steppe conquerors like Genghis Khan and others was that their emblem on their head dress had a horn. And this horn would come right out of this forehead.

This headdress was used way back 2000 years ago and even earlier. And of course Daniel always refers to the symbol of these horns. Sometimes they are rams horns. Sometimes they are twisted horns of other animals which gave rise to the Unicorn and so forth. So these are given for symbols of leadership; military powers out of the Asiatic hoards who wage war against your race and against the kingdom. So some of these are dealing with prophecies of Anti-Christ, and others already fulfilled by Empires which arose under the symbols of Greece and Medo-Persia. But under this instance this particular passage refers to the situation in the latter part of their kingdoms when the transgressor comes to its full.