QUESTION: What were the words Jesus said on the Cross if they weren’t, ‘Why hast thou forsaken me?’
ANSWER: You mean: li, E‑li, La‑ma, Sa‑bach, Tha‑ni? It wasn’t actually, why has thou forsaken me, although this was the way it was translated into Greek and into Latin, etc. This is the human spirit which cries out as the soul is about to leave the body. The soul consciousness cries out, Oh, Great Spirit (God) wouldest that this need not happen. If the Greek translation would have stayed with the Aramaic in which it was originally written the cry would have been: that the flesh now felt the spirit leaving it, and knew that it was abandoned unto to death, and this was the flesh that now speaks. But, then it adds, An Dias, in Latin, or So be the will of Deity. So the flesh recognizes the sovereignty of the spirits right to go, and knew that the fullness of God dwelt bodily in HIM. So these words were, well, to put your hands on these words in the original text except you put your hands on the Old Alexandrian Codex, whereas they took it from the old original Aramaic text, .this is impossible for most today. But the Aramaic from the Book of John and other Gospels were to mention this in the 7 cries of the Cross, and from study you realize that the flesh now cried out in agony as the spirit was leaving it. It cried out because it was suffering, but it also was willing to receive this because of the Will of the Spirit. See? But the cry is a great anguish cry as far as theology is concerned. But anytime you get any display, upon the body of God of unwillingness, this is error. Because he fully was willing to do anything which was to be done. The only thing He did in anguish was to create a background for the intensity of what was involved. So again when He said; ‘It is finished’, it was with full cognition that the Spirit was leaving the body, and it would die, within a few moments. See? But He knew, and He released the Spirit. If He had wanted to He could have kept the spirit in the body and stayed there on the Cross for days. In fact He could have come down from the Cross if He had wanted to. But this would gainsay His own purpose, because this was the body of God which was carrying the physical suffering.