Wednesday Night Bible Study 9 February 1966

Wednesday Night Bible Study 9 February 1966

WE HAVE QUESTIONS COMING IN FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD AND LAST WEEK WE RECEIVED A QUESTION ABOUT THE PRIESTHOOD, and they wanted to know the relationship of the King and the Priest in the Holy Nation, thus we decided to use this question in our bible study for tonight. This is basically founded on the fact that we being the offspring of the MOST HIGH GOD, and occupying a physical body which is our earthly Temple as an individual, is connected symbolically to this Temple which Moses was instructed to have the children of Israel build with its Inner Holy of Holies, and with a central Court, and an outer Court, for THIS WAS THE IMAGE OF MAN. The outer Court being the physical body, and the activities of service done in the outer Court is the work done in the world, physically, for the Kingdom.

The Inner Court has the area of revelation and here was the Molten Sea. As the Priest’s looked into the clear water they watched as they said: “Hallelujah”, and as their voices rippled the water they were to discern or see in the water the image of the thing revealed by the spirit, in the Holy of Holies.

The Holy of Holies was where the Ark of the Covenant rested, and in the Ark of the Covenant resided the Law, and the Abiding presence of the MOST HIGH YAHWEH, in His Shekinah Glory was standing over the Ark, and in fact it was radiantly covering this Ark with Glory.