Wednesday Night Bible Study – 6th October 1965

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 6th October 1965

QUESTION: I wonder if you would elaborate on the Biblical History of this which we were discussing before you came in, relative to the rain fall patterns, the severe droughts in some places where as we are getting this unusual rainfall pattern in this valley?

ANSWER: We spoke some months ago maybe a year ago, upon the weather pattern. Of course there has been promised lots of things such as droughts which are judgments. We can prove this, “The LORD can balance the rainfall of the heavens.” The scriptures declares that this is one of His prerogatives. He balances the rainfall, He has many times warned Israel that under certain areas of disobedience He will turn the rainfall of the heavens from above, and when the earth dries up it will become parched. There is no doubt of this, the areas in which this is most important is when they get careless in their recognition that HE alone is God. When they become careless in associating themselves with strangers. When they move into unbridled immorality. Through the course of their actions they violate His laws in the areas of usury, and He says: He would turn the sun and their sky to brass. Also you will note that in the book of Revelation, one end time measure was that on parts of the earth the sun would be so hot they would curse God, but they could not find death. In other words the actual interpretation is, that one of the chastisement is that it would not kill men, but so inconvenience men that they would be suffering as the heat of the sun would so scorch the earth and there would be a lack of water and so forth.